HuggiTing (huggiting), fiona Go (fln_1028), Lynnie (twinkling_scarlet), duckieyazi (duckieyazi), Serene Tan (serenexueni)): i have add your nick in 2012 BTB spreadsheet.. feel free to fill up ur wedding related information there..
and you can also join us in 2012 BTB thread.. i know some of you are our follower as a slient reader..
as i used to start of as one too..
do join us there.. see you..
btw, i'm from Nov 2012 thread too.. just happen that i help my Nov BTB ro conpile the listing in the spreadsheet.. so i just pop in share with u gals..
and you can also join us in 2012 BTB thread.. i know some of you are our follower as a slient reader..
do join us there.. see you..
btw, i'm from Nov 2012 thread too.. just happen that i help my Nov BTB ro conpile the listing in the spreadsheet.. so i just pop in share with u gals..