diamond & daman - oredi legally mrs on 31 Jan 2004. hee hee hee.. my ROM was 2 years back so.. no need to file. I held my ROM at external location not at ROM so I had a JP to solemnise the event. The procedure was:
1) Find a JP
2) Fill in the solemnisation form
3) Fax to JP, then JP fax to ROM directly and fax copy to u after he sign for keeping.
4) 3 days before ROM date, collect documents & the marriage folder and/or canister (during my time was the silver/gold canister)
5) ROM day itself, proceed with ROM ceremony, sign docs and JP take copies back to ROM for submission. Wife keeps the cert.
Thats as far as I can remember.
Daman - w regards to ur question. I just let them know who I am inviting or will invite. no harm inviting more cos u can buffer 10% fallout from RSVP.
But caveat is, pls dun tell ur parents this. cos if they go and invite all over the place.. then u got RSVP problem later. hee hee.. restrict them to no. of tables they need and if u have extra after inviting ur friends and colleagues, then allow parents to invite their "extra" friends whom they wanna invite. else u face issue of too many guests and it becomes chaotic.
Microwave ovens - hmm.. not using any but my in laws using the sharp silver colour one. so far ok. i dun really like microwave ovens. mainly i steam my food using the tefal steamer.