Catholic Brides


New Member
Thanks roses... exactly what my parents sad lor

anyone with good, CHEAP caterer contacts :p this one i dun have kang tow!


Active Member
Hi Amoeba,
A close fren of mine didn't have reception. We all went to church, had service, took photos, left church. Her service was at 10am kinda timing.

She also gave out chocolates as a door gift thingy. It didn't seem weird to us. I guess most pple think it's kinda weird prob coz they are expecting something. Human nature...if the expectations are not there, it would seem fine.

How many guests are you expecting? Coz for my friend's case, it was a small group of abt...30 pple? So, maybe that's why it's easier to do without the reception also.


New Member

Saw from the list that your wedding is at SPP. Well, you could hold a reception at the Singapore Art Museum, which is a short walk away. Passed by the other day and there's this little bistro there called Venezia. It's just about the right size for a reception for 60+ people. Venue is air-conditioned and nice in itself, so you don't have to worry about deocrating. I'm sure you can work something affordable out with them cos their business seems kinda slow with the MRT renovations.


New Member
Hi Amoeba

I didn't have a reception for my wedding. It was at Holy Trinity and the parish priest then did not allow reception in the church canteen :-( So I only had bottled drinks for my guests after the mass.

I had a lunch buffet at my mum's place for my relatives (who came for tea ceremony too) and all my helpers after that. All my guests were invited to dinner and it helped that only close friends and relatives came for the ceremony so it didn't feel so awkward. But I did feel a bit strange not having a lunch reception after mass.

It's a good idea that your fh won't see you in your gown till on the day of the wedding! What a lovely surprise! Don't worry about outdoor pics not turning out well if taken after 12. Mine were taken at CHIJMES in the heat of the afternoon sun and all the pics turned out well - so, no worries there, ya?


New Member
Hi dreamdoll & cookie

Yeah, I fell in love with the dress the moment I saw it! I can just imagine my daughter in it too! I just hope that I can find a seamstress to do justice to the design!

Hi Lissa, thanks for offering to share the pics - looking forward to it :)


New Member
Hi Amoeba, I've been to weddings where there were reception and no reception and I didn't find anything weird about either. It really depends on the bride & groom and whether cost factors are involved. I think the idea for having reception after church was to give the couple some time to mingle with their guests who were not attending the evening banquet or formal meal. It is a nice idea to have and a simple finger buffet will suffice if you are worried about costs. I wasn't going to have one too after my 'wedding blessing in S'pore' and didn't plan for any, but my aunties decided that I should have one
, so they banded together and organised something as a gift. But I think most people who do turn up at your wedding are there because they want to see you married, anything else is just a bonus.

Annelise, western tradition considers it bad luck for the groom to see the bride's dress before the wedding day. My husband refused to see my dress even though I was willing to let him have a peek.
He saw the cloth because I ordered it off the internet and put his house address (cheeky I know) but that's about all he knew about it. When he took me to the dressmakers he sat in her kitchen and told her he didn't want to know anything!


New Member

you can try kriston catering (food's quite tasty!)...think it may be good to have a reception for an early ceremony...btw, any pics of the SPP to share? I think it's a lovely church!


the dress is beautiful!


New Member
Hi amoeba,

Can share with me the tailor? They tailoring for kids only?or also bridesmaids? Kinda lost with so many threads to read! :p I see that it's in Eunos. My new place there! Hee...

My flowergirl about 8 yrs, rather tall, but her brother (pageboy) only 4. Height difference quite great. Is it weird? I dunno of anymore kiddos. How ah?

I did some research cos i wanted an affordable reception for my guests due to dinner in the evening and i came up with this caterer:
Not sure if they are yummy though. But prices low. I decided tea will do after consulting the dear brides on this forum! Cos my mass is 9am. I should be serving "breakfast". hehe.

Alternatively, there's a whole list of caterers to suit ur tastebuds and budget.


New Member
Thanks, you guys!!! great help. i think have to try squeeze $$ from somewhere lah, but will provide some sort of refreshment i guess.. (now i just hope my HTB will not scream at my decision

Jacquise: csi, dreamdoll and i (and maybe my mum) will be going to the tailor on 6 march. not too sure if it is cheaper then normal, but i paid $120 for my bridesmaid dress for my cousin's wedding. workmanship not too bad. join us if you can. you can research from now till then and show her references to get rough cost...


New Member
CSI fan, tks for the reply.

But i guess there's no real sequence as in whose house to go 1st, bridegroom hse or bride hse? As for me, im planning to start off with the bridegroom 1st.

Can the bridemaids take the bridal car together wif the bride? I understand that bridal car should be reserved for the couple only.. less the dad who's suppose to accompany the bride to the church in the car. Anyone can confirm this?

For me, there will be a reception, 'brunch' type cos i find that some guest may have come a long way for your church wedding.. plus ur helpers, choir team and even possibly the celebrant.. so i guess itz only rite to 'reward' them with some food.. geez , jus my take. Not only that, mingling among the guest for foto taking would be cool too, else it will be a 'hi' and 'bye' affair.. church wedding should be made memorable!

Anyone set up tentage (cool one like those with white canvas/cloth) for the wedding reception? If yes, pls recommend to me pls.. tks!


Active Member
hi coffee,
yah, I think there's no real sequence. Just go along with whichever sequence that is more on the way...

yah, why can't the bridesmaids take the bridal car too? Is there any pantang reason? or is it just coz the BS say their car is only for the couple? If the bride were to go to church in the car alone (coz groom would be at church first), she'll be quite lonely (not to mention nervous), right?
I dunno abt the dads, but usually I notice the fathers of the bride arriving together with the mothers and rest of the family. Some fathers are at church earlier too, coz guests would be arriving...


New Member
Hi Coffee & CSI Fan

When I got married, my bridesmaid came along with me & my dad in the car. But I had only one adult bridesmaid. The little one went with her mother.

But if you have more than one bridesmaid than it makes more sense that they go in another car, unless the driver of the bridal car doesn't mind making two trips to church, i.e. one for the bridesmaids and the second one for bride and FOB, that is assuming that all the bms would be leaving from the bride's place. I know of someone who did this and she was half an hour late for mass (maybe car was caught in traffic jam on second leg). Not very practical if church is too far away from your house, I think.


New Member
Talking about cars, i have a crazy idea to rent a trishaw!! I think it will be funny for the trishaw to pick us up at church and then just zoom off! 1 for us, 2 for bridesmaid and bestmen paired up!

Roses: we went down to SP&P, but the church is in a really bad shape. peeling and all.. so we need additional flowers - 40 pews, 6 flower arrangements, entrance and drapes all for nearly $1k


New Member
Hi Amoeba!

I think the trishaw idea is cool! Go for it! Thanks for the info on flowers. My budget is only about $500 though. Would your friend be interested in a small job? I went to SPP 2 weeks ago, and well, it is a little run down. But on photo it wouldn't look as bad. A PG would know which angles to shoot from to avoid capturing the peeling high ceiling. Oh, the priest there said at Mass said he'll be starting some small scale renovation in a few weeks so maybe by the time your wedding comes around, the church would look better

Re: car I'm going to go to church with my dad, and either the PG or the VG, cos they want to capture my mood on the way to church, interacting with my dad etc. They'll take turns, so the other will join me in the car as we leave church. So that's four of us in the car, plus the driver. I was a bridesmaid once and I went in the car with the bride.


New Member
Hi Amoeaba,

I had my wedding at SPP two months back! Finally, there is someone who is getting marrried at the same church that I did! Yes, although there is some peeling, we simply love the look of the church. It looks so traditional. One of the very few left in Singapore! Oh yes, draps and flowers do add to the romantic feel of the place. Which florist are you engaging?

Who is your celebrant, by the way? Why aren't you keen to have a little reception? Fr Thomas Lim is so helpful and nice.

Anyway, Queen Street is a good street to use a trishaw. Hardly any conjestion.


Active Member
hi amoeba,
your idea of a trishaw is cool...
And there are lots of trishaws along Queen St. Not would be quite different and fun!

Re: the peeling of the church...according to the priest there, he mentioned before that they will be renovating and renovations shd end in Sept. So I think would be in time for your wedding.
What kind of drapes / how are you intending to put the drapes? (I'm trying to imagination quite poor...)

hi Mrs N, thanks for your info...
hmmm, yah, 2 trips a bit "risky".


New Member
hi Amoeba,

gread idea on the trishaw...but must have wet weather program in case it rains

Finally, the Priest called, we made appointment this Friday. Hopefully we wont ask too many tough questions *fingers crossed*


New Member
Hi CSI Fan, how many bms have you got? Maybe a people carrier would be a better choice can take more passengers, so only one trip!

Amoeba, trishaw sounds like fun, just pray that it doesn't rain!

Hee! Hee! cookie bunny, good luck to the priest then. Hopefully he'll be able to answer all your tough questions


New Member
I can't remember who was asking about rose petals previously. I came across this big tub of pink foam hearts at Art Friend, and I think it can be something that flower girls throw. More affordable that the fake rose petals that IKEA sells.


New Member
Hi Petrina

Are you getting your caterer to decorate the canteen for your reception or are you engaging another florist to do it up?

I remember attending a wedding where they used balloons to decorate the place - I love balloons so I thought it was a good idea. Do you think it'll look too juvenile cos' from the pics you took, the canteen looks quite formal with all the wood panelling.


New Member
hi annelise,

i'm not planning to do much to the canteen coz i'm on a tight budget.. might just decorate the table where my wedding cake will be.. still deciding..

i think balloons are a fun way to deco up the place but got to choose the colours carefully to match the dark wood colour in the canteen.. like the balloons i took that was in the photo.. they were black and silver.. very formal slick look..


Active Member
Hi Mrs N,
so far...I have 4 bms. haha, yah, a people carrier (MPV) would be efficient. It certainly is quite different too...compared with the usual saloon cars.
Nice idea...can consider...


New Member
Hi All,

Sorry, haven't really had time to take pics of my flowergal dresses to post up here. I'll try and do that soon k.

My church, IHM, caught on fire on Monday and the entire sacristy was destroyed. Hence I've had to frantically search for a new church for my wedding. It's been a pretty big nightmare considering i was only 11 days away from my wedding!!!

Anyway, luckily St Francis Xavier is available on my wedding date so i've relocated the wedding there. Now have to work doubly hard to inform all my suppliers, work out new church requirements, rush to print booklets cos i was gonna use projector in IHM and inform my 600 guests!!

This week's been a hectic week... but thank God things seem to be falling into place. Still have lots more people to inform, but hopefully we'll manage to do that by this weekend. Pray everything will turn out good despite this last minute disaster...



Active Member
Hi Lissa,

Oh did that happen??!! Don't stress yourself too much. Pray and lift it up to God. Things will definitely turn out well when you lean on him...


New Member
Hi Lissa

Oh my gosh! Hope no one in IHM was hurt in the fire.

I'm sure things will fall nicely into place for you - thank God SFX is available - I love the canteen there too, nice and cosy :)

Keeping you in my prayers - let me know if I can help you in any way - I am free in the mornings when my girls are at school.

Take care & don't get too stressed out, okay?


Active Member
hi amoeba,
so how, Monday 6 Mar? are we (you, dreamdoll & me) still going? Let me know, okie? Thanks...

hi crescent, I asked the same question last yr too. The other BTBs here advised "ASAP". It's always good to meet earlier and book the church first. Coz for some parishes, the one who books and pays 1st will get the say in the choice of flowers for the deco (if there's another wedding on the same day). Also good to meet up with the priest earlier, coz it would be nice/good if the priest can "journey" together with the couple as they prepare for their marriage.


New Member
Hi crescent, when we first went to see the priest we also haven't finalised our date too. All we knew was that we wanted it to be in Sept/Oct 2005. The priest just made a note in his diary and said we could finalise the date later. But its good to go earlier anyway so that he can chat to you and tell you what you need to do, like marriage prep courses, re-issued of bapt certs (need that 6 months before) etc. Also gives you an idea of available dates so you have more leeway with your plans. Later you go the less choice you have.


New Member
thanks mrs N!
i need to check wif my fh on his schedule... c when can go down to mit the priest 2gether...

do u call the parish seccretary 1st or the priest 1st? i'm tinking of having my church wedding @ Christ The King and Rev. Fr. Stephen Yim to conduct the mass for us....

however, my fh is non-catholic.. but i want a full mass... does Fr. Stephen Yim allows tat?


New Member
CSI / Dreamdoll:
sorry was unable to log in much the last week. it was all planned for today, but ah yah.. tailor just called me to tell me she cannot make it tonight...
tomorrow can? i persuaded her to come to a more centralised location, so we will meet at one of the bridal shops along tanjong pagar.. if you both can make it, let me know, and i will pm you location.


New Member

Read about the fire in IHM (good that no one is hurt), wondering if it will affect my wedding in Nov, it should be fixed by then right?


New Member
Hi Lissa

Hope everything is working out well - don't get too stressed out, okay? You need to be a radiant bride!

Hi CSI, amoeba and dreamdoll

How did the meeting with the tailor go? My friend wants my daughter to be a flower girl for her wedding and she has even bought the dress already! So I guess I'll just let her wear the same thing for my bil's wedding in December :)


Active Member
Hi dreamdoll,
It was great meeting you too!
Amoeba, thanks for arranging...

Hi Annelise, yap, the meeting went quite well. Like dreamdoll, I now also have to think of what I want (there are so many options), and also to persuade my BMs to go with the design I have in mind...heehee...


New Member
Hi Crescent,

It'll be best to check with the priest of his availability, and also availability of the church before you decide on the wedding date.

From my experience, most of the dates of that month I wanted are already pick and chosen by other couples, and only left with 1 available date. Best too book early to avoid any disappointment. =)

You'll only be having a wedding service instead of a full mass, if either side of the partner is a non-catholic.

Check with the parish secretary or priest for advice if you're not certain on the procedures. And of course, before you start preparing all the church wedding stuff, you've to go thru MPC or EE.

hope that helps =)


New Member
Hi Crescent, procedures will vary from parish to parish, for us we went to see the priest. Don't think his secretary works after office hours!
Anyway my hubby called him first to ask for the correct procedure and he said he would like to see us and have a chat with us. We are both RCs.

As for full mass, I think a lot of it depends on the priest and also what the couple wants. Two of my cousins married non-catholics in church, one had a full mass and the other didn't. Have a chat with the priest and see what he says.


New Member
thanks alot lovebug n mrs n!

another Q, do i check the church availability wif the parish secretary or the priest himself?


New Member
i just call CTK, the ger (not teresa) say they advise me to go the my parish church nearer to my house... as i told her my wedding will be in 2007, she say tat now is too early to book... how ahh?

for those who have their wedding @ CTK, is tat ur parish church, if not, how did u manage to hold your wedding there? please help !!


Active Member
Hi crescent,
Perhaps you mentioned before, but I may have missed it. You seem to want to hold your wedding at CTK quite badly...why ah? Alternatively, you can try other parishes, and get Rev. Fr. Stephen Yim to be your celebrant at the other parish. But you have to check with both Fr. Yim and the other priest of whichever parish if this arrangement is ok with them.

Which part of 2007 would your wedding be?


New Member
not badly lah... wan to hold it there cos it's air-conditioned and quite near to bf hse...

most probably in the 2nd half of 2007...


Active Member
oh, then it is really very early to be booking...I booked mine only 1 yr before my AD...hehs...not 1.5 yrs before. And I thought I was too early...
Who knows manz, the priests themselves probably also dunno yet, if by then will they still be in that parish...crescent, you plan way in advance...but that's good!


New Member
huh? 2 early ahh?? cos when i ask how long in advance to book in my earlier post above, some BTB tell me to do it early leh... **blurz**

so when should i book?? cannot book or talk to the priest now ??


Active Member
aiyah, thot u meant like early 2007 mah. plus now you say "most probably" the date is not firmed yet? hehs...
so why dun you wait till after June? I was told to book early / ASAP too...but not super early lah...
Could also be different parish, different "policy" thing. Perhaps CTK don't want to accept bookings more than 1 yr in advance. Maybe other parishes do? So since CTK says it's too early to book now, there's nothing you can do also. Perhaps it would be better to check with her when would be a better time to book for 2007...

Talking to the's good to talk to the priest early also (talk as to the priset like a close fren kinda thing - eg. ur wedding is next year, yada what's there to prepare, yada're thinking of getting him to celebrate your wedding, yada yada...). While he may not be free by then (coz it could be too early for him to know if he'll be free), but at least, he can journey with the couple...

I don't think there's a hard and fast rule on when to book or whether we can book or talk to the priest now, kinda thing. Just gotta ask them. Who knows? Fr. Yim may be more than happy to start talking to you on preparing for your marriage now...
