Sheraton Towers Singapore Hotel


New Member

Oh... now i see why. Coz i was thinking why urs is like the other way round.. hee...

Orh.. i didn't know abt the ruling. no wonder when i went online to search for possible accomodations, it was like, a lot of them dun come equipped with air-con... and i was thinking, is that cost saving or is that the norm, and was worried it would be kinda warm without it. hee...

Oh, we're targeting end aug to mid-sept, which i believe to be autumn?

Thanks and i'll check out Novotel in a while. Thanks!!!


New Member
Hi Violetcrystal, thanks for the advise. Very nice of u.. I have PM you..

Little Ant, its ok.. dun be bother by them. Its your wedding. U have the biggest say.
True friends will accommodate to your wedding.. and feel very happy for you.
You know what I meant.. hehe. So when are your photos out?


New Member
Hi, my HB and i should be going to europe too..Let him decide. We should be booking our honeymoon in the coming NATAS fair which is in oct ba.


New Member
thx joey for the compliment....

xiaobaibai, i exchanged veg goose for salad prawns cos our parents dun like the goose during good tasting and Sun Sun says is ok to change wo topping up.

When Sun Sun was around she oso told us subject to availabilty, things didnt change lah... erh... ok my nick is neeciel, you can add me.

I actually took a few pix for the other suites during the wdding show last yr but i didnt post on my multiply cos i dun like it.. i've viewed total abt 4-5 suites but eventually wanted Paris cos its more spacious than the rest of the suites i've viewed.


New Member
Hi Nee,

Your Ballroom setup is nice!! I'm also planning to use orchids too as my family is in the orchids business so i think it will be more meaning full for my parents.


New Member
wha josey, shld hv know u earlier then i can have the same arrangements for my guest tables as well cos white orchid cost much more than roses leh :p


New Member
haha..izzit? I didn't know leh. My mum says she will supply the orchids as long as the ones that I choose are in season.

Actually my friend gave me the idea of filling up the ballroom full of orchids since I can get the supply but wasn't sure how to go about doing the arrangement. So did the florist gave you the idea or you have to show them pics of how you want to do it?


Hi Ladies,
I'm officially a ST BTB liao! Have signed on the dotted line yesterday.

Hi Little Ant, Welsome back! Ur colleague so jia liak one eh.. Juz act blur ard them lor. They should be the ones who should be feeling bad lor. Go ST have weddign dinner only pao $50-$60. *Faintz*..


New Member
Ya lor. Sheraton Tower is at least 4 stars and moreover sat dinner is the most ex and gave only $50-60, cant even cover the basic cost. They thou they going to restaurant ah..

But i have to say that my current colleague will give me this amount. As the industry i am working in is different. Usually the uneducated or ignorant will give little.

Well, in these three months, we have attended several roadshows & events and settled the ROM, rings, hotel, pre wedding and actually photography, housing, check out wedding cards & other entertainment etc...Really tiring... Hope it will end soon.. keke


New Member
Hi nee
thanks.. i don't have multiply account, can i still view ur pics?

Top up is required for changing the veg to prawns... sigh... my menu of 8 course doesn't have this dish... "Sautéed Prawns with Walnut, Celery and Capsicum in X.O. Sauce with Deep-fried Spring Rolls stuffed with Diced Prawns and Yam"
I am wondering how come sheraton has different set of menu...


New Member
Anlinna, ST nt 5 stars meh??? aiyo u better enjoy ur prepration, its more fun doing the preparation than the AD event itself leh i feel :p

piglet, congrats...finally 1 task down

Josey, i show florist the pixs and she comes out with the arrangement. But should have a problem for guest tables if u oso want elaborated white orchid arrangments cos the servers usually serve the guests on their tables, so cant hv big arrangment. If your guests want to help themselves with the dishes, then the arrangement will be removed.

You probably want to check with your coord first and get her to tell the florist you are supplying flowers and they supply the labour and vase... think you may need to send the flowers to the nursery for them to arrange, dun think they arrange at the hotel itself.


New Member
Hi Esttie i have added you in my hotmail.

Hi Nee, sheraton is 5 star from what i know. But i think pple feel that it's old and somehow give discount to it lor..
Thanks i will try and enjoy. The process is great learning experience too.


New Member

Hmm... i think the difference in menu is coz they have a set of menu with 9 dishes, and another with 8 dishes, so i guess the 8 dishes one dun have that prawn dish...

There's a price difference also. Coz during the first wedding show we went to, the menu was 9 courses, and the 2nd wedding show a year later, menu was 8 courses, and got price difference too if i remembered correctly.

maybe that's why needa top up if u wanna change a dish to that prawn dish...


New Member
Anlinna, you are rite, cos most of my HB's colleagues gave $80 cos they are foreigners, so dunno market rate here for ang pao. But my colleagues and our frens mostly $100, closer ones above $100. Maybe i dun hv a big banquet, thats y i managed to breakeven.

Xiaobaibai, ya u can still view my pix.

If you are exchanging from veg to seafood, then most prob u hv to top up. I had this prawn as 1 of my dish leh... yours nt selecting 8 out of 9 course?


New Member
ya, $80 is still the market rate. For those who are married mostly will try to match your cost. For those ignorant and cheapo one they will give only $60 or $80. They dont care. So if anyone know their guests will behave this way, maybe you can consider giving them "good seating and good viewing" lor.

Only close friends will give more than market rate.

The gain or breakeven part really depends on who we are inviting.


New Member
ya lor initially i tot if we invited more frens than relatives, then we may profit from the banquet. But looking at the figure that i received from the AP, actually was HB's relatives that realli helped to cover the cost...


New Member
Hey Gals

For those who have already had ur wedding dinners held @ sheraton, can i just check, if by any chance, u have tables of 13?

Coz my hubby is thinking of arranging 13 for certain tables, like 12 + 1 special diet (vegetarian), so am wondering if it will be too cramp, or still comfortable enough for the guests?



New Member
violetcrystal, i do hv 2 tables with 13 person, so far no complain cos i find it quite comfortable and spacious when i was having my first 2 dishes at my bridal table with 12 pax.

And i think we have to cos its an additional cost for the special diet, will lugi leh if u place 11 + 1.


New Member
Hi nee,
yah lor, precisely... that's why my hubby wanna put 12 + 1 vegetarian... and in cases whereby got a couple both vegetarian.. then he wanna put 11 + 2 vegetarians... so never lugi as much... coz paisey to put 12 + 2 = 14... haha...

so 13 was fine? okie then! Thanks! coz i was worried 12 is just nice, 13 is packed.


New Member
Hi nee...

Me dun have 9 menu to choose from... directly 8 course dish... no selection. I saw their current promotion now with 768+++ for weekeday, saw their menu oso realise they have 9 dishes for selection...


New Member
violetcrystal, 14 too packed liao i think...intially i have the problem as well cos HB gt 3 veg frens from army, need to arrange 11 + 2 veg then 1 veg sit at the other table. But in the end 1 din turn up so we have 12 + 1 veg and 11 + 1 veg lor

xiaobaibai, how come so weird one? When did you sign up with ST? You want to check with ur coord? Anyway fyi, the prawns are quite small size for this particular dish... unlike some hotels used big prawns for drunken prawns, i remembered its quite small for this dish.


New Member
xiaobaibai, is it? Mine is also 9 course but need to top up for the 1 more dish. So my package is 800plus per table.

So who's the next ST bride after nee? Anyone's AD coming soon? Mine is in Nov.


New Member
xiaobaibai, hmm... did u sign up during one of their wedding show?

coz during their 2nd wedding show i went to, yep, the menu was revised to choose 8 course from 8 course menu only. but we noticed a reduction in price too...

coz we were thinking, i thought gonna increase price? why still same/reduced? then we noticed the difference in menu...

maybe you wanna check with ur co-ordinator to see what she says...


Why dun we create a list for BTBs.

Nov '07- Jonic
Dec '07- Anlinna
Jan '07- Piglet

Then for the ones whom I dunno, u girls juz add in lor.


New Member
Hmm... i have long threw away the brochures obtained during the wedding shows, but the particular wedding show which i noticed the 8 out of 8 course dinner was the one held on 19th Nov 06... (tracing back my e-mail records..)


New Member
Hello All,

I got the package, 768+++ for the weekday.

Violetcrystal, I think weekday is cheaper and they only serve 8 course menu that why reduction in price. Weekend more expensive,that y got 9 course. I did not sign up during wedding show... has been waiting for couple of months.

To add on to the list:
Nov '07- Jonic
Dec '07- Anlinna
Jan '08- Piglet
Mar '08- PP


New Member
Oh, btw, Nee and LIttle Ant, are the suites renovated? Both of u got the Paris suite? I remember there was one time when I went to view one of the suites, very dark.. Any feedback?


New Member
Thanks Piglet for creating the list! Seems like I'm the next ST BTB :p

Hmm...although they say they have 17 themed suites, seems like we dun have much choice.


New Member
PP, there was no renovation for the suites, they just merely changed the name. Last time was named after some theme i think, now they changed to countries.

jonic, they hv 17 but not possible to view all 17 cos usually they are occupied. I managed to view 4-5 inclusive of the 2 displayed during the wedding show, but i dun like them.

Oh so next on the list is jonic


New Member
Hi add me in too!!

To add on to the list:
Nov '07- Jonic
Dec '07- Anlinna
Jan '08- Piglet
Mar '08- PP
Jun '08- Josey


New Member
Thanks Nee. Well, no choice. I thot we book in advance and we should get the best suite..
mm.. haha. Its ok.. talk to the coordinator again.. Cheers!


New Member
Hi SF,

Welcome! How's your preparation? Selected your card?

To add on to the list:
Sep '07- SF
Nov '07- Jonic
Dec '07- Anlinna
Jan '08- Piglet
Mar '08- PP
Jun '08- Josey

So the next ST BTB is SF!


New Member
hi gers, Eileen told me there will be a new coord joining in June
So not to worry if you are not assigned to her yet


New Member
Hi gers..

I signed up with Sun Sun before the wedding show cos she didn't tell me a wedding show is coming lor.. somewheere in sep or oct 2006 lor...

Oh ya.. add me.. my AD coming in another 21 days time.. june 2007!


New Member
To add on to the list:
Jun '07- xiaobaibai
Jul '07- violetcrystal
Sep '07- SF
Nov '07- Jonic
Dec '07- Anlinna
Jan '08- Piglet
Mar '08- PP
Jun '08- Josey

xiaobaibai, ah i see... hmm... don't let it bother u bah~ still 21 days to go before ur big day, how's ur preperation coming along? excited? hee


New Member
Hi piglet,

I am oso considering luncheon. Went down to view the venue last sat and met up with eileen. Can i check with u how many bottles of red wine and beer are u preparing for ur guests? Did u exchange ur wedding cards for 1 barrel of beer? can u pls share with me wat r the other items which u hap neg for? if it is nt convenient to share here, can u pm me?


Hi nebear,

I didn't exchange my wedding cards for beer, instead I asked for 1 barrel of beer as additional perks.

The Additional Perks which I asked for:
1) 1 Barrel of Beer (About 70 glasses).
2) Increase food tasting to 12pax.
3) 1 Day Room for my helpers use on AD.
4) Free use of Projector & Screen.
5) 1 Function room for Tea Ceremony & maybe Solemnisation.

I was intending to ask for 1 bottle of wine per table.. But, on the day of signing, HB felt as if we were asking for too much.. So, in the end, we got her to waived off the corkage charge for ALL hard liquor & wine lor. We did omit anything from the original package given.

Hmm, I tink for luncheon, 1 barrel of beer should be sufficient, anyway, we dun intend to serve beer during the reception. We're intending to prepare about 2 bottles of wine per table. So, probably, we'll have 4 dozens of wine. It should be more than enuff, coz feedbacks given was that 1 bottle is normally sufficient.. But, we juz prepare more for wine lor. At least if there's left-overs, we can bring home & drink ma.
