Hey cyc and bitchy wife!
Thanks cyc, tdy is the last paper, when im done im free! Ya it's so near! And it's coz of a botched cs job tt i hv to rush for one now... Anyway on hindsight it may be good coz i want another design. Hehe... Ya it's very exciting! Juz nice this holiday to get everything done! You still hv a long time! 18 Oct happens to be my hubby's birthday.
And you are fast! How much is yr cs? I think Zion will be gd coz I read abt gd reviews there... but it's out of my budget leh
Nveless show us pix ya when done?
I'll be visiting Judy Khoo on Monday. Yet to make appt, but will do soon. Then i'll let you all know how she is too.
Bitchy wife, how much is yr IPL? Dun worry, for being the prettiest on yr wedding day, it's worth it! When's yr AD btw?