Actual Day Program. Need some guidance


Hi Cynthia,

Yesterday me and my boyfriend found out that he has to fetch me at 6am. We must reach our new home at 6.30am. Now that you mentioned, i am not aware that there is surcharge! Need to check.. You marrying a teochew?


New Member
hi eve
I am not teo chew so do my fh.
he must reach my place at 7am. and then Make up artist need to reach my place at 6.
the thing is, my solomisation at 11.30am and mine is wedding lunch.

if my wedding lunch start too late, will affect my tea ceremony at my mother's place..


New Member
hi eve
we need to have extra buffer time and cannot have everything plan just right..
so need to set off earlier..surcharge is unavoidable..sigh...


New Member
Hi ladies, I'll be having a church + dinner banquet. can any of u kind souls pls send me a copy of schedule? tks a million!


Hi all,
just wondering is it alright that tea ceremony be conducted at the bride side first? i.e. groom comes to fetch bride, then have tea ceremony at brides place...then go back to groom's side for tea ceremony? then after that go back bride's side again. cos my mum's side has been practicing this all along for all my cousins, but i hardly heard of it for other people. scared my groom side may object, then another issue of conflict liao...


New Member

If yours is a whole day event with your tea ceremony, ROM and dinner/reception, i would suggest you have your tea ceremony at bride side first. Even to ease the inconvenience of going to and back, nowadays quite a handful are having their tea ceremony at the hotel venue.

If you are worried that your ILs might not be happy with this arrangement, probably get your hubby to consult them first. Different family have different practices, just keep in mind that your hubby and yourself are to work hand in hand to ensure both families are happy with the preparation and arrangement.


New Member
my sis had her tea done at my place first due to convenience. My bro in law say that its ok with his mum. End up the mum in law was not happy with this arrangement and my sis was told only after the wedding by her. She can sense the dissatifaction with her for a period after the wedding. Think its better to follow the tradition of the groom side first unless u are 100% sure your in laws are ok with it.


New Member

Any one has suggestion how to fit church wedding + 2 tea ceremonies + dinner banquet on AD? I stay in jurong, my fh stays in tamp, church in tamp too. AD 05/12/09.

appreciate anyone's suggestion... or email me @ [email protected]


Hi, just tot if possible n agreeable on both side parents, then u could do the tea ceremony for bride side when the groom comes to fetch the bride in the morning. then go to groom's house to do tea ceremony, followed by church wedding at abt 2pm plus. that should be able to fit well given ur locations.

i think i saw some customs is that tea ceremony is at bride's side first....or just for the convenience, since groom also there, then just got to do away with the going back to mum's house lor..cos no time since got church wedding.

just any idea...hope u can work it out.


New Member
just want to clarify something.
The customary "receive the bride back to the groom place by xxx hrs". the groom place refer to the groom parent place or the matrimomy house.

All along, I thought it is the parent place cos it is like "receiving into the groom family", but just heard from some feng shui master that it refer to the place that the couple is going to stay. So it is the matrimony house.

But so far, I have not come across friends/relative who receive bride back to the matrimony house first.

Do anyone know which is correct and help to clarify this.



New Member
for my case, mine is wedding lunch, so didn't have time to go back grooms place.

my case is:
wedding lunch - my mum's place for tea cremony - grom's parents place (they give my parents one roasted pig so bride's side have to return pig head and tail to groom's side).
we go groom's side is more like delivery the pig head and tail to them is not for "receiving the bride".

hope this helps.


New Member
Hi Cynthia,

It's me again. Do you have a copy of your AD program that you can share with me as we are also having lunch.

Thanks much!


New Member
hi, can someone send a copy of actual day program to me please? think our house will not be ready by the customary date and dun need to go to groom's parents' place. can have tea ceremony after he gate crashes? we dun need to go anywhere except to take photos.. or should do tea ceremony just before the dinner? only bride's side... thanks...
