if your husband is sensitive towards your emotions and caring for your interests, you wouldn't be having all these problems. There are clear issues with expectations. You cannot align them when the basic communication isn't working.
Couples will fight, they will be mad with each other. Anger is a natural emotion we will all face. What happens beyond the fight? Are issues swept under the carpet? Is it a vicious cycle? Ask yourself, is the relationship maturing and progressing positively or is every fight just accumulating more grudges than understanding. Don't expect that this to be an isolated incident. Is your expectation of the marriage realistic? After all the advises you get, you have to internalize and reflect on your relationship. What make sense, is the relationship in regression? The answers you can only find out within your relationship.
Fighting is perhaps part and parcel of a relationship. But, holding onto the grudges and throwing out again in subsequent fights, that's what I find very damaging.
Humans being what they are... humans, it is not uncommon for people to drag out the old debts and start fighting over the same things. Its draining and demotivating. Yet, if left unmanaged, it will surely result in more issues which may eventually lead to both parties stopping to talk to each other. It may sound like common scene in dramas. Still, its a very real issue. What happens if both parties really stop talking, the relationship is done and dead. Unfortunately, like any living creature, a dead relationship is near (or absolutely) impossible to resurrect.
Before all that happens, I also think its important to ask why did we fall for that someone in the first place? What made it so worth while? Have things changed? While we should never be frivolous minded in a relationship, its quite human to be swayed by circumstances. From time to time, its also quite "easy" to think of just getting out and "doing nothing" about it.
Fighting is fine. Yet, how about coming together and still finding meaning in it? That's really tough. One fight not too bad. Fight twice.... still ok. Fight a few more times.... and many more times..... who wouldn't be discouraged and demotivated? I can raise my two hands to tell you that I would feel bad as well.
My friend says "boss is always right, but not always correct". He also tells that its not whether we are right.... rather its more of how we communicate which makes that difference. He is exactly right. Are we not human in nature? Doing is so trying.... You may have done your part and what you think is your best, but your other half may never think the same. Unspoken of thoughts are the frightening ones. Those you know are problems are really not as bad as compared to those which you do not know.
As I write this, don't you agree that its what we all go through.... thinking we found something and strive hard for it.... yet later to think of "doing nothing". There are no easy solutions. Pictures of cool Korean couples coming together, after a dozen or two of challenges and hardships. That isn't as long as the problems in a relationship.
To end, its probably true... woman doesn't need answers, they just need to be heard. Right answers don't solve problems, yet hearing her problems solve many of her problems (including the man's). May be we should all stop trying and fighting and think over what we want instead and relook at the problems. Would we be happier with more clarity in mind?
Just my 2 cents long worth.