So surprise to see u here.... I nt complaint lah, i know u r busy..... Ok, will keep u update if the gathering date is confirmed.
Did ur bb drink the milk even it's only one hr plus? Boy tend to drink more n get hungry easily. For nat, if BM(breastmilk) the interval feeding time is 2 hrs+, sometime 1 hrs+ oso as it depend whether she is asleep or awake. Awake bb tend to get hungry easily as they move when they r awake-use up energy. If FM(formula), the feeding time is 3 hrs.
My CL oso wake my gal up for bathing.... this is quite normal. I think they wake them up so as not to disrupt their feeding time. After my CL left, i oso practise in this way. Only when nat is older, then i bath her when she wake up. No burping???? Ai yoh... burping is needed after each feed. Did u ask her y she did not burp ur bb? Sometimes she got her reason. Sometimes my CL oso do thg that im puzzle but i will ask her y she do in this way. She will explaint to me. If i find it right, i will follow but If i find it wrong, i will ask her to do in my way. But hor, IMO CL had look after so many bbs, they shld be very experience and know wat they can do n cannot do. But of course some of the thg they do we may find it nt rite lah as we r mordern mummies. We r only a 1st time mummy, many thg we dun know.
U so stress during confinement, no wonder ur milk supply drop. Stay happy.... ur supply will come back.