(2003) Brides of year 2003



Hi Beanie,

Can "an chuang" be after the wedding nite? Like an chunag say 3-4 weeks later?



New Member
Hihi Meekoo
Drink ginseng root drink. It is cooling, may help in the swelling. U may also ask the dentist to give u pills dat helps to bring dwn the swelling.

Hihi Maya
Wow, your photos muz b v nice wif the beautiful sceneries. Share your photos wif us when it is ready ok.

Hihi Sue
U got your shoes already?
I oso hold back on the extraction of my wisdom tooth. I told the dentist it doesn't give me pain or inconvenience so dun wanna extract it


hi flowee, final round left

kevin seah
allure charix

just taken off amanda lee.


New Member
May: Oh dear, sorry to hear about the bad experience. I think it's common to face problems with the contractors/renovaters. Just be very firm with your stand and don't give in to them ya? I remember when my sis's reno was completed, the lights above her dining table suddenly gave way (can you imagine!), my dad called up the contracter and he said things like 'oh we've expected it, it seems that the house is not clean, our workers experience funny things while doing up your house. why don't i recommend this medium for you to perform some rituals' my dad was so pissed off he called up the boss and made a big hoo-hah! so unscrupulous hor?

meekoo: I think you should get the tooth extracted. 28 jan is still 3 weeks away, the swelling would have gone down by then. I extracted 2 times (2 at a time) and the swelling went down in less than 5 days leh. Just don't aggravate the swell by eating heaty or 'hard-to-bite' stuff

maya: glad you had fun in your PS. must show us the pics ya? hope we can all show each other our pics when we meet up

jazz: must take care. my hubby and me were both very sick last week too, down with flu and fever, we were never like this, can u imagine the both us slept throughtout new year's day and the day after, what a way to start 2003! ha!

sue: is your boy-boy back already?


New Member
dear all!!


now we have beanie,kiroro,taddess,Dolphie so we have 10 June brides here!!!how's everyone??

how's your gown fitting?

me have 5 ah yees who will be helping me on that
day.mine is on a saturday.i think it depends how
efficient is your ah yees.if they are good,two shd be enf.mine have five cos my parents want my wedding to be noiser!


New Member
It is most likely to be a queen size bed.. king-size will be too big.. looking for the bedroom furniture also..

Passed by Harvey Norman at Millenia walk yesterday.. They have very nice bedsheets.. reasonably priced for that type of quality.. there was a polar bear bedsheet featured in sesame open door show once, and it is from harvey norman.. they have some fushia pink sheets if u dun mind tha loud colors..

on shoes, metro has some nice closed toe shoes with some diamonds and 3 inches in height at less than 100.. heh, anyone has the metro card?? can get 10% off..

i understand the frustration of waiting and waiting..


New Member
SLK, thanks! I'm also hoping to get well soon.
Hope you're getting well too, think this flu virus has been attacking all of Singapore...
Everybody seems to be getting sick. Wah, the contractor for your sis' reno so irresponsible, what an incredible excuse!!! Nowadays, it's so hard to get responsible contractors. Had problems with my first contractor, so in the end had to engage my dad's friend (contractor as well) to do my reno. The best part is, my first contractor had the cheek to send a Christmas card to our house, after almost causing us problems with the reno...

Meekoo, my brother had just had his wisdom tooth extracted last Thurs. He's recovering fine, not much of swelling or blue black (my friend had it the last time she removed her wisdom tooth). I'm not sure if the swelling or blue black is subjective to person. If you're interested, I can recommend you the dentist that my brother went. It's our family dentist and we've been visiting him for years. Like SLK said, you should get your tooth extracted now so that you can recover just in time for your PS.

May, like the girls said, try Tangs, and other shops. Think you can get a decent pair without making one.

Pausini, I lived at Bedok North Ave 3, 500 plus, near the temple. Wah, you stay so near Sheng Shiong, very good and convenient. My family have to drive there to buy food and it's very hard to find parking lot 'cos the food we buy is in quantity, so abit tough to carry and walk back to our house. ;p

Shook, Sue, thanks! *sigh* I wished I could avoid, but now, we're spending most of our weekends at our new house, so no choice, have to clean 'cos we walk until our feet is "black".

Maya, good to hear that you had your PS. Go get those 3-in-1 paints. I got that for my house 'cos I want my wall to be "washable", otherwise, if the contractors leave all the prints on the wall, I'll faint if I have to clean the prints off.

Beanie, so are you staying at your new house?


New Member
You really very fast lei. I guess I will be looking for all this 6 mth before my wedding. Lucky buffet I don't have to worry becos I have a friend that do catering. As for bed, me already have one now but have to change it before my wedding. Wasted hor, just slept for less then 2 year. Is that a must to have red/pink bedsheet on our wedding day?

Meow and Yve,
Avoid buying shoe that is slot in type buy those that fully enclose or has sling at ankle.

Hi DK,
Welcome to our thread. Yah, alot of hotels already taken up becos dis year many ppl get marry. We face the same problem when I do our booking last Nov. Those hotel that we want already taken up, so sad..... Me also haven't confirm bridal package. Abit kan chiong liao.


New Member
Hi Gals,

Gave my contractor a good scolding over the weekend. Told him i expect a good discount for all the shoody work he has done. He will try to rectify the mosiac tiles.
I am definitely not paying him till everything is done to my satisfaction.

Meeko: You are taking the top or bottom wisdom tooth? I have 4 of mine taken out at a go. I had to under GE and stayed in the hospital for a nite. My face swelled like a cabbage patch kid. I looked terrible and it was very painful. Think my cheeks were a little blue-black too. Wonder what they did to me while i was asleep in the operation theatre. Because i took 4 in a go, i could not eat much. So i lost a lot of weight. Wish i have more wisdom tooth to extract so that i can lose weight some more. Dont worry too much, it should be fine if yours is only one.

Sue and Maya: yah, i think i will check out the ready made ones...cheaper...cant be bothered to spend so much after spending a bomb on my house.

SLK: Aiyo, your sis that contractor is terrible. Can say such thing one. Seems like all contractors are like that. Do all these substandard work and think they can get away with it. Dont think they of repeated business or referral? Sigh...sometimes i wonder if i made a mistake not going to a ID firm but to a contractor. Oh no, u and hubby better take care.


New Member
Hi gals

Good Morning sorry for not actively involve in this thread recently cos very busy recently. Will try to come in more often

welcome DK to the thread


New Member
Hi beibei, Yes, I'd love to meet up. Hopefully we can find a suitable time in our busy schedules. I just got the HDB letter to collect keys. Unfortunately, I have to get deferrment til May because of my Fiance being away. But we're really really excited about the flat and I wish I could get the keys now. My future MIL is also excited and I think I'll have to take her to see the surroundings soon even if we can't get into the flat.

Kiroro, my first 'real' fitting will probably not be til end Jan or after Chinese New Year. This week I'm going to Silh to try on the kebaya before Heath starts on the embroidery. Otherwise, the other parts of the gowns are not ready yet. My PS is not til May because Fiance is away. Are you getting your gown embroidered or are you using lace applique?


New Member
Shall we set a date in mid feb to end feb?
any preference for weekday or weekend?

anyone to vote??

this coming cny i can't at all!!cos my last half of outdoor ps is on 22/02 so no choice but got to tahan the crave for new year goodies!

kiroro and Dolphie,
your PS not too late lah!!me then kiasu ald taken indoor in nov last year now waiting for last outdoor in feb!think mar and apr u all will have good weather!


New Member
weclome, DK. like sunnyling, I have been v busy with work recently too so apologies for MIA.

wow Yve, you are really fast. for caterers, I guess I will settle for the one my dept uses for X'mas lunches or one of my hubby's colleagues used for his church wedding. actually now starting to think of ideas for reno cos just got the floor plans for my place. worried now that everything will come in H2 2003, leaving me unable to cope.

if anyone is interested, I've got the Metro card for the 10% discount tat Yve was talking about.. just sms me or call me and we can arrange to look at the shoes together.


New Member

WHats the problem with you??? you got a problem with AA?? whats so irritating?? if you not happy to see just dont post or answer her questions..and if u wana post for post sake..please refrain from your naive coments...you are making a mock of this forum by not contributing any positive ouputs...and just goin ard postings irrelevant threads....sigh...


New Member
no harm doing some homework first.. i dun mind any caterer, not fussy about the food.. just think that will give curry a skip.. very messy to eat..

how about changing the mattress only? well, at least the bedsheet don't have to have the dragon and phoenix.. checked that these costs 100 plus at yue hwa, chinatown.. :p somemore must get 2 sets of bedsheets.. but yue hwa has the tea-set with double happiness word gng for $20..


New Member
Hi beibei

my fitting is good, for both gowns. no regrets on the long search for the designs and waiting for 2 months for them to get them done. very happy about it. Trial make-up's good too. Cannot show u the pics cos my bridal shop don't allow photo-taking.

Have to go for another fitting next Friday cos bustier seems a little tight. The seamstress will be altering them and I hv to go down and try again before my PS next Monday.

Praying very hard that the weather will be good on that day.

Hi Privileged

Same same ah!! But I am not using silk for the evening, don't know what materials they used but it turned out real good!! I hv already collected my keys but FH says to put reno on hold. settle wedding first.

Hi Kiroro and Dolphie

Welcome back!!


New Member
We can go and look at the shoes sometime in Feb? There is a nice sliver pair, but not sure if it matches my yet-to-be-designed gown.. WG will probably be off-white leh.. my first appt is after CNY..

leo29, went with fren to french bridal at funan to try her ROM dress.. package is reasonable and the gowns are nice.. can consider esp if u just take OTR..


New Member
No, better to change the whole bed. Actually already planned it when we first bought the bed but still heart pain although it’s not very xpensive. Now persuading my younger brother to take over it.

What you mean by have to get 2 sets? Last time when my friend got married, she put on an orange color bed sheet. Abit obiang lei,
. I think tea set with double happiness, can easily get it from those shop that sell household items. Maybe cheaper.


New Member
Hi Freesia,
Isn't it a bit too early to buy shoes now??
Me scared the white shoes will turn yellowish by dec... hehehee!! Yeah, i'm taking the teadress too, but dun think i want cheongsam, hmm.... now u reminded me, actually me haven't been thinking much abt teadress! When are u meeting Doreen?

i see, u miss those days when we walk to school? How i wish i can walk to work as well, then dun need to wake up so early, haha!


New Member
need to change bedsheets what.. but the second set no need to be ang ang.. may get something blue..

harvey norman has a bedsheet set of a single rose with white background.. nice too..


New Member
Hi Jazz,

Yah, me already staying in my new house with my hubby.

I saw from the past posting that there is this talk about bringing in own bought beer barrel from Asia Pacific Brewing to our banquet hotel. Is it real? Can anyone enlighten me?


New Member
Hi Ho Chin Hwang,
I think u got to ask pucca about "an chuang". I am also a blur queen, waiting for pucca's enlightenment.

Hi beibei,
thanks for your info. I will have to check with my "ah yee in mind list" to see if they are willing to sacrifice their leave for my important date.

To meet wkday or wkend both fine with me..


New Member
yve, sure we can look at shoes sometime in Feb. My appointment to design my WG prob wld be only sometime in March but I'm already v sure tat I would want something off white and no harm looking at the shoes available first.


New Member
Hi Shook: My package comes with a pair of tailor-made shoes from LLizard so I dun hv to worry abt that. Moreover, I'm a shoes freak so for EG, I shld be able to get one pair from my existing stock to go with.

Hi Meekoo: yah man! If you really hv to extract, just do it now & get it done with. Mine not that serious that's why can still delay. You shld be able to recover by 28 Jan, dun worry dear!!

Hi SLK: So touched that u still remember that my FH coming back soon!! He will be back this Thur. I'm so excited & have been waiting for him to come home. I'll be on leave on Fri because going back to M'sia with him for the weekend. Can finally do something for the wedding together!

By the way, do u gals know when will Jan be back from Japan? Din know that she's away for so long. And I wonder how Vin's wedding is!


New Member
OIC. I remember you move into your flat already right? Should have a few sets by now wat. Me already have 3 sets so can dahan for sometime, until we get marry,
. Forgot to commence on the bedsheet price. 100 plus for a bedsheet is expensive lei, I mean normal type. Should be able to get it less then 50, heeheehee if on sales lah. Unless you get those with quilt cover, it cost more then 100.


New Member
Hi enya,

thanks for the re-assurance. will see for myself and keep u all updated.

so who else have u seen? have u decided? share your experience ok?


New Member
Hi gals

I haven't buy any bed yet cos I dun want my hubby to sleep on the new bed before I slept so think will only buy when is near to our wedding which is nov this year.


New Member
Hihi May
U v brave, extract all 4 wisdom tooth @ 1 go!! Takes my hat off u.

Hihi Vin
R u back? How wz your wedding?

Hihi Sue
Got your shoes made already?


New Member
Your hubby already stay at your new hse? Ya lor, you should buy it near your wedding day. So don't have to be like me, buy a new bed.
Originally we planned to buy mattress only but don't know why ended up buying a bed. Hahaha..., I think money bite my backside.


New Member
leo and sunnyling,I think the tradition is tat the bed the couple use must be brand-new ie not used before by anyone, yourself inclusive, before the actual wedding nite... or so my mum insisted and tat was the only 'demand' she had so far.... btw my mum is fairly non-traditional cos she is relatively young and educated. So you're right in getting new beds.


New Member

ya he already stay there so we are sleeping on the old bed he had last time. I will only buy it when is very near to our wedding so he cant sleep on it b4 the wedding.

btw how your new year holiday? any mahjong? win?


New Member
nope, I am moving in with FH.. He has a place with MIL at Pasir Ris. We tot that we can use MIL's queen size bed, but no lor.. must buy new everything.. will need a set with quilt cover, so expect to pay about 100 plus.. and this is to be part of the dowry that we bring over to the groom's house during guo da li.. together with new pillows, bolster and etc..

will purchase bed around july, aug.. to deliver in sep in time for an chuang.. after that, FH has to sleep on another bed for about 2 weeks till 1 nov..

robinsons have quilt (the inside) on sale.. under 100..


New Member
hi gals...

SLK... me also sick, in fact since New Year's Eve, slept through New Year, never been this sick

Jazz.. take care, me yet to recover, blow my nose till it's so painful

Meekoo... hope you feel better after the extraction. Had 1 of my wisdom tooth taken out 5 years ago, for me, no problem, can even eat porridge in the same evening. Dentist was equally surprised guess got thick skin

Maya... 1 thing down for you now that you had your PS.

May... you can check Golden Landmark for shoes too, saw an ad in a malay bridal magazine, very nice shoes, those with sequins, crystals etc.

Sue... you must be in cloud nine huh since hubby coming back


New Member
Afternoon Ladies

There's this shop in chinatown that does made to measure shoes

I bought my open-toe silver wedding shoes from them for $60
it's simple and nice...

it's really all a matter of personal taste.
i'll email the shop details to all in the nova list tomorrow


New Member
Wah May! 4 at one go?!! I cannot lah! So painful! Also, the way I calculated, I got more MCs if I pull out my teeth 2 at a time. Upper wisdom teeth is 1 day MC each, lower - 3-5 days MC. I did one side each (upp & lower), that gave me 10 days of MCs altogther, more "value" than one shot where I think only abt 5 days MC altogether?? You might want to see it that way....

Yeah, I can't wait to see my shots too. But maybe a while bec my studio famous for being slow. Then I gotta fig out how/where to download them (me no PC at home) so that I can show you ladies.

And yes, I did buy Nippon 3-in-1. didn't know they can be quite ex, paints, abt $44-48 depending on quality. Wah! More $$ again!! Really, really broke!! I find that Nippon range quite limited. Dulux had more colours but seems like not as "good", no anti-bacterial something. But then again, was wondering is it necc? I bought both and found the Nippon really stinko!


New Member
Hi gals,
Hmm..been to the fair at Expo..think ended yesterday...not much electrical stuff, more of furniture..just bgt my TV console with the same exhibitor who we bgt the sofa set from..we try to cut price with them..hope that they didn't overcharge us..
then I must go down Eminent Plaza to take a look for my Electrical Appliances

Btw, do you gals put in those ovens in yr kitchen?
hehe...at first I thought of getting one but dun think I will use it frequently since me not good cook...dun bake cakes etc also...so save the money..thought of buying a normal table-top oven (dunno need to have the microwave function or not). Any idea which brand is better???

Today MC at home..was sick after trying gowns on Sat..think aricon too strong..plus already not feeling well...didn't manage to select the gowns leh..I like two designs...one is more elaborate, one is simple but elegant...sigh...lot of things to take care of..think slim down a bit cos been eating white porridge with caixin..cos no appetite


New Member
thank you, thank you for all the praises on my bravery. i took 4 out during my younger days and i think i was on mc for a week. I wouldnt advise any of you to go thru it as after the op, i actually lose my taste bud for a about 9 months. Yep, i couldnt taste anything sweet or salty for a long time. Think the surgeon killed my nerves on my tongue by over injecting me with the anesthetic. All the food i ate was tasteless and i was quite upset for a period of time. I dont even enjoy french kissing then cause tongue was no feeling, numb all the time.

It is terrible to have one of your senses down. Gradually, over time, my nerves started to come back..so all is well now.

I in the process of selecting colors for my houses. Just like to check have any one of you tried the ICI Dulux whiter shades of white? Did all of you paint pure white for the ceiling?

Ya, i also wonder when Jan is coming back from Japan.


New Member
Suppose to but end up no becos I was angry with my HB. You? Got win money?

OK. Thks!

Yve and sunnyling,
Same lor. Buy a new bed around sept/oct for An Chuang and cannot sleep on it until our wedding day. Ai yoh, during that period don't know sleep on what. Sofa??? Hahaha....

Quilt got many type lei, eg 70 down 30 Feather. You know what to buy hor? Me not going to buy quilt, scared warm. Will stick to knitted blanket. But for nice nice, I will used comforter to cover up our bed. What are the things needed for guo da li? Still haven't check it out. This wed going to visit the Shifu that pick our wedding date, for further things to do for our wedding, eg An Chuang....

Are you gers going for a medical check up with your HB/FHB before your wedding?


Hi All,

I am also a Sept'03 bride, can i join in?

mine is on 22nd Sept, Raffles The Plaza, Wedding Present, Chris Ling,Tampines


New Member
u have not decided on a date?
orh, yeah.. there are many types of quilt.. need one becos FH like to on aircon at night and i am scared of cold...

we went to a sifu near si ma lu guan yin temple.. he choose the wedding date and time.. guo da li date, an chuang time (same day as guo da li).. and also tell us which animal will clash with us.. for us it is monkey.. so MIL has to hide when i enter his house..

medical checkup uh?? good to do so.. will be a few hundred dollars.. well, can claim from company uh..


New Member
Hi all,
How is everyone doing?
Look like alot of u are sick. I am down will cold today. Aircon too cold in the office.

may: I got my ceiling pure white, cos it look brighter, make the ceiling look higher and more spacious.

I painting all my unit using Dulux paint. Quite good. remember to add water to it dun just paint it over the wall like that. read the instructions, they will specify the portion.

For those paint with anti-baterial. I dun really see, how it can help much. unless painting the wall in the kitchen or toilet but now all of them come with wall tile. furthermore, those paint wasnt cheap.


New Member
Hi Bubbler,
Welcome to the thread.. here, help u to update

Lilac, 28/8, Marriott, still sourcing, PG21
Coolcitrusbasil, 4/9, InterContinental Singapore, still sourcing, JW
Faye, 4/9
Wei, 4/9
JL, 6/9, MC, Printemps (Malaysia), Woodlands
Sep03, 6/9, Four Seasons Hotel, Ted Wu, Chris Ling, Tampines
Babbit, 6/9, Oriental, Tan Yoong, Chris Ling, Anchorvale
SJ, 6/9
Peachcooler, 6/9 Hotel Rendezvous, ???, Ang Mo Kio
Smartie, 6/9 Conrad Hotel, Divine, Utopia, Ang Mo Kio
Sweetsuz, 6/9
Mspiggy, 8/9
Neko, 8/9 , Grand Hyatt, White Link, Yishun
Flowee, 10/9 , Noble House, Amanda Lee n Utopia, Sengkang
nicloe, 12/9, New Otani, ???, ???
AA, 13/9, Grand Copthorne Waterfront, Still Shopping, Town area resale
Babylove, 13/9 Mandain Orchard, Bridal Zone, Bukit Panjang
Pacific, 13/9 Marina Mandrian, Bridal Zone, SK
Pinky, 14/9 Four Season, Sliver Cloak, Utopia
Eileen, 17/9, RELC-Pin Hsiang, GHA, Andrew Tay, Tiong Bahru
Blurydoey, 17/9
Bless, 17/9
Sept03bride, 17/9, HIPV, ???, JW
Ling, 20/9 sheraton tower, divine, hil &kc,videolane, yck
Juju, 20/9
Hazel, 20/9
OscarJSCS, 20/9
Maro, 20/9
Angel, 20/9
Simon, 20/9, Beaufort Sentosa, Bridal Veil, Simei
Bijou, 20&21/9, Rasa sentosa, AmandaLee & Utopia, Fastsoup, J.west
Bubbler, 22/9, Raffles The Plaza, Wedding Present, Chris Ling, Tampines
Aigee, 25/9, Grand Hyatt, Milan, Choa Chu Kang Cr
Wenn, 26/9, Noble House, J&C Bridal, JW
Jojok, 27/9, Mandarin Orchard, Silver Cloak Couture,Temporary at Bedok Reservoir(relocating to Sengkang in 2yrs time)
Calyx, 27/9, Raffles hotel, Ted Wu, Montage, Yishun


New Member
hi kk,
so u r considering giving chocolates...my view is different from yrs, i prefer to give them something we they can keep.. and i'm thinking of giving them potpurris in pouch.. have found out that the market price is at least $1.50 each.. so expensive.. so most prob, i'll DIY. am trying to find out how much will it cost for 1m of organza.. any idea?

hi serene,
u take care ya. nowadays the weather is a bit 'unexpected'.. it can be sunny now, but raining the next.. sigh.. these few days i also dont dare to on the aircon, too cold liao.. scare my body cant take it also..
