Furama City Centre


New Member
Hi Linda

How are you? I'm done with my photoshoot too. Did it one day before Vessak day which was lucky coz it was raining cats and dogs the following few days. Have already chosen the photios but it has been almost a month and we have not heard from the bridal shop yet. Does your package comes with umlimited photos? We chose about 7-8 additional pieces which were so expensive!!!

Hi Twinkling

My coordinator is Small Sally (there are two Sallys there). She's quite nice. Make a trip down to look at their photos and gown to decide if its the style you want.


New Member
Twinkling... u've gt mail


New Member
Hi Dice,

Where got unlimited photos package? Mine only have 28. I m going to choose photos this Fri.Got photos to share? email me k...
How much you need to pay in the end?


New Member
twinkling : no problem... ;)

wah u guys so gd... i so envy... so fast already choose photos liao... i have nt even choose my wedding gown... ;(
m i too slow or wat?? mm...


New Member
hi pple, now searching for venues to hpld wedding dinner...
Recently met up with charlotte, find she is a friendly n cheerful girl...
like the ballroom n the recept area quite big, but the car park a bit small leh.... big cars will have diffculty to drive in n park...
Anyone recently sign up with fcc ? wat the cost n the free things?


New Member

ur BS also whitelink? think i saw ur nick over at whitelink thread.

I also start to MTM my gowns in feb, as my wedding is in NOV. u can count back.


New Member
HI All FCC Brides,

Me and fiance also talk to Charlotte, very nice lady and realy appreciate the great paitence and efforts. I also trying to find out the comments as we think mostly we be going ahead with them but at the same time, we shortlist Orchard Parade Hotel. So how anyone attended the wedding @ FCC? Any more comments be4 I really decide...=)

Thanks for the help

Mrs Png to-be @ May 5, 2007


New Member
Hi Linda&Lawrence,

sorry nw den reply u... haha... juz back frm holidays... anyway true lah... its ard dat timing to choose gown... haha... mayb i too gan chiong liao... hehe... excited... ;P


New Member
Wow, nice date. heee..

Can share your experience with FCC? How's the food & svs? How many tables do u hv har?


New Member
e food.. as for us we only took e 1st n 2nd dish.. quite nice... so far i got no complain from any of my friz or relatives.. only compliments..

as for e service not bad... someone wil always be at ur side.. juz in case u got anything tat u need tem to help.. n they r quite exp enough to guide us along.. n my coordinator was so kind tat she was around when my dinner start.. to check out whether anything goes wrong anot..

hahah... u wil faint if i tel u how many tables i had...

more den 40...!!!


New Member
dat's good!

wow..can FCC accomodate so many tables? i heard it will be abit cramp wif just ard 41 tables. Cos i will hv ard 40 tables too


New Member
ya.. is abit cramp lor.. but bobian wan rite.. but we got try to reduce it to 43.. at first it was 45.. kekeke...!!!


New Member
HiHI jerlyn,

Thanks again for the photo, I only confirm 30 tables first, my co-ordinator is Charlotte... Hmmm is there any problems like late handover in terms of room setup?

Actually a very personal question to ask you, did you actually earn or at least break even from this dinner? We are kinda of thinking of our frens and relatives see the address is at Chinatown, their hong bao will ... =P

If u are comfortable to share ya, hows the honeymoon suite? Did you pay the full by credit cards or the cash? I heard pay by credit cards can earn points kekeke....... =)

Thanks again for the beautiful photos...


New Member
hihi.. jasmine,

eh.. i dun tink so ba.. coz for me.. my date is so popular.. n i dun have e prob of late handover leh... mayb u can check wiz ur coordinator tat on ur actual day.. is ther another events going on anot lor..

i got break even for my dinner... is true tat some people when they c chinatown their hong bao tat they give wil be abit lesser lor.. but tat got to depend on who u invite.. must be very careful in tis lor.. those u tink tat they might be stingy.. beta dun invite... haha.. (juz kidding)... yup... we paid by credit card.. as it can earn alot of points from ther.. canot miss tis kinda chances.. only once in a lifetime tat u would spend so much on card.. haha..

I LOVE THE HONEYMOON SUITE...!!! n i even extended 1 more nite.. asking my hubby to pay.. coz i love it so much.. kekeke... e bathtub hor.. wiz jacuzzi wan leh.. so shiok sia..


New Member
Hi jerlyn,

Thanks for sharing your experience wif FCC wif us! so wat do u think is the max no. of tables FCC can hold so dat it wont look so cramp?


New Member
halo hamsy...

actually it wouldn look cramp... juz tat... is abit diff to walk here n ther when taking photo lor.. other den tat.. it wil be fine to have 40plus table.. :D


New Member
Hi jerlyn, thanks for the sharing, it helps so much =)

Ya, I saw the HONEYMOON SUITE, big right? Very very comfortable and shoik yeye also, i am so looking forward to next year =P my AD is 5 May 2007!!!!!!!! Ya, doing up guestlist now... but great to hear your testimony =)

hamsy, think max 40 tables will be ideal..

Happy planning to all FCC btb =) see ya, let continue to chat chat kekeke


New Member
hi jasmine ang...

oh.. tats my ROM date... 0505... kekeke... (^_^)

u r welcome ya... good things must share around wan mah...


New Member
^^ really? I love this date... so looking forward still got got 10 months, 13 days to my big day =)

Btw, which BS you took up? Can share... cos I am considering JB instead, cos cheaper...


New Member
yup yup... i know how u feel now.. gettin more n more excited rite.. ^_^

me ar.. beta not to know.. coz i duno how to give u comments if u ask me.. say good about it hor.. like lying to u... say bad hor.. wait e person kill me.. as he know us quite well..


New Member

<table border=1><tr><td>Brides</TD><TD>AD Date </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ch</TD><TD>May-06 </TD></TR><TR><TD>ss</TD><TD>May-06 </TD></TR><TR><TD>jerlyn</TD><TD>Jun-06 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Tiff</TD><TD>Sep-06 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Linda&amp;Lawrence</TD><TD>Nov-06 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Zhu Nai</TD><TD>Dec-06 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Hamsy</TD><TD>Dec-06 </TD></TR><TR><TD>bibibear</TD><TD>Dec-06 </TD></TR><TR><TD>jasmine</TD><TD>May-07 </TD></TR><TR><TD>moon</TD><TD>Jun-07 </TD></TR><TR><TD>twinkling</TD><TD>Jun-07 </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>

Stay pretty &amp; happy gals~


New Member
Hotel will try to pass u the ballroom at ard 6 pm or earlier (if the previous function is done by then).

I think he Grand Ballroom can accomodate up to 50-60 tables so you no need to worry.


New Member
HI Dappy &amp; Hamsy,

tks as i'am afraid to cramp. By the way, those food that we have tried during our food tasting, the portion is it the same as the AD?


New Member
Hi ladies,

I went to the hotel's officially printer to select my invitation cards. Limited range. The designs are better last yr than the ones i saw today.

The service attitude of the officially printer not very good too. Like rushing us. Anyway, yet to decide whether to print the inserts with them or not.


New Member
Hi Jerlyn,

Can i take alook at the photos also?

I will be meeting Charlotte tomorrow. The photo she sent to be of the grandballroom looks nice but i wonder how it look like on the actual day.

Any comments on the serivce and food?
I was also worry about the venue as it is in chinatown, old buildings surrounded the hotel


New Member
hi belle...

of coz u can.. but can u give me ur email so tat i can send to u..

e food.. as for us we only took e 1st n 2nd dish.. quite nice... so far i got no complain from any of my friz or relatives.. only compliments..

as for e service not bad... someone wil always be at ur side.. juz in case u got anything tat u need tem to help.. n they r quite exp enough to guide us along..

dun worry too much.. it wil be ok de.. so far no1 complain about e parkin oso.. tink they wil know wher to park their cars.. juz focus on ur wedding.. coz u wil be very excited... dun worry about all tis thingy to spoilt ur day ya..


New Member

although is surrounded by old buildings... but it is quite convenient.. for those who is driving.. all express way can reach ther.. for those who take mrt.. is only 5 - 8 mins walk.. (my 2 cents tot)

well... i had send e photos to u le.. check it out..


New Member
thanks Jerlyn, I think the deco is quite nice lei.
Mmm.. since convience then i think i dont have to worry for those without car.
Anyway i will be gg down see the actual location and ballroom.
Thanks alot for yr photos... it really help me ...


New Member
Hi Eileen,

You can approach Charlotte for the package. She will be more to happy to serve you. Can ask her to email the package to you. She is a very nice girl.

Here is her contact.

Charlotte Chew
> Furama City Centre Singapore
> Catering Sales Manager
> 60 Eu Tong Sen Street
> Singapore 059804
> (65) 6533 3888 (Main Line)
> (65) 6533 2364 (Fax)
> (65) 9488 7015 (Mobile)
> (65) 6531 5358 (Direct Line)
> [email protected] (E-mail)
> citycentre.furama.com (Website)
