Angeline> good to hear that you are going to see your album layout ** envious** if they want me to wait for 2 mths, then will be in Sept, then i wont have time to amend and get album liao rite?? since my AD is same like u... hopefully they can offer me a express service.. if not i will be jumping up and down very soon.
Priscilia> usually it takes 1-2 weeks, call them up to check if you are gan cheong. we are the customers, and ivy should be very happy to help to check the status!!
Bomohpang> if you and ur family not bantang, shouldnt be a problem, maybe u may double check with ur mama and mil, if not i think should be okie bah... if u want to re-schedule, better ask fast, their time is super packed, i request a reschedule and took me to wait for another month to fit in Kevin's and Joan's time.
Huiling> my experience on tt day with 4 couples shooting was quite okie. they arranged 2 couples to come in the morning to start 1st, and 3rd couple came in 11am, and me, the last couple came in 12noon.. i reached at 11.50am and straight able to start make up le. after that did wait a while for the 1st round shooting,coz the shooting for the couple inside was not ready, then its like alternating for us,make up and shooting, there's no much lapsing time, but i think i did queue for changing room for once, but like spare me a 5 mins to take candid shoot somemore... overall i think the congestion dun degrade the level of service provided. i still feel thumbs up for them.