(2002) Brides of year 2002


New Member
Yeah! Finally some response from you gals... am so sleepy and tired after watching last night's season finale of Charmed... thought there would be something to keep me awake...

*lollipop rubs eyes, stifles a yawn*

Welcome Cleo, to the family! As for actual day photographer, I have no idea because I didn't use either of them :p But I believe both are just as good, so based on your preference, jus choose whoever you are most comfortable with.

It's not kiasu, *seems like I'm defending myself* to have booked banquet and bridal pkgs. Most of us have done so already. In fact, it is a huge load off my mind! Having settled the so-called crucial priorities, I can now take a breather

Care to elaborate more on yourself so we can get to know one another better?

m2m! Glad to be talking to you again! Miss you today. Whoa, take leave today ah...so shiok...

I prefer the dark-haired singer also, the blonde one reminds me of the Olsen twins. You know, there used to be this sitcom about the twins, the father (a lecturer) is looking after them, but hired one of his students to be the nanny? Maybe because they are blonde lor.

When I go to GHA this coming 22nd, I will ask to see each photographer's works, then pick from there... I should be able to do so right?

Just to let you gals know, I won't be around this coming Monday! I will be on leave, so most likely can only read the postings the next day...but keep them coming, I'd try to follow


New Member
Thanks a lot for the info, Lollipop. My makeup artist will come before my church wedding to do my makeup and the next time I sees him/her will be in the evening before my banquet. After my church wedding, I will be going for the tea ceremony, hence I am afraid that my makeup may require some touch-ups ....


New Member
hey, u seem to know my hubby quite well leh...still say not close....he got any juicy story during his school days or not??? tell me quick....wait i go home pull his ears....hheheheh

Actually I'm quite jiao1 xiao3 liao...my hubby is 1.83m & I'm only 1.52m....so can u imagine we look very "cartoon" when we walk together...but Love is blind....hahahah

Hey, u must also show me yours when its ready hor!


New Member
Hi Chemson,
Yup, yup, my ROM will be in Feb. Not really a lot done other than booking the ROM date, and buying the wedding bands. Will be getting my ROM gown from my bridal. So, still have to look for florist, place for reception, shoes...... aiyoh

Assume that you are ROMed already?

Nope, checked with FH, he confirmed that Buangkok flats were not available during our selection. Maybe those were selected even before our time. HDB do space out selection of the flats at times.

So, have you confirmed your bridal already or still 99.99% confirmed


New Member
Hi Lollipop,

Wow! On leave on 10th Dec, so good!

I think you are able to change your photographer, if you'd like to! Take a look at Ben's portfolio, you'll know what I mean. If you like Sam's work, just trust your judgement!

Did you also ask to take a look at their different 15R albums and see which type you want? They have 2 types, I think one of them is plain blue on the cover. The other type is like a wedding magazine. Correct me if I am wrong!


New Member
hi tweety...

nice to have another september bride join us

when will you be going for your first fitting? must be excited??!? where will you be having your wedding banquet?

me too trying bery hard to lose weight...sigh... my wedding gown's a bustier too and i have flabby arms...heheh... so don't worry, speak to your designer as i'm sure they know best. happy fitting!!

hi sheep,

nice to see you here... my bridal boutique will be lending me the kwa for my tea ceremony so not buying one. maybe you can try places like tangs and daniel yam?

hi chemson,

went for my fitting yesterday and am very happy with both gowns
i'm sure all brides look like princesses on their wedding day
will be taking my photos sometime in may as my fiance will be busy with work from then till the wedding.


New Member
Hi Sheep,
I manage to ask my bridal (Yvonne Creative) for a free tea dress. Maybe you can try discussing with your bridal? Most of them doo oblige....at least with a short dress...... But I did see some nice gowns at Just at Bugis Jn. Thought they will make lovely tea dresses..... in fact quite tempted to get one for myself too!!!!

Hi Tweety,
Not to worry lah. Why not tell your designer what you like, ask to try on a few of those designs that you have in mind first than decide if it is really your "type"?


New Member
Hi Cindy,
Heehee..... Not I know your hubby well la, it's only that my memory good mah.

Can still remembers he likes to tok a lot. Hahaha, this you should know la. or he change liao?
See your pattern, he should not hav change, if not how to click wif you hor.

Don know much la. By the time I know him, we already graduate from Sec liao. SO only a bit a bit la.

Cannot tell you are so 'small' from the pics. Stand on phone book right!

Ok, got to knock off. Tok to you again!



New Member
Hey Joker

Dun like tat say me lah...I wanna tease my hubby when he sees these postings..."sikali" wait he tease me back....say I KPO....hehehehe...

Hahaha...sorry hor...Besides phone book, I still have to toppa up with a stool...hahahaha...really!!

Anyway, nice talking to you! Have a nice weekend



New Member
Hi Starbright,
No worries. Over here, we help one another.

m2m, yes, I think I deserved a little break... have been busy with wedding preparations, and feeling quite stressed up lately, so a day leave to spend quality time with FH will be great!

Must remind me to look at other photographers' works. 15R? I can't visualise what size that is. Dun think I like the idea of magazine... I mean, it is going to be quite glossy right? Glossy finishes usually leave alot of fingerprints and scratches. I love matt finishes...

I'm so tired... supposed to knock off at 5pm today but I stayed back to clear some stuff....
Anyways, I can't wait for my appointment!

I'd love to chat more...but I really am drained. Sorry gals, make it up to you on Tuesday.

Enjoy your weekend!



New Member

lollipop, same here..me feeling kind of stress doing all the wedding preparations, i'm equally tied up with work and the preparations, i also feel like taking a break and spend some time with hubby...oh!..heehee..forgot i still got my korea trip to look fwd to...i'm going off to korea (ski) on 6 Jan for 8 days!!! yippee! hope this day quick quick come

Enjoy your weekends ya!


New Member

I think you need to find yourself a new dress and someone to do your make-upand flowers. Maybe you can request from the bridal shop you have sign up and you might get it free! For my ROM (last NOV), I actually got a videoman to video the whole process. After that we had a short photo session. I actually cater a bus to send all of my friends to my clubhouse for reception. I think it is a good idea to give a little treat to those who have attended. If you can cater, it is better because it is definitely cheaper than eating in restaurant if you have many people attending. Hope that helps!


New Member
hi cindy

I saw your pics.....u look real sweet &amp; cute..

Your doggie also very cute!!!!!!!!

Congrats on ur wedding.


New Member
No message from Islandpub, probably too tired after today's wedding shoot

Charlene, My wedding is on 27.5.2002 and dinner on the next too. Yes have to pay separate day charges.sigh!

Cheerios glad that Metro sales is on. I am charging there tomorrow afternoon. Keeping my fingers cross that I can get sth.

Cactus, Have you started your planning? Do you know what kind of papers I can use to print programme sheet and where to get it? Paper House?

Jan! Have your found your house?


New Member
Can you share with me what do you get for Milan's $2900 package? Since they are good, I tot my friend who is scouting for bridal packages may be interested.Photos 12r or 10r etc.


New Member
Hi Lollipop

hee... yeah thanks for reminding me that i can address my bf as FH. Haaeee I forgot even after he has already proposed to me!
But..er... still need to adjust in addressing him that

William is actually the actual day photographer, as for studio I dunno whether he is also the one who took for them. Dun worry he is bilingual so shouldn't be a problem as you are more comfy in english. I have not seen his work yet as think he is still developing their photos-10 rolls!


WE are having our wedding on the same day!!

So which bridal and dinner place have you booked? care to share? dun worry you are not the only kiasu ones, I booked mine early part of this year!
For the actual day photographer - Hiliarion or Monica, think both of them should be fine, have not seen their work but heard good comments. Have you meet up with them and seen their portfolio?
Maybe after that you can have gauge base on your instinct which one you are more comfortable with.

Hi M2M

er.. wait let me count hee... just passed my 29 yrs old b'day so if i m not wrong i'm older than u by 1 yr?

ok got to go. you gal happy weekends and hmm.. seem to have lots of sales now downtown!
Happy shopping too!


New Member
Hi All,

Glad to see so many May brides. This is a good idea to gather bridees of the same month together so we can share which stage of the preps we are at. Hope you gals dun mind me joining in so suddenly :p

My wedding is on May 26. Right now, I'm quite free.
In jan, I will be collecting the keys to my hse as well as go for my second fitting and trial makeup.


New Member

soo sorry..hehehe..blur me..actually my wedding date is 24/9/02 n not the 28th!! paiseh hor..my ROM date was 28th..so i got it mixed up liao!

well, me n hubby will be visiting some other bridal today n compare loh..i've not rec any service fr Paris coz no appt yet..but the comments here are making me worried..luckily mine is $500/- deposit only (self consolation)
i noe there r good n bad comments on paris..but dunno y..recently like all bad service..esp abt this Andrew guy..think he's the diff one.


tat means we r having on the same date!

as 4 Chris Creation, my colleague told me tat the makeup is done by Helen..photographer he forgot liao..have to check with his wife..

i cannot surf the Net now fr my office coz they control the access

can only log in when i go home...
anyway, do keep ur comments n updates coming k..i'll try to keep up!

X'mas is coming...time to indulge in sinful choco n food loh...heheheh
(there goes my dieting plan)

Have a great weekend gals!


Hi Everyone!

Baby Dokie, Cactus
Thanks for the recommendations for the photographers
Will consult my hubby first, but i'm rather keen on Andrew Tay..... will contact him to see if he would be available on my actual day.

Baby Dokie,
Hope u have already found ur ideal shoes when u read this message


New Member
Hi Baby Dokie...

My Church wedding will be at Lighthouse Evangelism Church at Tampines, in front of St Hilda Sec...but yet to be confirmed with the pastor there.

Hi everyone there who already gotten their house...how long is the waiting period to apply for a HDB flat? Currently I am in the process of applying Sengkang flat there, which is a non mature estate.


New Member
hi baby dokie,

hope u find something nice at metro! aiyah, their sales is now on?? guess i missed it. oni got 10% off cos got metro card which a fren lent me. :p

i went for my 2nd fitting on thurs and really love my gown. heehee ... yah, islandpub, how's ur fotoshoot???

where exactly is labrador park? must be v nice since so many of u are going there for fotoshoot!
i was thinking of fullerton hotel.


vee kee

Hi Shunkuey!

Wah, today I finally bot my toilet bowls! I called Lian Joo and they told me to go to their showrooms to take a look instead. Actually they have 3 showrooms : 1 in Imm, 1 in Tanjong Katong Complex and 1 in Jln Besar.

Also bot a Johnson Suisse toilet bowl there! $270, come with basin. The style in Windsor. Actually wanted the colour in Bone (light cream) but all the toilet bowls in Bone is taken up by HDB so they dun sell in the market. In the end have to settle for Champagne (slightly darker than bone). Also bot my kitchen sink, kitchen hood there... The price is quite good... Thanks for the recommendation!

Tomorrow going to shop for bedsheets. There are a couple of warehouse sales Friven and Aussino... anybody there have any comments on these brands?


New Member
Hello Cheerios, Shunkuey!!!
Finally bought my wg shoes. It is a steal. It cost me $49 before 20% discounts. It is very presentable. Brand Ananas. Anyone who is looking for shoes can get it from Metro. Now I am relieve. I went to Paragon, Far East and finally Causeway point to collect it. Almost bought my wedding band at Tian Po too as there is a 20% until tomorrow. It cost $400 per pair after 20% discount. But the finishing is in smooth patinum, I have second thoughts. I am not exactly convinced and still prefer to get from my neighbour's shop or Aspial.

Now I have to shop for shoes for my EG. Just went to see my designer last Friday and set on my EG already.

Van Kee, I have bought 2 bedsheets and 5 quiltcover sets, Kiasu...becos I bought it at Aussino sales. Aussino is strongly recommended by my colleague and so I try. My embroidery ones are nice.

Where to buy silver strappy evening shoes??? Any suggestion?


Active Member
Janfyp, for ur makeup, you can ask Sandy (see ROM hairstyling and makeup thread)... many SB gals used her and are satisfied with her service... and her charges are reasonable $80 plus coming to ur place... I oso engaged her for my ROM... There are some restaurants which charge $168 per table for 7 dishes during lunch... u can check them out too... and besides wat beline said... DUN forget ur rings...


Hi vee kee!
Glad u got ur toilet bowls and other stuff at a good price!

I'm using both Aussino and Friven. Aussino got very nice embroided quilt covers! Friven is comfortable too but when comes to pattern and design i prefer Aussino.

Is Aussino having sales?????!!!!!

Hi Cheerios,
Labrador Park is quite near to PSA building / area, where u can actually see the jetty when u go to the seaside which is quite dirty with black oil!!!! I went there for my outdoor photoshoot. The place is ok, with lots of greenery (if u like trees and stone stairways) and then u can go to the seaside for shots too! Must be alittle more careful is u intend to take shots at the seaside cos' the beach has got black oil and u have to avoid getting ur gown stained.

Hi Baby Dokie!
Happy for u that u got ur shoes for ur WG

Didn't find any nice shoe for ur EG in Metro? I thot they have plenty of the diamonds strappy heels? Have u tried Takashimaya?


New Member
hi bluebell and all,

yes... it would wonderful to meet, what do u all think?

mayb we can go facial or shoe shopping together?


New Member
Hello Shunkuey,

I do not like those avail at Metro. Yet to try at Taka. Today went to Tianpo to take a second look at the wedding band. They are having 20% off until today. But never buy also. Have you bought yours? Could not rem the pass messages.


New Member
Dear Baby Dokie,

Sorry I took so long to response... was overseas and no access to the Internet. Anyway, thanks for offering the contact of your neighbour. Think I will bring my FH there and see the variety and selection first before deciding whether to buy from there.

Will get in touch with you through e-mail again. Thanks.


New Member
Arctic Hare,
No problem! BTW I just bought mine at TianPo for $400 a pair as there was a 20% dscounts. It is T950 with 18K trimming at the edge. My FH likes it very much and no choice but to purchase it. Pure Link Range.Actually I do like the design except I do not like the finishing. It is smooth surface and thereface less likely to withstand scratches. Sing Yi at bukit panjang plaza has almost the same as this design but matt finishes for the platinum and he offers at $200 plus.
As the size does not fit me plus the price is unmatched to TianPo $200 I went ahead to buy at the last minutes at 9.15PM after much persuasion from my FH.

So another " two loads of my shoulder" as I have purchased both WG shoes at $39.20 ( can't believe)
and the Wedding band.

Anyway happy searching! Do write to me if you need any help for discount cards. No promises as I do not owe any. I am merely asking my friends who are owners of the cards.


Hi Baby Dokie,
Bought my wedding band 2 months prior to my ROM and now wearing it on my finger olredi! I started wearing it right after my ROM which was in August
Got our wedding band at Soo Kee during the Great Singapore Sale, at a very good price and the design plain yet elegant.

Maybe u want to try Soo Kee? R u looking for any design in particular? With or without diamond?


Baby Dokie,
Saw ur latest posting and glad that u finally bought ur wedding band at TianPo..... now u can relax a bit and concentrate looking for shoes for ur EG


New Member
Hi Cowie,

Sorry for the late reply... was away the weekend and on Friday... helping out with my fren's wedding.

Guess you are right.. they space out the selection and as far as I know.. there are still unit available...

YEp.. me have ROMed... and still 99.9% confirmed... :p


New Member
hi gals,

wow! never log in a few days n got so many postings liao... took me quite a while to finish reading all! phew!

ok, coz too many postings n queries etc... i will try to give my two cents worth here in summary based on my personal experience... also my own updates....

first, i was on leave since last thurs afternoon coz friday was photoshoot so went for manicure n pedicure on thurs afternoon...
but before i went for my pedi n mani at 2.30pm on thurs, i actually went to aussino sale at trademart at noon time after lunch. bought a quilt cover set which i always wanted to get but was waiting for the sale... wahz! was really cheap leh! last time i bought a similar series but different colour cost me ard $35+ leh that day i bought that one only $19.90!!! bang man! but glad that i waited for the sale! then i bought one set named Armour in Yellow last time thru their website at $71+ leh... sekali i saw at this aussino sale only selling at $29.90!!! wah! this one really bang bang bang ah!!! no choice lor... already buy liao... so i told myself not going to buy any more bedsheets n stuff until the next aussino sale!!! i also bought two sets of 3-pce towels (bath towel, face towel n hand towel) at $14.90 each!

ok, next was mani n pedi which went on smoothly then after that went to my new house to meet my hubby n wait for the delivery of my fridge and airpot! yeah! my fridge was delivered to great satisfaction coz didnt realized that it actually fit the space allocated perfectly!!!! so excited until i placed lotsa lemons inside my fridge to get rid of the smell fast so that we can used it!!! hehheheh...... btw, i bought a mitsubishi fridge with gross capacity of 350 litres at only $638 nett... which i tot was a gd price!

the airpot is Iona brand n at a capacity of 3.9 litres for $58... cheap rt? ;p

friday, photoshoot... reach the bridal studio at 9am n start makeup until 11am then done.... phew! indoor photoshoot until 5 plus then go outdoor! i had 6 outfits indoor.... my actual WG with 2 hairstyles... my EG, a 2nd EG borrowed from them for the photoshoot... one set with the traditional chinese kua and the last was the korean costume.... i managed to take pics with my own camera in all the diff outfits except for my EG n the korean costumes coz rushing for time so forgot to take until i already changed to next outfit!

but the photos out liao some quite satisfied but my actual EG not very nice leh coz the waist there actually got a bit loose but i tot more comfortable so didnt ask the designer to tighten for me so in the end my WG pics turn out like i very fat like that...
hopefully the ones taken by the photographer will be nicer....

oh, then we went to the open air pub outside ritz carlton in between there n millenia walk to take some pics coz that's where me n hubby always hang out n had our first date there as well.. also after he proposed we also went there n after our ROM we also went there to celebrate.... so very memorable place for us...

then coz we came out late we only got limited time so went to nearby marina south instead of original planned Labrador Park for the rest of the outdoor shoot... only finished after 7pm n reached back to the studio at 7.30pm.... wahz! very tired leh!!! but glad that it's finally over n one less thing for me to worry... now only wait for the photos to be ready for selection... my designer ask me to call her this friday to make an appointment with her for the photo selection...


New Member
thks shunkuey,

i hvt been to the park b4 but maybe one day will go and see how's the place.
thks again!

baby dokie, glad u found ur shoes!! metro got quite a nice range.

ah, my fotoshoot next week! so excited!!!


New Member
hi gals,

took a breather after the last long posting... here's the 2nd part with my two cents worth regarding some of ur queries...


if u looking for resale, 1st u need to make up ur mind which estate u want then look at the locality n decide if u need to be near mrt, bus stop, school, market, etc... then u can zoom in the the few blocks in the vicinity of which ever facility u MUST HAVE... then u also need to decide if u want a 4-rm, 5-rm, excutive flat or even executive maisonette.... next is the condition of the house... say if u on a really tight budget n one of the reason for a resale is bcoz u want to save on reno so that u only need to redo a small part of the house or even find a resale that is in move in condition with no need for any reno... tell ur agent all these requirements so that they can narrow down the flats for ur viewing n u dun ve to waste time viewing flats that are totally out of ur consideration....


if u on tight budget, dun go for ID... ve ur own ideas of wat u want to do with ur house then approach one of those normal reno contractor n tell them wat u want.. normally these contractors shld be able to advise u on whether wat u want is feasible or not or any better methods to save $$ by doing a similar thing in another way, etc...
personally i find this better coz then u designed ur own house... got more personal touch mah...


if u can find a pair that is silver, glittering / shimmery strappy heels then is good enuf to go with any gowns or outfit that u might ve.. be it ur WG, EG, or even traditional costumes like kua... this will save u the trouble n $$$ to get another pair juz so that u ve one for WG n one for EG or even a 3rd one for traditional costumes.... n like some of u mentioned, if u looking for this kind of shoes, now is the christmas season so got a lot available in places like metro, ck tangs, taka, etc...


i think it depends a lot on the amt of time u ve... like my case, coz we left quite late in the evening then go for outdoor shoot... can only go to nearby places which is not our choice in the first place... think u need to communicate with ur photographer whether u want to ve more indoor or outdoor shots....


has anyone of u ever considered going "ala-carte" for ur bridal package?

i know of one tailor who is very good in making bridal gowns as well as EGs n even normal evening function gowns for mums... his workmanship is really good n best of all his price is really cheap n worth the $$$.... can u imagine a bridemaid gown which to me n my frens we feel that it can be a bridal gown at any time cost only $160 including material n beadings n the design everything??? i really regret that i didnt get to know this tailor earlier else i wld ve save a lot or can spend more on photography by getting the photographer of my choice instead of using the bridal studio!!!


so far i bought all my appliances from the import/export trader Lee Meng Trading and Home Appliances which i got the contact from a friend i knew in this forum....
this forum is really great coz i can get so many contacts here... save a lot of $$ leh....


Also a contact from a friend in this forum, i only pay $3200 for my whole house furniture including a bed set (bed frame, 2 side tables, individual coiled pocket spring matteress), dining set (glass top table with 4 chairs), sofa set (3+2 seater half leather sofa plus a coffee table) n some other freebies....

i think i miss out something but cant recall....too many postings liao.. sorry if i miss out anything... if u need my input, pls remind me... lao liao lah....

last but not least, welcome to all the "new comers".....


New Member
Hi Cindy,
How's your weekend?

Ah ya, wan to give you face by saying phone book only, of course already guess must need stool liao la.
Me tall tal, so can 'suan' you lei.

So how? your hubby saw the postings? Can guess a bit who am I? I sure not, right?




can u please give me the contact of the tailor? I want to tailor-made my tea dress cos' i have got this very nice fabric and i want to make use of it. Also need to get dress tailored for my 2 sisters.
Thanks in advance



New Member
hi shun kuey,

this tailor is actually an Indonesian and he lives in Indonesia but he will come to Singapore quite often, sometimes like forthnightly... the next time he is coming to singapore will be on 15 jan 2002. if u interested, i will let u know again when he confirm his next trip here? coz i dun ve his contact with me... it's usually my friend who make the appointment for me... u can email me ur contact so that i can let u know when he is here next.


New Member
Hi Gals,

Been so busy with work that I couldn't find time to enter the forum. Good to be back.

Have any of you decided on your honeymoon destination? Just curious....

Hi Lollipop,

Hope your mum's better now.
Hey, I listen to Gold 90 FM as well in office! Hmmm, if you even find out who is the singer for the song 'I pledge my love to you', please let me know yah?

Hi Star Bright,

What time will your church ceremony be? mine's 12 noon. I find that a little tricky in time management. Esp for tea ceremony... neither here nor there leh... Is yours a mass or service? Just asking...

Okay, back to concentrate on my training. Yawn
... training are always boring.



New Member
Hi Baby dokie, shunkuey &amp; Vee Kee!

Alas......went 4 2nd view of shortlisted unit, din turned out well! Smell stench of rubbish b'cos rubbish collection centre jus downstairs facing the unit...whole house ended up very smelly! Can u imagine how bad &amp; it's on the 10th floor!!!!

No choice lor....got 2 continue sourcing!! SIGH!!

Baby dokie,

My Milan package is pretty std one.
Dunno if i still remember correctly,
Comes with 20 pic (think is 12" x 15")
1 potrait, 3 in 1 series pic w/frame
4 change of gowns &amp; suits(OTR)
indoor &amp; outdoor photography
car deco wif corsages

If yr fren is looking 4 more attractive packages, can oso choose the high end ones....$3988 onwards
At the same time, let her know abt the thread in SB forum... "Milan's wedding" !


New Member
Wow....have not logged in for just a few days n I'm so lost liao....got a hard time following !!!!!!!!!

Hi Novbride. thanks for the welcome !!!!! abit chi dun lah....but haven't been in here so just saw your msg.....

so how's everyone ?????? have not talk to you all for a few days......

so sad abt my selection....mine will b in 2 wks time for P21 but the premium flats that I want which will b ready year 2003 are all out !!!!!!! all 15 blks !!!!!!! it's real scary man !!!!! so now me having a headache, got to rethink, revisit n reselect again !!!!!!!! Urrrggggg......

am actually thinking of whether to re-Q but then might end up having the leftovers n the even more ulu area....so confuse now


New Member
Hi Baby Dokie,

I'm also looking for silver strappy shoes, preferably with see-through base. If you see any, can let me know? I have to get my shoes before my second fitting in Jan.


New Member
Hi Cleo &amp; Tiny123,

My wedding date on the same day too! I guess this is a hot date! However, dinner will be held the following day. I am still looking for photographer and videographer for the wedding. Any recommendation. Good and pricing reasonable.


New Member
Wah !!!

2 days never login got so many messages already !
Seems that end May '2002 is a good time to get married ?

islandpub, ur furniture is really a bargain, where did u get them ? do they come in a set ?

I'm also looking for WG shoes, but dunno what kind to buy? close/open toes? white/silver?
any suggestions?

*sigh* at the same time also looking for a good corset ? any1 knows which shopping center sells wacoal corset? JL not carrying. Daimaru carrying but no corset...

just a question, how many fittings did u all have for ur gowns ? Thinking of going for another one...but mine is OTR lor, so dunno whether should go for an extra fitting ?



So its your ROM date falls on 28th leh... But how come your ROM comes later than customery...that's very special...

Lucky thing u placed only 500bucks else it wld be very heart pain to cancel. Actually hor...i guess all bridal shops wld have it's good &amp; bad lah... Different pple got different judgement mah. Me oso leh...gettin more &amp; more worried when i read the bad things about CC but just got to think optimisitc lor... Else wherever u put deposit got bad comment &amp; we just cancel then die liao...

So which other bridal shop did u go to?
By the way, how much does per table cost at MM?
It is expensive?

Me oso trying to cut down on fried stuffs, hoping that my tummy wld slim down a bit... I m really very lazi to go jogging... What is your diet plan?
I really got to discipline myself else may bcome a fat bride next sep'02...so scarry...


New Member
Hi Dawn, my hubby just confirmed with the church that the ceremony will be held at 1pm and it will be a full mass. Guess you are holding the tea ceremony after the church wedding ? Me also prefer to do it like you ...

Which church r you going to ?
