(2004) Brides of year 2004


New Member

i oni think these 3 song very appropriate for for march in... Cos their begining of the song give some power starting.

I confirm my 2nd march in will be. Your Love


New Member
Hi gals... cant talk for long... just wanna say hi..

will be leaving for Port Dickson for a 3 day company trip on thurs... cant come in to chit chat and will miss 38-ing with you gals.

Yes, everyone i talk to on me meeting up with OCT brides all look at me in a disbeliving manner. haha... ciao gals. gotto go


New Member
Hi Bao Bao,

It is $23.50 for one so in all i spent $70.50 with 10% discount = $63.45. All 8R size.

Hi Oraia,

Really no need adjustment har? Hmmm....was thinking to put the ring pillow in a better view. I like that ring pillow very much. See how first. Will discuss with the lady i engaged to do the collages first. If got admendment, then i let u know again.

Hi Hayashi,

Not my friend did for me BUT i engaged someone who does it for me. She provide designing of the collages and the price include developments. ;)

Hi Gals,
Thank you very much for the comments. Really appreciate it. I loved collages!!


New Member
Hi doremon

I oso got contact for jessie... She oso got do photo montage, i heard fm my fren oni cost S$ 100+ don't know is it the same jessie im refering too.


New Member
hi JG,
thks 4 the comments. ya i also think prawns more presentable.. will ask that for food tasting..and see how is it thks!

hi onee,
wow.. thks 4 the cake list.. its really helpful!! need to check out the rates and ask ard for comments also!!
hey ur mum so nice ah..help u to select menu.. think i will do it myself.. hmm... will ask their opinion too


New Member
thot u look quite tall in ur pic?
me making cs, juz came back from her place. can collect this thur for ps on mon.
pray that it will not rain....

u r welcome! juz to add another pt - the price will depend on the material use.


New Member
Cawaii: Haha...I'm actually quite petite, small frame, but of course not as tiny as Kim lah. Hmm..we pray for you. Oh, by the way that day when I went PS, it didn't rain till evening when we took night pictures. Girls: Must thank all of you for praying for me.
The weather getting hotter already, think april probably less rain, so dun worry lah. Even if it does, maybe the rainy effect can be quite beautiful as well? Just go with the flow, and dun be too worried about the weather, otherwise frowns will show up in the pics orh. How's your CS?


New Member
Peg76, isnt it a good sign??? keke more ppl getting hitch... which means we are trying to take GOVT advice. whahaha.. joking...

Anyone plans for kids after married?


New Member
Hi lala!

Oic!!! Hee... I thought you have chosen the fushia pink fabric like me... paisey hor... I didn't know that there's light pink fabric. Helan showed me the blue, fushia pink and aqua green ones only. :p

Ya 25th is a hot date or so I was told by a lot of ppl... and oh ya! we were having a hard time finding hotels for this date. We were lucky to get GWC as initially a couple had confirmed on this date but later they changed their date so FH & I immediately grabbed the date hehehehe...

We had no choice cos that's the only Sat date that the fortune teller had given us. :p


New Member
Hi Hayashi

Photo Montage is use for photo presentation... Fm childhood to now... Cos i sign up with videography and Photography with Segami they provide photo montage and morning highlight.


New Member
Cubby : Hehe, I got the list from this thread too
Actually it's my mother-in-law who early early says she wanna help with menu, so let her enjoy her pick lor

Cawaii : Thanks, will check it out

Fairymoss : I oso want to see your pics, [email protected]


New Member
good morning ladies....

c0co, enjoy your trip....!

me used to dream of that previously when i was younger, cos somehow at that age, working overseas seems to indicate that you're successful, etc... but if i really have to choose, i doubt i'll be able to leave my family and friends and be alone there... esp now that i've a hubby....

why? do you have an overseas posting? or do u wish to get one?


morning ladies
so glad to see that the thread has slowed down a little, hee hee, don't have to scroll too much to reply yesterday's messages
had been busy yesterday and couldn't log in after my last posting yesterday.

don't worry about it, you'll definitely look good in ur WG & EG
best is have very little expectations, that way, you'll be easily pleased

hmm.... going to JB and shop for shoes? sorry, i won't be able to make it, all my free time is now taken up shuttling between my parents' pl and my new pl, weekends burnt. u gals have fun shopping in JB

sure, no prob
care to share with us the name of ur AD photographer?

hee hee, never tried the nubra before, so, can't enlighten u on the trying bit too.

glad to hear that u were much better by yesterday afternoon. wow, rainy weather huh? good for u to catch up on ur sleep ya? i'd love to just take a day off and catch up on sleep, been very tired lately

yup, have facial on 10 apr, will go and colour my hair after that. won't be able to do it on week nights cos if i go down to aljunied on weeknights, it'll be to visit my parents, won't have much time to spend with them if i were to colour my hair after work, will also be very late by the time it finishes and i've to go back to bt batok. how? maybe we won't be able to colour our hair together after all

company retreat at port dickson? good for u
we'll definitely miss 38-ing with u as well, wil update u when u're back, have fun

yup, i did dream of working overseas before, in japan, but that was many years ago, without the current committments that i have. i doubt this working in overseas dream will ever come true now but i'm alright with it cos i'm happy where i am now


same sentiments as u, i don't want to leave my family and friends behind and venture out in a new pl by myself, that's why i've never thought of applying for aussie PR even after my studies there, cos Singapore is still home to me. and it means even more to me now that i've just started my new life with my hubby


New Member
Hi chio ladies... morning...
Hope cheerful chubbyrain is feeling better today :p

Chloe... yup... feel the same as Yvonne and feroy... studied in Aust and nearly took up the PR... but i knew that parents will want me home and I miss home too... so didnt pursue the PR...
glad I came back, if not wont meet FH as well... haha... now that I am going to marry FH, even less likely with the working abroad thingy...

Feroy and Yvonne... thanks... will make sure I enjoy myself on this 3 day trip... hehe... wonder if its pretty there... never been there...;) Other than chubbyrain, anyone going overseas over the good friday weekend?


New Member
hi gals
me oso leaving in a bit for KL, so just thot I pop in and say hello and see u next week!

lucky u, enjoy!

ya i know wat u mean, after manicures i tend to keep lookin at my nails... hehe vain hor...

yes almost wanted to move overseas with bf, but after seeing many friends, return after a while, kinda just put the idea aside. will have to see how things go when we start our own family...


New Member
Moonlight? how come??? Our HM gng to falls on my FH month end closing too.... but he says its ok..if $ permits... we can go for a short break... baby making on the plan wahahhahahaa......


New Member
Hi Hi everyone,

I am also getting ROM in May this year. But will not be having any dinner, instead will be flying off for honeymoon on the day itself

Now headache with the ROM photographer. Have asked a few and most of them told me that they do not have any portfolios that they can share with me on ROM
only actual days. Is that good enough? Anyone has good recommendation? Thanks


New Member
Morning chio BUs..

I m feelin better today, got a discussion later at 10am.. Guess the nap yesterday helped a lot..
Really appreciate all you gals' concern.

Hi coco,
Enjoy ur trip ok? I hv never been there, let me noe whether its fun..
U r wrong, i will b back b4 the good friday weekend.. Will not be extending my stay in Shanghai bec FH not able to join me there.. So i comin back lor..
Kind of lookin forward to this trip, cos its an incentive trip, can take tis chance to R & R..

Hi bebe,
Enjoy ur KL trip.. Wah, u goin Penang after KL straightaway? Cool, food! food!! I hope i dun eat too much in Shanghai.. Already not losing weight, dun wan to gain weight man..
Quite worried..

Hi Yvonne,
Ya, the nap really did wonders, but guess wat? I din sleep well last nite.. Argghh, maybe slept too much in the afternoon lor.. N it was too warm last nite, so i got up to on air con, then it became too cold, so i got up to off air con.. My FH said I very ma fan wan, must hv rite temperature then i can zzz..
He said i m a bz gal at nite..
I m juz quite silly lor..

Hi Chloe,
B4 i met my FH, i used to tink tt i would wan to go overseas, like say China or US to work for like 3 or 4 years then come back.. Now I dun hv tis idea anymore.. U tinkin of doin tt?
I cant bear to leave my family n frens behind lor..


New Member
Hi fairymoss

I think Yahoo! account is down with problems these few days. The gals from my bridal thread try to send email to each other but we always can't receive each other's emails. Do you mind resending to [email protected]?


New Member

we don't want the HM to clash with school holidays leh. So have to delay till 2005, then CNY will be round the corner again. So likely to go after CNY. : (

no choice leh... so my family planning will be end of 2005, hopefully!


New Member
Hi Bow_wow

Me haven't even think about the songs yet. I like Anytime, Anywhere by Sarah Brightman. But my colleauges say it sounds too sad leh. I thought it sounds grand and gothic though. Seems like I've weird tastes that my colleagues can't accept
Any good suggestions


New Member
Hi Mic,
Thanks for the comments... my arm not slim lah... haha camera trick...

Hi Smurfy,
Looking forward for ur pic...

Hi Gals,
So we meet on 1 May instead.... all got plenty of time. Currently only left with Blue Lake had not reply... think her email got problem...

Hi Blue Lake,
How got my mail on the gathering or the photo link that send to u??

Hi Mic ,
U want to join us on the gathering? Sharing of Studio n AD Photo Album?


New Member
Hi Baobao,

care to share how much you paid for the video & photo pckg? reminder to tell us once u find good lobang for gowns. last nite went to vanity their gowns are quite pretty too. the gowns mi liked fm 250$


New Member
i was too thinking of that too... esp. HM costing more during School Holidays.. and tends to see lots of SG ppl overseas... but if i dun go by dec... we will have to wait till abt middle Jan.. cos FH got YR END closing and its gng to be worse....
so sian hor.. haiz


hi everyone!!
the thread has slowed down.. most of us busy with more wedding n hse preparation and work piled up ?

hi chloe
Going overseas to work is something i wish for too. But being asian and my parents are quite traditional. It's not going to be easy to do so. Like my hubby actually planned to further his studies last yr, so i just told my mum *maybe only* we might be staying in states for 2 yrs. She cried *twice* tot we hvn't confirmed anything at all. Well, for now, we wont be going anywhere in near future, but likelihood is still there.

i think it's quite normal for pple to move out of s'pore perm or temp. already have some gd frens staying in china, london and states. If u hv the heart to contact each other, dist is not a prob.
now me jia tu (rabbita) shui tu. I go wherever he goes and if i got any job prospect, he will follow me too.
Do these while we are still young, no kids or kids are still young.


New Member
Hi poshies,

sorry...I very mafan...
1st may I may not be able to make it. Hubby and I planning for a short getaway since that is a long weekend for us.
Anyway, if majority of u prefer 1st may, just go ahead without me lah. but I will still attend if our getaway plan doesn't work out.


New Member

yes, it is a good sign, the more the merrier.....

HP, we are waiting for u to join our list.

No, no plans for kids at this pt of time or near future.... not confident of becoming good parents.... moreover, I think for the first few yrs, we will be busy repaying our reno loans.


New Member
Hi Blueangel,
have not visited tea dragon yet, but seems like many hotels use them. Should be visiting them later in April.

I have just started to reno my flat, so many thing to buy. Spend $ like water


New Member
hi kippy

can understand ur meaning - spending $ like water.

a tip. better set aside $1000 for misc things (pails, mop, forks and spoons, bedsheets, etc etc) when ur house is ready ... that one, we dunno where our money gone to ... hee hee ... at least for reno and eletrical appliances, you can see where ur money to go ...


New Member
hi everyone!

wow so many newbies here! welcome!

have been so busy cos FY closing...

here's mine! No. 2 on the list!

List of November Brides
11 Nov - Moonlight (RTP , Whitelink)
12 Nov - Lorac (Goodwood Park, Milan)
14 Nov - Taurus (Pan Pacific, Whitelink)
17 Nov - Adidas (Marriott, Whitelink)
19 Nov - WinniePooh ( , )
20 Nov - Mist (Marriott , Wedding Affairs )
20 Nov - Hydrangeas ( , )
20 Nov - Littlepig (China Club,Z-Wedding)
21 Nov - Seabreeze (Sheraton, Whitelink)
21 Nov - Peg76 (GCW, Wedding News)
25 Nov - Carole (Mandarin Court, French BS)
27 Nov - Mooee (M hotel,Kai bridal )


New Member
Hi hi all....

so now i guess everyone is busy to each their own activities liao hor? me getting the big headache now as my house also just come liao!!! Cramp!

as for my 2nd appt, me gg next week, lor hopefully everything will turn out fine man! heheheheee,,,,,, if got take photos then share with all of u again ya!


New Member
hi Amethyst,
Thanks for your pics.. u look so nice.. love your WG.. ur CS looks familiar.. care to share where u get it from? I send you the link to my AD pics too, go take a look

hi Mic/Miso/Poshies/Mee Mee/Odie/Piper/Pageup,
Had email to all of u the link too..


New Member
Hi HP,

Same here! Actually I intend to have a built in cupboard for the master bedroom and some carpentry work for the kitchen, living room. Merely just raising a platform. And the rest is standard work done such as L box lighting, flooring etc. dun know am I being quoted too high, mine is almost the same price as yours.


New Member

congrats !!! now can start planning how you want your lovenest to be done up... i'm starting my reno after the "Qing Ming" festival....

it's also going to be tiring !! brace yourself !!!


New Member
Hi Eternity,

the dust in a new house will take sometime to settle down, so have to keep cleaning. I think will be about a month before one can feel a clean floor ....

How's your session yest at the BS? Any idea on your EG already? As at now, both WG & EG will be bustier, however, designer told me that will add something to the EG to make it look non-bustier. WG will be of a softer look with V-shaped waist line. EG is 3-tone pink, with lighter pink in front and gradual gets darker towards the back. Looking at the front of the EG, there are two layers below the bust; inside will be darker pink & fitting to the body; on the outside, like pink, flowy & opens out in the middle so as not to emphasize on my ruler-shaped body.
(hope I didn't confuse u further .... hhhahaha ... will take pic & show u when I go for my 1st fitting)

Hi Pinkcoco,

I saw a pair of fushia pink shoes at Studio Tamgs yesterday ... gorgeous, about 1.5 inches only ... if your HB is tall, then not suitable. Helan never shows me the aqua green leh ... I think she will recommend according to the skin colour & personality of the person. Bet u must be vibrant & cheerful ah =)

Hi Kokopooh,

Wow, your 1st appointment is exceptionally interesting; already doing make-up & hairdo. Any suggestions on hairdo which will make my face looks slimmer & head smaller ?? hee hee ... I have a big head yah ....

Hi Skylar,
Good that your house is here ... better quickly settle the renovation & carpentry works before your AD. I think by then, have more things to do. Me thankfully is done with my new place .... soooooo tiring; we did our own painting .... update us on your reno progress, okie ...
