Hi girls,
i have this 38 pages cooking recipes that has Fish head Curry,Hainanese Chicken Rice,Nasi Lemak,Sweet Spicy Chicken,Tom Yam,Tahu Goreng, Rojak,Laksa Yong Tao Foo,Chili Crab, Sambal Kangkong, Hokkien Mee, Clay Pot Rice, Hor Fun, Fish steamed with yellow bean paste, Indian Mee Goreng, Tahu Telur, Opor Sotong,Chai Tow Kway
Soto Ayam / Chicken Soup, Asam prawns / Spicy and Sour prawns, Black Pepper Crabs/Prawns, Oyster Omlette,Mee Rebus, Lily chestnut chicken,Fried Rice, Sour Lime Prawns, Spiced Fried Coconut Rice, Ngoh Hiang - Hokkien fried meat roll,Beef Rendang, Kiam Chye Aar,Jiu He Eng Chai -Squid with Kangkong, Chut Bee Png / You fan, Pisang Goreng, Tee Kar Chor / legs in Vinegar, Hokkien Hae Mee / Prawn Noodles, Chicken Curry
Anyone interested
i can email to u..
or can i email to Chin Leng..n u can post it somewhere for download ???