shybride, thanks for sharing your photos....the shots seem quite spontaneous. Who is your PG again? You and your HTB look so young. The pics are nice
I agree with providencia - how can you call urself veryfatgirl??? really will kena bash by us all....
and wow, your bareback gown is gonna be a head-turner...
xinglin, we're not going to apply for this month's bi-monthly afterall....think chances shld be quite slimas there are very few flats in woodlands area.
shybride, was your fren's 'chat' with the neighbours fruitful? Think i'll also do that if we're buying resale flats...
I'm dreaming abt landed property too....that's why i'm very tempted by exec maisonette...told HTB must try to buy private property at orchard area or bukit timah then our kids can go to the top schools - hehe, thinking too far ahead.
Save more $$ and make wise investments (like Nelle), sure will be able to afford...