(2006) Brides of year 2006


New Member
Hi Diana,

I only have the china town one.For GDL stuff

Blk 4 #01-127 Sago Lane S(050004)
Tel: 62208442
open from mon to sat 9am to 8pm
Sun 9am to 4pm

another one is the temp mkt stall 01-132


New Member
Jen T, i dont think my parents will have any problem avoid the GDL, but my HB side, i dont know yet....

Kellie, my parents bought one set, and my mother-in-law also bought one set. can share the same set meh?

Blur, where is one linda intro? is it cheap? count me in if you want to order. my msn is [email protected]


New Member
thks linda.. i got ur mail.. ur pic are cute leh..
hi nami.. i cannot open ur link...

really envy that u guys got ur PS ready..

jus wanna ask.. does your BS give u gals so many pic back in one CD rom? they charge? i wonder if they provide me also .. got to check with them the next trip there..


New Member
thank you all for your recommendations... shall go give these recommendations to other friends and see their decision..

sockling: yeah, just realised that.. =) but i went to the ROM site, cannot file yet...


New Member
Hi designfreak, I think Allure Charix has some lovely stuff and everything is very affordable. Only thing is that every size comes in one piece so you have to make a decision fast to guarantee that you get what you want. Hope your missus find something there. ;-)


New Member
kellie... the tea set your mom bought is for u to pass it to your PIL on GDL. its use for tea session in their hse on the AD. And this tea set will be returned to u for safe keepings after the AD.

The tea set for your parents hse would be the one your mom kept since her wedding (if she still have), if not, normally just buy another set or use the one at home (if u dun worry about presentation).

anyway just some info I got from the GDL shop to share...


New Member
dear All,

All clouds clear now....if that is the case, i will buy another set for my mom place to use.

She can keep for my young sis to use in future also since my Dad only have 2 girls. Hee hee.

Hi Slientelf,

I agreed with you that all this GDL stuff so ex huh....going to faint man. jus some pails and bowls only. What dialect group you will be follwing huh?

I will like to suggest u all to go to Joo Chiat shophouse to try to buy all this pails and bowls. Super dirt cheap.

I have already bought one tea set from them. It only $11! Maybe will try to buy the rest from them too.


New Member
jkit, think msn is down... can't add u at all. Do send an email to me at [email protected] ok?

ling, for my case, i need to top up a certain amount to get all my soft copies back.. i think it depends on your photographer.

queenie, what is your budget range? I am gettin Kelvin from lightedpixel. He's good... you may wan to consider. Others like Ron Lee, Jon Keng, wan sheng are good too.


New Member
Kelvin has something on my AD. Ya budget is a concern, I'm looking into something below $1k, hopefully there are still available ones, I've been calling the whole afternoon, so far no luck.


New Member

any 1 noe what time on 9th of dec we need to return back to the girl's house?i having my customary ceremony on 9th of dec,but dinner maybe next year..


New Member
DAMan- wow night shift so muz be very tiring n got to adjust ...haha u off work at 4.30am ah?
Do hotel accept burn CD or got to be original ah? i havent check yet ...me efiled already :p

maez - i was thinking whether to go dwn 3days before or on the day itself ..in case any problem ..keke :p is the waiting time long or will be accordingly to the slot allocated?

i juz settle my airticket to Sydney ...now looking for accomdation ...will be flying in 2 weeks time ...keke :p seem a bit rush ...but FH wanted to take a break then we cm back to our preparation


New Member
wow wow wow...din see this thread until now.. haha
i'm also having my AD on 9th Dec..Now busy preparing the wedding cards. Have already prepare to print 100 traditional and 100 modern to cater to the different cards that people want to receive. haha


New Member
kellie.. the teapot my mom bot is $12..no need to exp i think.. hee.. my mom spent $70 for the above items i mentioned..

i heard that we need to follow dialect for both sides leh.. eg. im a cantonese & they said cantonese require roasted pig. And my hubby is teochew.. and its a must for them to give shi dian jin. dunno lor.. tat's about all i know.. haha.. not following strictly though..

ling.. my BS charge separately to return all photos in CD rom. if im not wrong, they quoted me more than 1k that time. this is becoz i did not top up any photos.. i heard some couples who top up lots of photos, normally could return all soft copies foc.. think its best u can ask your BS for further info..


New Member
daman - yeps back to civilization hee hee.. never go reservist not in jungle. ha ha ha ha

welcome all new 9th dec btbs!


New Member
hi hi CAT..
haha..got to chk it out if my hospital allows me to bring my laptop to report "live" ahh..keke..

hi hi Tingz..
will hope that i can kee u all posted when i m gg to the hospital on the 24th ahh..keke..

hi hi designfreak..
dun think i will want to wait till oct man..keke..hopefully time pass faster for me & 25th sept comes faster..hehe..quire stress up at work till i very sian..next time ur wife preggy..cannot let her undergo any stress at work lor..i m very happy that hubby will try his best to cheer me up..but i guess i got to learn to take things easy also lor..

hi hi huey..
thks for all..update u all again ahh..


New Member
angeldust, you have already filed for your rom on 9th dec? i hv not leh.. dun need to fast right if the soleminisation is outside ROM right? as long as it is >3 weeks before the actual day will do...


New Member
Hi Beatrice,

I'm interested in the shop selling Jie Mei dress.
Can you sent the details to me?
[email protected]

Hi Wendy

Please add me into the list
wedding date 29-10-2006
hotel:Grand mercure roxy
AD PG & VG:Hotsource
nest:punggol 21

Thanks alot!


New Member

ribbons-i believe so. as long as u r getting married in SG u gt to file the notice.

happy-it depends on urself, both parents and the rest of the pple and hw deep ur pocket is. if not superstitious, then anytime also can. if anytime then gt to see hw fast or slow. slow means time drag means more money to be paid to videographer/photographer/xiong dis and jie meis.

yuki-nope...work from 7pm to 7am. heheh.so offwork at 7am. i tink hotels dun accept mp3 playback except u hooked up ur own, they accept normal CD playback. u gt to check with ur hotel. mine is normal CD playback.

angeldust-u filed-ed areadi?

ladies, ask u all,

when u invite a click of friends, aka the same group/gang, would you let all of them noe who is being invited or just contact them individually? was thinking of telling those that i am inviting, who i BE inviting in case they ask the others whom i did not invite then problem liao. is it a good idea or bad idea? m I confusing anyone here? hehe hope not.

Next question, anyone of you bought or using any microwave oven now? ned to do research on it liao. can recommend any microwave ovens?

Thanks ladies.


New Member
diamond & daman - oredi legally mrs on 31 Jan 2004. hee hee hee.. my ROM was 2 years back so.. no need to file. I held my ROM at external location not at ROM so I had a JP to solemnise the event. The procedure was:
1) Find a JP
2) Fill in the solemnisation form
3) Fax to JP, then JP fax to ROM directly and fax copy to u after he sign for keeping.
4) 3 days before ROM date, collect documents & the marriage folder and/or canister (during my time was the silver/gold canister)
5) ROM day itself, proceed with ROM ceremony, sign docs and JP take copies back to ROM for submission. Wife keeps the cert. :p

Thats as far as I can remember.

Daman - w regards to ur question. I just let them know who I am inviting or will invite. no harm inviting more cos u can buffer 10% fallout from RSVP.
But caveat is, pls dun tell ur parents this. cos if they go and invite all over the place.. then u got RSVP problem later. hee hee.. restrict them to no. of tables they need and if u have extra after inviting ur friends and colleagues, then allow parents to invite their "extra" friends whom they wanna invite. else u face issue of too many guests and it becomes chaotic.

Microwave ovens - hmm.. not using any but my in laws using the sharp silver colour one. so far ok. i dun really like microwave ovens. mainly i steam my food using the tefal steamer.


New Member
heven been here for quite some time. Seems like everyone is busy with their preparation.

Wendy, jia you. Do wat you enjoy and take ur mind off work


New Member
yuki, i din wait v long cos i was the last couple of the day, n i went on a weekday.. so not many pple there.. n i arrived abt 45min before alloted time so as to do the verification of documents..

diamond, yeah, only if want to book the limited rooms then need to rush for it.. else no need to efile so early..


New Member
diamond, me doing indoor so got to file early else no slot

maez, wow u took the latest timing? i choose the time near to the end too coz wanted to take some photoshoot before n after
coz i heard some say may exceed the allocated slot very long so was worry ... after u verifiy doc got to stay there or can go out n be back at a later time?

daman - icic 12 hrs shift ...keke :p ok thanks i will check with my hotel on tat else i got to go buy CD for the songs i wan

for me normally i will let them know who i am inviting n if they ask then i will let them know who i not inviting ...normally same gang i will invite all ....are u having a lot tables for friends?

Microwave oven ...me not sure coz not buying ...sorry cant help much


New Member
Hi all..

Tried calling JP Chan.. He's booked on 18 dec too. Sigh.. Still looking for other JP.

Hm.. so JP will be faxing for us to ROM ar? I tot we have to fax ourselves. =P

I'm also thinking of doing my own CD too.. Hehe.. haven't talk to my hotel yet, so I also dunno how long is the march in and stuff.. how many songs to prepare?

As for me.. I'll let my friends know who i'm inviting and only if they ask, then I will say who I'm not inviting. But same as Yuki, same gang i'll invite all..

Friend side, I'm not worried.. I'm more worried about my guest list from my office. Including my office and friends, my side of tables will be a lot more than my hubby side. And he want me to reduce the numbers..


New Member
maez, thanks for the info. i have not done by filing for 9 dec yet. :p

other than wedding preparation stuff (yet to start doing) &amp; FH's side stuff, i need to do some reorganisation of the study room. ie, clear the furnitures inside (looking for someone to take them as <2 yrs old &amp; still new) and buy new furnitures for the room

so many things to do... weekdays after work already so tired.. and weekends biz with my FH's side... so sianz!!!


New Member
<font color="119911">daman, music for ballroom? when i went for food tasting, they told me.. need 5 songs.
1. 1st march-in
2. serving of food
3. 2nd march-in
4. champagne
5. see the guests off.. (hmm.. i hope i rem correctly)

if correct, it is recommended that songs 1, 3, 5 in 1 disc. 2 and 4 in another. cos he said that sometimes disc have problem when changing track. so safer to have 2 discs.. burned in audio format is fine..

yuki, mine was on wednesday.. so maybe less crowded.. after giving them the 4 nrics, me n hb waited there for abt 5-10min. then have to SOMBA hahaha.. hold hand up n say that we r not in any marriage blah blah.. then can go out n wait again..
after awhile then all the witnesses n guests also went into the waiting room.. again abt 10min++ n then the ceremony took another 10min heh..

i took some photos before n after too..</font>


New Member
Wah Wendy,

Giving brith soon... Take care ... work can never be finish.. if not we out of job liao.. :p

think of the kid more, like have u prepare the name...

Which hospital allow to bring laptop??...

Must not let bosses know or else have to work in hospital also.....


New Member
<font color="0000ff">diana; i bought my GDL stuffs at this Hougang shop.

Address: Richard Store
Blk 681 Hougang Ave 8
Tel: 63867083 / 98366598 (Richard Ong)
Closed on Monday.


Btw, does any1 know the budget for ang pows to be given to ah yees, bros, driver, MUA, PG, etc... any guidelines? Many thanks!</font>


New Member
yeah.. the big day drawing near too.. so many things undone..

linda, where do u get ur stuff in amk ave 10?? if i need, guess there will be the nearest for me as i stay in amk.

Nami, I may need to order the corsages by Thursday. let me know your final decision as to which one you want ok? I will try to negotiate with the seller on the pricing. Sorry for rushing cos my gf who will be ordering together with us has her AD in Oct, that's y I have to order soon so that the corsages will come in time.


New Member
Hi diamond, me too,after work really tired, no energy to do the wedding stuff. only left weekend..quite busy!
your new house study room?


New Member
Hi, queenie,
try tis..
price used to b slightly <$1000.. now dunno ahh.. very nice chap though..
Hi, silentelf,
me oso Cantonese bride.. yeah! marrying into a Hainese family though.. ahh... the piggy.. need to spare some car space for it.. hahahhaha...


New Member

i think anything that ends with a 8/9? ha ha... i dunno leh, mostly the ang bows are more for appreciation. Like drivers, PG and MUA you would have paid them officially, the ah yees and brothers they wouldn't want to get 'paid' in terms of $ right?

I had treated my helpers a big dinner(food tasting) and going to get my ah yees pressies

plus my mom also giving them ang bows. so prob will give everyone who helped out (ah yees, brothers, PG and MUA) standard like $18 or $28 bah...


New Member
<font color="0000ff">diana; his stuffs are standardized, regardless of dialect... i paid $300 for those stuffs.. it depends wat u really want lor.. as for me, no choice, i went wif my ah ma.. tats y buy all those unnecessary stuffs... shhh!!! dun let her heard it... keke...

ang pow to MUA is optinal.. its jus showing a token of appreciation lor..


designfreak; hw i wish... hee...


charly; u r partly rite.. but hor, come to tink of it, they hv to wake up early in the morning to help out, etc... u mean $18 or $28 each??!!! OMG~ +faint+ haha...

