Sheraton Towers Singapore Hotel


New Member
Thanks Claire!

By the way ladies, how many months before the AD do you have to start contacting the hotel to finalise your food tasting/menu/cards/favour/theme?


New Member
Hi May & Piglet...thanks for your advice....had told my folks about my black theme & was glad that they did'nt jump at me :p...*POoww* they tie ribbons on all chairs or just for the main table? Cos i rem the photos on the ST brochures had ribbons tied to all chairs but i only rem my co-ordinator telling me that they will tie red ribbon on the black napkins.

Josey: I confirmed my AD with my hotel somewhere end July, had my food tasting in Nov & printed my cards 2 weeks back. I just met my co-ordinator last weekend to choose the theme & wedding is on 27 Dec 07 :p


New Member
hey wenny,
Glad to know tat...its gd to show them something diff fr e usual one & see if they k accept.As for the chairs, only the VIP tables hv sashes, any additional chairs gotta top up which I dun see a need to.. it will cost a bomb!!


New Member
Hi all, my wedding is over... so i should be coming here even lesser... Some of you should be in my multiply. Unfortunately, i only add pple i know to my multiply and those pple then can see and my stuff. my multiply is . I really wanna thank Singapore brides as i gotten to know a few friends here and still keep in touch. Hope you guys have a great wedding! Feel free to ask me anything (if i can ans u) at my multiply. Cheers!


New Member
Hi Anlinna,

My belated congrats to you! Thanks for all your insightful sharings here.

My turn will come soon - 08 Mar 08 (Sat lunch). So may need to check with you again if anything I'm unsure of.

Once again, wishing you a very blissful marriage and enjoy this new phase of life. Cheers!


Hi ladies,

My turn soon ler.. So kan jiong now wor. :S

Wenny, no need to thank la, we all share share our opinion ma. Ur wedding shortly before mine wor. Hope after ur wedding, can come in here to share share okies. :D


27 Dec '07- Wenny (Thurs - Dinner)
05 Jan '08- Piglet (Sat - Lunch)
08 Mar '08- almonddust (Sat- Lunch)
13 Mar '08- PP (Thur - Dinner)
02 Jun '08- Josey (Mon - Dinner)
13 Sep '08- agunesu (Sat- Lunch)
13 Sep '08- Keh (Sat- Dinner)
05 Oct '08- Denise (Sun- Dinner)
01 Nov '08- Sassy_girl (Sat - Dinner)
07 Dec '08- nebear (Sun - Lunch)
08 Dec '08- min10 (Mon- Dinner)


New Member
Hi May, saw your photos at is really nice
happy.gif much time does it take to complete ur march in? I've yet to have chosen my march in song

Hi Piglet..haha talking about cold feet. How i wish my wedding dinner is many months down the road...i've yet to do up my montage, my guest sitting arrangements, choose my wedding songs etc...sigh!! Think i'll look more like a panda marching in on the 27th...


New Member
Hi all, im new and my AD is Nov 27th 08. We considering sheraton, will be going down next week and if everythin ok we'll place the deposit. Actually after reading all the post i find quite good, not much of really bad feedbacks. Really nice to see so many ppl here. Will see how next week's meet up goes. See you guys around!!


New Member
Hi Gals, it has been a long time since I drop in.. saw may's photos.nice..hehe. looking forward to Anlinna's banquet photos...

Hi Piglet, I drop you a note at multiply, guess you might not see it.. kan cheong..excited for u.. so u choosing the long or short march in?? For long march in, I think we need the live feed?

Hi Wenny, when is your AD? Jan 27?? Mine coming up also.. seems like a lot of things undone..hahha...


New Member
Hi gals..nowadays I will just pop in & checkout e website as and when I am free. Anything just go to my multiply.

Wenny/PP, thanks..i still find tat my march-in photos r not enough..haha!! The short march in is pretty short (less than 2mins) so U hv to realli walk SLOWly..

Maybe I will try to post up my march in video to multiply tonite for your reference.. But taken by cousin so may be a bit jerky though..

And wait wenny, ur wedding is 27Dec07 ah...Im checking out sheraton tat day cos my stay is fr 25-27dec07.


New Member
Oh mine..tat's fast, wenny..u must be very excited now..hehe.. So which theme did u choose? Seems like a lot of ppl choose the black theme with red flowers..
Congrats ya!

Agree with May, seems like the short march in is really short.. haha..maybe long march in with live feed...mmmm. still thinking about it..


New Member
Hi PP,the short march in is short but someone told me b4 that with the short march in, more people k c u, but w long march in, those at e high ceiling cant see unless u hv live feed! I had live feed for my short one as well to benefit all...

Tried to post e video up my multiply last nite but took too long then hang..will try again tonite..


New Member
Hihi..i hv already uploaded e march in video up my multiply...its actually less than a minute..hah but tat moment felt timeless..


New Member
Hi May, yes, i knew that
But the short one really very short...Anybody tried half half.. first march in the long one..then the second march in the short one..hahah..

I saw your video..hehe..nice. added a comment to your multiply. BTW, did you pay for the live feed? Who help you to set up?


New Member
yo PP, i dun tink sheraton will allow u to do half half cos of e table arrangement... My live feed was done by my videographer & I told him quite some time ago so he charged for me about 100bucks..
If i hv e time, i will try to upload e march in by my videographer...


Hi hi All MRS..

Pls help to clear my doubts~~~

1) On AD, do we have to give AP to our parents? I tink have to rite.. But, when is the time tat we give em? For my own parents, and my HB's parents.

2) Can my elder sisters be my Jie Mei, as in play along with the Groom & Brothers?

3) Anyone ever has Close Guy Frens as JM before? Meaning they join in the 'playing' of the Groom. Coz I've 4 Close guy frens since my Pri Sch.. And I feel very bad if I gotta leave em out of my Celebration.


New Member
Hi Piglet...thanks for ur well wishes
...i'm glad the whole wedding was tiring :p

I'm glad i chose the black theme. The intelligent lightings on black made the whole ballroom look grand & grandparents did'nt even notice that the tables & chairs were black. :p

May, i wished i had thought of using livefeed earlier. Cos the short march was really short...guess my flower girl could'nt wait to finish the march :p... & guest at the back tables could'nt see much of the march & the stage.

...hope u enjoyed ur stay at ST as much as i did...was busy catching up with all the lost sleep & food during the past 2 days...i'm so relieved now..haha :p


New Member
Hi May, wah.. i thought its within the package. No wonder, when I told my videographer, he prompt me to go for the short one. mmmm...I better check the price with him again.

Hi Wenny, guess a lot of ppl went for the dark theme..mmm.but my evening gown is black and gold.. wonder whether I will blend into the environment if I choose the theme..hahahah.see how it goes..

Hi Piglet, its your big Day next friday! So fast! hee.. Congrats..
For your queries, I can answer to my best knowledge:

1) I dun think we need to give ang pow to our parents. Its not the tradition. I do see my friends expressing their gratitude during the banquet and giving gifts.. not ang pow.

2) Yes, your sis can be your jie mei. As long as it does not exceed the no. of Jie meis you intend to have. The more jie mei u have, your hubby got to pay more.. hee..

3) Yes, my best fren did. One of the guy friend is the JM.. very funny one... haha.. he act like a gal lo.. haha.

Hope you have fun on that day!!!
Have you uploaded your pre wedding photos? Hee. care to share??


New Member
hey wenny,
congrats and congrats...hope u had a wonderful day..
I stayed at the London suite tat day when I checked in, so wat was urs? Mine wasnt too bad & we had a few meals there, all pretty not bad..

As for the march in, dun worri, im sure your photos will turn out well even without the live feed!!


New Member
Hi Mrs Tan, I had 39+2tables..and I used up all Ballrooms 1-4. True tat Ballroom 1&2 are of higher ceiling followed by a L-shape to Ballrooms 3-4 with lower ceiling...


New Member
Hi ladies,

How many wedding coordinator are there in Sheraton now? Mine is Michelle and I'm still deciding if I should request for a change as she has quite a number of negative review. By the way, I have not met her yet.


New Member
Hi all,

Does anyone have pics of ST's latest wedding favours? I was told that they are progressively changing the older collection since last Aug. Pls pm me. Tks!


Hi Josey,

My Coordinator is Michele too. But, so far I've had no issues with her. Tink the main grouses were tat she's diplomatic ba. But, I tink ultimately it depends on whether u are able to relate to her effectively.

For me, I'm happy with what I've received so far. Michele may not be as warm as what I'd have wished to be, but at least all my request/s were met & fulfilled without hiccups. In fact, I felt that for some stuff, she went the extra mile, and me & HB were pleasantly surprised!

So, Josey, mai kan cheong lor. If so far, u've no probs relating to Michele, then I tink she'll NOT disappoint you ba. :D


Hi Sassy Girl & jo_vin,

They've a few new favours to choose from... I dun ve the photos, but, I can juz pen it down here. Hope it helps!

1) Beary Saucer (in various designs)
2) Bride & Groom Namecard Holder
3) Carriage Photoframe
4) Chinese gift-box
5) Chocolate Hearts

These are the 5 that i can remember at the moment. Tink there's a few more.


08 Mar '08- almonddust (Sat- Lunch)
13 Mar '08- PP (Thur - Dinner)
26 Mar '08- Bride_09 (Thurs- Dinner)
02 Jun '08- Josey (Mon - Dinner)
13 Sep '08- agunesu (Sat- Lunch)
13 Sep '08- Keh (Sat- Dinner)
05 Oct '08- Denise (Sun- Dinner)
01 Nov '08- Sassy_girl (Sat - Dinner)
07 Dec '08- nebear (Sun - Lunch)
08 Dec '08- min10 (Mon- Dinner)


New Member
Thanks so much piglet for the information! Btw, add mine in too! I'm also having my banquet dinner at Sheraton! 27th Nov '08. Hehe...

I heard there will be new arrivals of the favours coming in. Wonder what they are. My coordinator told me most prob they will only know around April'08. So excited!!

Btw, my coordinator is Irene and she's GREAT!


New Member
Hi Piglet,

Thanks for your info. One of my friend's colleague is having Michelle as coordinator and she told me to be very careful with my instructions as she tend to be very forgetful....she told me good luck...haha, that's why I'm abit worried.


New Member
Hi PP,

Has anyone called you for food tasting? I just sent Irene an email to check on the date.

I worry whether we have enough time to prepare for our wedding coz we are so busy doing our reno stuff now... Urrggghhh....!!!!!

Have you printed your cards already?


08 Mar '08- almonddust (Sat- Lunch)
13 Mar '08- PP (Thur - Dinner)
26 Mar '08- Bride_09 (Thurs- Dinner)
02 Jun '08- Josey (Mon - Dinner)
13 Sep '08- agunesu (Sat- Lunch)
13 Sep '08- Keh (Sat- Dinner)
05 Oct '08- Denise (Sun- Dinner)
01 Nov '08- Sassy_girl (Sat - Dinner)
27 Nov '08- Jo_vin (Thurs- Dinner)
07 Dec '08- nebear (Sun - Lunch)
08 Dec '08- min10 (Mon- Dinner)


Hi jo & josey,

U're most welcome!


For me hor, I normally corresponse with Michele via email, coz I tink tat's most effective as I tink it's pretty hard to get her on the phone. So, maybe if u've any instructions or queries, U can juz drop her an email ba.


New Member
Hi Piglet, Congrats! Welcome back..
Are you back to work or on leave to honeymoon? It would be nice if you can share with us your AD photos.
BTW, how many bottles of wine did you open up? How was the food?

Agree with Piglet, very hard to find michelle on the phone. Dropping her an email is the best way to get her.

Hi Almonddust, yes, Michelle sent me an email to confirm it. I will be going for my food tasting this month end. Yes, I have the same problem as you.. still touching up on my house. Really need to plan the timing well. Just had my PS done on 2nd Jan... a lot of nitty gritty things to settle...
Jiayou ba.. hehe..

U took your pre wedding photos?


Hallo PP,

Thanks! I'm back to work, we only going for our HM on 4th Feb. We going to US. Photos not up yet lor, but I'll try to load my Pre-wedding shoot ba. Hmm, for my lunch, we used 24 bottles of Wine, and 1 bottle of Hard Liquor. Hmm, food-wise, I've no comments, coz we only managed to eat the 1st Course, then we were dragged ard for Drinks liao. We were knocked out totally by 5pm lor.

But, I'd say tat everything went WELL! Hmm, there's some hiccups along the way.. But, tink abit here & there were inevitable lor. Lucky for me is tat I'd a bunch of Buddies to help me out!


New Member
Hi PP, I just got an email from Irene that my food tasting is next week. Yes I've done my PS and selection. Only waiting to collect actual album in Feb.

Hey Piglet, congrats to you too! Wah... your guests so hiong one ar?!!! Haha... but looks like you had lots of fun on your wedding day. I'm so stress out now...
Do you mind sharing your actual day's schedule with me coz I'm having headache how to plan my ROM cum lunch banquet well. Could you give me some ideas? My email address is [email protected]? Thanks a lot for your sharing!


New Member
Thanks Piglet and PP for your advise. I think I will drop her email to schedule a meet up and see if we have chemistry..haha.

I've to depend very much on my coordinator for my wedding as I'm very tied up with work. I have a few business trips to make before and after my wedding and on top of that, my house reno. I can't even go for my HM until late Aug. I really need my coordinator to have lots of initative and be able to help me make my dinner as smooth sailing as possible...haha, I don't trust my hubby to be able to do that :p


Thanks almonddust!

hmm, of coz I can send to you.. But, u pm me ur email la. I dun ve it now, can only do it at night.


New Member
Hi Piglet, wah. looking forward to your pre wedding photos.. who is your photographer and BS? I am reviewing my photos this coming friday. wonder if the photos will turn out nice.. haiz.. hope no top up.. haha.

24 bottles of wine.. for how many tables? Mine is should be more.. Did you get direct from Sheraton supplier or outside? Looking for wine lobang now.
Wah.. Knock out..mmm. I am very scared colleagues keep saying that they will make us drunk .. opps.. i cannot drink..haiz...

Hi Almonddust, its about stress.. just do a bit day by day. Have u selected your cards?

Hi Josey, welcome. U still have a bit of time. I believe they won't want to meet up with you so soon. That's my experience. Usually, they will contact you probably two mths your AD.



Files sent. Hope it helps! :D


I still dun ve the photos soft copy. Gotta top up means ur photos are nice ma. :D
My BS is Silverlining, and PS is My ChapterOne. I got all my stuff ala-carte.
We got our wine from Lynch, which is recommended by Sheraton. No regrets at all! Got very good feed-back from All my guests for the wine. Since urs is dinner, tink u should need double of mine ba. Are ur frens Good Drinkers? Since u're not a good drinker, then how bout ur HB? :S
FYI hor, My HB was oredi 60% drunk (High liao) when we went up on stage for speech (we'd our speech b4 last course la). He only managed to say ''Thank you everyone''. :p


U're most welcome!


New Member
Hi Hi PP!!
I'm sure your photos will turn out well! Just remember to keep your budget in mind and even if you were to do top-up. I haven't start choosing my cards. Hope to do so by this month. Thanks for your kind words of encouragement. You can do it too! Jia-You!


New Member
Hi Piglet,

Thanks a lot for your sharing! Got your email.

Wah I'm can say I'm very impressed. Very detailed in your planning and I'm so grateful you shared with me. It's very helpful and thanks a lot gal!

By the way, your wines from Lynch allows for consignment? This is because it makes sense to request wines on consignment basis but we were told by Irene that we can't. How is it for you? Also if you are comfortable, can share the name of the wines you got for your wedding? We may go for wine tasting next month so would be good to have some wine names in mind.


Hi almonddust,

Glad that it's useful to you. :D

My wines were not on consignment, as it's only 2 cartons. But, if my memory din fail me, tink they allow consignment for a certain amount. Dunno it's 3 or 5. u can prolly call Clare from Lynch. 6235 4800.

Hmm, I forgot the name of my wine, but if u interested to take from Lynch, tink Clare will recommend to u ba. Coz the one tat we took is the most popular for weddings der.

Btw, how many tables u having har?


New Member
Hi Piglet, so when are you getting your soft copy? Hee. I dun want to top up much.. rather to save up for HM.
See how it goes. I saw most of my friends top up most of the times.. haha..Oh ya, i forgot, Mychapter One..hee.remember that the world is so small..
Oh, Sliverlining gowns are nice but over my budget.. hehe..I am sure you look very pretty in it.

Thanks for your advise. My HB..mmm. should be better drinker than me. haha. I did call Lynch before but they did not return my call. Well, mine is a bit different. I manage to get one complimentary bottle for each table. so I need to know what Sheraton's wine is first.. before I go direct to the supplier. Wonder how many should I order..mmm.. wah..yr hubby already HIGH.. i think for me, sure drunk and vomit if I drink too much.. my colleagues ask me to start training.. ermmmm..

How's the food portion? Good feedback too?? Did you do the live feed for the long march in?

Hi Almonddust, I think you should start contacting the supplier.
Take some time to write down all the things you need to do.. and do it bit by bit. Haha.. I am also like u.. too many things on going..still got to settle the house.. haha..we jiayou together and share tips ok...
