(2006) Brides of year 2006


New Member
Thanks nami...

Thanks jen and blur for reassuring me...


New Member
I am going to rom on the 9th dec.. hehe.. but my AD is in 2007

yes maez i am in the flamingo thread too

booked flamingo for my BS for my AD next year =)

anyone got any tips to share with me?

I have settled my BS, VG , PG etc... not sure what else should be done.. hehe


didnt manage to get any heels, as its the same stock i have seen few mths ago. although they said every month got new stock. Well, i bought some $10 tops instead.
My mom also bought a pink lace cheong sam there, cost $120 (think should bragain more, but my mom dunno how to). I wasnt there to see, as its my sis accompanying my mom earlier.


New Member
Jen / blur.. me no got soft copy of my pics yet.. so cant show u gals hw my EG looks like.. my gd fren who saw my EG say she feels d same way as me.. tt d EG somehw lacks somethin

Linda.. i prefer d turquoise 1 too


New Member
Jen, i had called red celler too.. will be going down tomorrow to have the wine tasting..

Dorami, y don't u talk to ur designer.. maybe she/he can transform into ur dream gown?


New Member
hi snowiee, u having banquet? if so, that shd be top of ur to-do list! dinner venues can get quite hot so its good to look ard n secure the place once u decided wat u want


New Member
Wah very touching story....

but i dun think everyone can do that, being able to forgive at the first sign... Usually, we will say out angry words first....


New Member
hi dorami..
when u get the softcopy, show it to us k.. mayb can push ur coordinator alitle bit to get ur album and softcopy quick quick..

hi blur..
hope u v a fun time havin ur wine tasting..
tis sat, v appt w printing shop.. then choose bedframe.. then buy jewellery.. and also collect my air tix if enough time.. hehe.. so many tings to do and settle mann.. hope can settle as many tings as i can..


New Member

Just checking. Am having my AD on 26 Nov..but seems like a lot of things not done yet..eg getting bridal car, confirming guest list, printing wedding cards, finding photographer & videograher,songs, confirming honeymoon etc..sigh am I the only one who is so unprepared?


New Member
maez-hahaa okok..that positive of u. no ned to see them much. ok i shall go experince it myself in oct when i go. hehe. yup i do expect to see a few bridal cars roaming ard SG on 9th dec. hehe. u gt include da wife in the count? hehe.

ribbons-thanks for ur help in asking. then no choice lor. buy yellow gold lah. sigh. hehe. tats my point on not selling the SDJ lor. buy is to wear so white gold is better for wearing. yellow gold is for resale value purpose. so the elderly had always take it that SDJ is like a reserve for rainy days? sigh dun understnad the elderly. hehe.

angeldust-da wife thanks u for the rainbow. its ok. enjoy urself and tkae care, when coming back?

Kai-ahhahah ya i can forsee that also. hahaha.

pandalic-wah smart girl. but then the prob still could ersist. hehe. wah ya lor ya lor. i hate this kind of pple. mess up my plans. ultra mega bear grude. hahaha for me lah. some of them just wanted to put in their legs and be involved in everything as if its their child getting married. Its a general statement ah. no offence to all.

Yuki-the online auctions site to sell books. if not i also duno where got place to sell liao. is there a rom dec 2006 thread? i must be MIA over there. din noe it exist. hhaha.

I hope i dun hve these kind of probs u ladies are facing on the invites. Pai Pai here Pai Pai there. pls dun let me kena. hehe

and yes i m still stuck on songs and guest list. hahaha for almost 2mnths liao. must get it done asap. hopefully by this wkend.


New Member
jkit, you got the same AD as me.. we can countdown together.. where's ur venue??

Jen T, ya.. i having wine tasting tomorrow and meeting the printer as well.. Sat will have to stay at home to wait for all of my furniture to arrive which include my TV, WIW, dining table, sofa.. I agree with u.. so many things to do but no time.

my hb last min now tell me he is working on the last phase of a project, might not be able to take leave right after our wedding for HM.. so disappointed.. so may have to postpone.luckily i have not book for my HM yet.


New Member
daman - icic ...i got a lot textbooks leh ..dunno wan to go yahoo auction to sell or not? is it troublesome? yap there is 1 ROM Dec 2006 thread under another session ...keke :p u wan to join oso ah? haha u mia very long ..how is work?


New Member
hi blur..
ya ya.. wkends r left for us to do all our wedd prep.. so precious r our wkends nw hor.. hmm.. hopefully all of us wil v a smooth smooth prep..


New Member
Da Man: yeah.. to me i want white gold, cos can wear mah... but white gold is called Bai Jin... sounds like the money you give at funerals... so maybe older pple dont quite like this.. Sales lady reminded me of this...


New Member
hi huey/Beatrice,

thks for your wishes...

Hi charly,
Happy Belated Birthday... Ya, many people in the world share the same birthday as us... Dat day i jus found out my colleague same the same birthday as me?! not only same day, same mth & same year!!! only 2hrs apart! wat a coincidence but she's a taiwanese! kekeke...

To all sept babies... have a gr8 year ahead! may all our wishes come true and better tmrs....


New Member
tks qg & selina for ur well wishes!! me eat alot but hasnt put on any wgt. appetite chg too!! used to have rice for dinner but nowadays dread of having it. i do hv cravings too but luckily no morn sickness so far.

Both of u shld jia you n join me...hee

So anyone staying wif inlaws currently?


New Member
Hi Hi..

Just wondering.. what songs would you all be playing through the whole dinner and also the march in ar?

Actually how many songs do we have to prepare for the hotel?

Hee.. wedding in Dec, but I haven't liaised with my hotel on the dinner arrangement, the invite cards, the guest list, the songs and haven't book any JP yet.. And we haven't settle anything on customary stuff.. Am I a bit late ar?


New Member
Gin, meaning the food that u like, now u dun like? then u dun like becomes the liking? kekekek me cant jia you yet leh ...... cannot have baby at the moment.

me not staying with in laws .... what abt u?


New Member
Jo: I think you better settle your JP first... i wouldnt be needing one, cos my pastor will be one, but i understand that JPs are hard to book, especially the popular ones.. and Dec is a hot month for weddings...


New Member
Hi Ribbons, is it white gold sounds not nice to hear...luckly the sales lady didnt tell my FMIL,haha!
Jo, try to start do it now!


New Member
I was thinking.. if i get the JP now.. would he/she forget abt it? we still have 3 months to go.. but i think i better start sourcing for one.. any particular JP to recommend ar? I'll be holding at the hotel in town lei..


New Member
gd mrg ALL..

I AM BACK to civilization!! hee hee hee..
ok dunno what's the topic but..

1) welcome snoiwee and all new btbs.. give data to maez to update table..
2) daman - welcome. i got more pics but i lazy to resize.


New Member
Morning everyone

ribbons, i din think of tat abt white gold until u mentioned ...keke :p but now buy liao so no choice...keke :p

Jo, i think u better secure ur JP first coz i heard for Dec a lot JP are fully booked already ...my frez used Mr Chan Kai You and say he is good maybe u can give it a try? me too looking for songs for AD now ...haha

angel, u are back in singapore? wow time seem to past so fast ...keke :p


New Member
318bi and Yuki: yah mah... white= bai gold= jin.... white gold= bai jin... i think thats why old pple dont like it.. not so much so cos got no resale value..

eh, i got a a white gold bracelet that my mum got for me.. she knows i dont wear it now also, but we dont know what to do with it... my jewellwe (whom i got the bracelet from) doesnt want it too... so other than wrap and give to someone (hee) i dont know what else to do with it.. can pawn away or not ah? on the bracelet will say its realy white gold and not silver... anyone can suggest what to do with it?


New Member

ribbons..i think white gold no value to pawn one leh....

jo.. im using Mr. CHan Kai Yau too..
my AD is this Dec too..what we did was...we called him in June to pre-book the time and date we wanted....den he asked us to call him back again 3 mths b4 our wedding date...which is this mth actually.... so i guess u can quickly look for JP n cfm them le... once u find 1 tt u want....


New Member
ribbons, why you dont wear the white gold bracelet now?

the jewellery that my mum & FMIL bought for me for wedding are set in white gold.

h/w i do have a set of yellow jewellery bought by my mum many years ago. that time she said if for my dowsy. but this time round, she got me another set in white gold since i will not wear yellow gold


New Member
<font color="0000ff">beatrice; oh my... tat was indeed a touching &amp; heart felt story... thanks for sharing!</font>


New Member
Jen, yaya. so glad that friday is here again. Today go see printer and wine tasting. Tomolo settle my house furnitures.. sunday will try to do up my guest list and confirm the menu for my banquet.

Dorami, ya..see if got any nice OTR gowns which will catch your eye or not.all the best ya..

jkit, hmm.. you better book your hotel fast.. nov is so near already. I will be having mine in bugis intercon. Hilton still available?


New Member
hai, no! i haven't found anyone same day same month and same year as me leh. i'm an 81 -kid, diana's bro-in-law same year as me? btw, which day is urs?

beatrice, it's a very touchy story, thanks!


New Member

our date is not a very hot date, and i dont have some many tables, so some hotels still available, such as hyatt, riz, oreintal...

luckily ah.... will try to confirm one asap..


New Member
cos...... i dont like now... i dont even know why i chose that design in the first place... very simple one, no diamonds even.. if got diamond, at least i can get some resale for the stones.. and besides, i'm not really an accesories girl.. the only accesories i am wearing now is my earrings (studs, and just there to keep the hole open) and my engagement ring lor... after AD, the only additional accesory would be the wedding band...


New Member
beatrice, really heart warming story to share, though i read before... but after reading again, still got watery eyes... wahhaha.


New Member
hi munmun, blur blur..
count me in for the count down..ha ha ha .. mine is also on 26 nov.. but dinner on 27 nov..munmun jus like u nothing has been done.. except BS ans venue..

jen, blur blur,
how much u guys spend on a bottle of wine?


New Member
jkit, great.. better confirm before it's gone. so ur prep all done? gowns should be ready right?

ling, we all count down together.. i m actually looking at abt $15-$16 range. Will have a wine tasting before deciding.


New Member

really hope all can be done.... i did 3 gowns MTM. and the 1st fitting will only be late Oct... think my gowns will be just in time for the dinner. the rest of the prep alll not done yet... looking for makeup artist, AD photographer, bridal car, florist shop.... =(

ling, based on the hotel i like currently, the wine is about $25. but i can get half of the confirmed table wines for free.


New Member
My hubby postpone his trip back to spore, so i got to postpone my wine confirmation too...

agree with Jen, weekends are for us to do wedding preparation ehehe

I m getting my wine at $16 per bottle... i guess shd be ard that rate rite


New Member
jkit, so you DIY everything? not doing photoshoot since your gowns will be only realy in late Oct..

linda, yaya.. it's about that range too.. I am interested in the bordeaux wine price at $15.50 guess after adding GST, it's about $16 also.


New Member

yuh. sort of doing everything DIY. no photoshoot before that as the gown wont be ready. very rush by trying to get everything done in 2.5 months only... think im the laziest BTB liao... hehe
