Hi all, I'm very interested to hold my AD at Fullerton. Very convinced that it will be a ideal place for my Fiance and I. However, read quite alot of bad comments about the food and portion. Any idea to make things better?
My wedding planner managed to get quite alot of perks from them. My godbro(has his own business) may be holding a big event in March 2007 at Fullerton and he said if he confirmed with them can help me ask for better stuff. I hope I can get more from them, heard they are really stingy. Hee..
Anyway, for the small portion food size, my Fiance and I are thinking to have a chocolate fountain for pre-dinner reception and we will get a real wedding cake and serve to everyone before the dessert dish. Hopefully it will do some good cos we don't really know how to get them to prepare more food for the guest and also the food quality. Guess it's hard to control since there are so many tables and both of us really like the place.
My wedding planner managed to get quite alot of perks from them. My godbro(has his own business) may be holding a big event in March 2007 at Fullerton and he said if he confirmed with them can help me ask for better stuff. I hope I can get more from them, heard they are really stingy. Hee..
Anyway, for the small portion food size, my Fiance and I are thinking to have a chocolate fountain for pre-dinner reception and we will get a real wedding cake and serve to everyone before the dessert dish. Hopefully it will do some good cos we don't really know how to get them to prepare more food for the guest and also the food quality. Guess it's hard to control since there are so many tables and both of us really like the place.