Amore Fitness Membership


New Member
oh i see haha
they didn't post such news on the web huh?

thanks tstars!


New Member
maybe they r doing amore internal yearly appraisal and thats y need us to vote for most fav instructors/counter staff/spa therapists... :p


New Member
Cld any1 pls share wif mi wat will happen when u pre-book a class bt did nt cancel it b4 the class starts n hv an mc frm a doctor 2 certify tat u were sick on tat day.... onli 2 hv been informed tat this is considered as 1 lesson. I tried 2 reason it out wif them I was too sick 2 call them 2 cancel, bt the gal sounded so stuck up. Told mi tat even their own members had 2 succumb 2 this strict policy. Nw I m considerg whether I shld really sign up a power package wif them or go 2 places like TY or PY. Currently njoyg the facilities here courtesy of my credit card.


New Member
hi all,

I would like to try out kickboxing, after getting so many feedback here that it is fun. I have not been exercising for years. Cany anyone ps recommend the instructor whose class is suitable for beginner?


New Member
Hi all

Watch out for Jag (new instructor from Philippines).. he will take over TP mon kb in jan. He will also be taking over some of other Ray's and Bong's classes .. mainly kb, and also Brancy's. I hope he is good.


New Member
Hi everyone,
jag will be only coming in first week of Jan.
look out for the new classes lauching every month from JAN onwards at PM. Bong is one of the choreographer. AMore extended the promo, Aerobics pkg still can go to PM till june 2006. continue to KBing!! cheers and merry christmas


New Member
Hi Daphne

I am currently on very long leave haha.

Okay just been told the correct name : its JET (like Jet Li) haha.

Confirm there will be reshuffling as Bong will be teaching the instructors stepblitz, cardioblitz and whatever blitz he has in mind.

Whatever, I hope Jet is good. Himself and bong are from the same school - and both are carmela trained


New Member
Hi Naoki,
I used to work at BJ and BV before, Thus wondering if i have seen u somewhere in class.=p

hope to see u soon...
cheers and happy new yr..


New Member
Hi phoebelow

I'm more of a BJ and PM. Usually BJ is on Fri only and mostly now at PM on Sun and sometimes Mon cos it's much nearer for me.


New Member
Hi Daphne

I've tried Stepblitz... a bit confusing for ppl like me who do very little steps but rather fun... and this weekend Jet is conducting the class.


New Member
Well currently its :

3 mths no discount
6 mths 10% discount
12 mths 15% discount
24 mths 25% discount

price stays the same as previously ie. your 180 will be 189 (with GST)


New Member
BTW the actual price for unlimited power classes is 1386 for a year, 693 for 6 mths, 346.50 for 3 mths (GST inclusive, before the above discounts)

180 for 3 mths is for power classes but not unlimited, i think its only 12 lessons.


New Member
Hi trixter

amore got this $888 pkg - not bad... u can consider taking that... if u got friends in amore, ask them to bring u in then your friend can earn an extra month for introducing new friend


New Member
thanks naoki!

i'm keen in 6mth unlimited power package cos can get 10% off and can pay by instalment cos more than $500!!

i'm already a member with them since 2004 but was too lazy to sign up further, untill now.. LOL

I thought the $888 package is good too, but only 3mth... so i thought not quite worth it afterall..

hey so are u a regular?? guess I'll be signing up next week.

oh yes, I wanna try the PT trial too..think it is $126 nett... then i can learn how to use the mahines effectively mah... hehe..

have fun!


Hey guys,

just to share with you my unhappiness with Amore. I signed up them last year July. However due to heavy workload and so, i wrote them a letter for extension for a month. They came back rejected my request and said that they can only bring forward the balance number of lessons if i signed up another 6 months. 6 months cost ard $380. For us brides, already saving very hard for our wedding, how to come up with extra cash. Sighh... I still left about 10 classes. Though i like their facilities and classes, i think i won't continue to sign up with them.


New Member
Hi all,

intend to sign up with Amore. The basic package is Power Package right? How much does it cost and for how long and for how many lessons. I hope its not too ex.


New Member
Hey sunnyday

If you can hold for a short while, Amore at Jurong Point will open in May. If you pick up a pkg then, there shld be special promotion and goodies.

Actually if you have the time, why not try the bigger clubs first, you might like them.


New Member
hi naoki.. that's gd news for me..
where u got the info from? i tried to check out their website but could not find any info on new branch loh..


New Member
haha.. the news are posted at amore branches
Next mth, Bugisvillage and toapayoh branch will cease operation. Their classes will be distributed to BJ, PM and Jurong Point in May according to bong. There will be a new kb instructor coming in soon.

sunnyday, you shld go for trial classes at PF,FF or CF first, their packages are also very attractive nowadays and their classes are more fun. At the same time, you wait for the opening of JP, to enjoy the promo and goodies... i like FF but unfortunately i still have amore pkg for another year...


New Member
that's new to me. that there is a branch opening at JP and Toa Payoh is closing...But anyway doesn't affect me as I go Kovan..but thanks as now I know can wait for better offers & deals as my package is expiring soon..end April


New Member
I have sign up 1month unlimted session during the Mill & Copthrone wedding fair. I have paid S$58 & top up additional S$30 for 1 session of person trainer session + 1 trim & tone session.

Didnt know that they are closing TPY branch.


New Member
Sunny day,

mine is the aerobics package twice a week...Got it at 6 months ($199 per 3 months) + 1 month free..but now they don't have any offers for aerobics package..only have 2 yrs, get 25% off

Tink that they trying to convert all to power package


New Member
Hi blurblur ,

u signed for the unlimited for a month at the fair? i was attracted to the offer but din sign becoz previously i sign 4 trials lesson but yet to use


New Member
Hi Yuki,

I signed up at the fair, cause the promotion is very tempting. If im not wrong, the normal rates is S$118 for 1month unlimited session.

I have juz activate my membership, so im plan to go down to workout everyday during lunch time to make my $$ worth.... Heeeheee : D

When are u starting your trial yet? They pass me 1 trial session as well & some discount voucher when I sign up that day.


New Member
Hi blurblur,

ur office is near to Amore? which Amore r u goin?
yap normally rate is more exp ....u activate so fast ..haha

I shld be starting my trial next month

i think they pas me 1 trial session as well ... havent take a good look yet


New Member
Hi blurblur,

ur office is near to Amore? which Amore r u goin?
yap normally rate is more exp ....u activate so fast ..haha

I shld be starting my trial next month

i think they pas me 1 trial session as well ... havent take a good look yet


New Member
Hi Yuki,

cause when I sign up that time they say must activate the membership within certain period. Since Im free these weeks, might as well go n lost some weight.Next month going to Tapei for holiday, confirm will put on. Hahaha...

I go Amara branch during lunch. Today class is NB, i find the instructor not bad...


New Member
Hi blurblur,

oic i din know abt it ....keke :p
wow so good going on holiday already ....keke :p
so muz keep fit first

so what are the other classes that you plan to attend. heard that NB is good

is it better to wear pants or shorts?
