Faith > Ya think its cuz my yacht alone already cost quite a bit, plus it falls on a holiday eve so i kenna PH surcharge LOL (like taxi meter).And the next exp one is probably my rings. The engagement + both wedding bands. Oh I added those that are paid AND unpaid cuz I put aside the money already since its gonna be used anyway. Kiasu you know, lol!! Lastly, my BS told me to get shoes in either silver or cream to play safe
Don't think I will get a VG cuz I'm not very keen on it leh, plus on a yacht, then my friend says the video shake shake shake, see also will tu i think HAHA!
Yup, not gonna bother about my housing one till I confirm the flat. I think mine is Punggol Sails/Ripples! Are we near??
j0yle> HUGS! Cool, we can swap info!I pass on whatever quotations I have to you ok? I think probably keep the photog about $2k? I only need for about 5 hrs cuz my yacht sails for 4hrs. The problem with mine is
1) Kenna "surcharge" again cuz it PH eve and they have to work.
2) Some of the photogs say mine is considered special location so they don't have the skills or equipment to do on a moving boat. Then those who can do it are extortionist, charge so high!! Think i can have another wedding with the amt ok. LOL!
Nice! where is Loe & Behold and Sinderella? Don't like heatwave