Felt sorry for your mishap... during my days of walking in and out of stores... my experience grows... When you walk in stores (Especiallys those in Jalan Besar and Geylang) The first thing I ask, does the price include GST? If the salesman says no... then I would ask him to give me best price in GST... If you do not, they will do the calculation first and add in the GST later. My experience happens in Jalan Besar, I ask the salesman to jot down the items I need and proceed on to the calculation... after calculation and bargining we got a pleasant figure and I thought we have a good bargain... but when we are about to close the deal... the GST kicks in. I am very thick skin to tell the guy, I will consider and shall come back. When over to the next shop, I did the same and the GST kicks in as well. Lastly I decided to change my tactics and ask first... boss... no point you discount $20 for a $300 item and kick in GST later. The man replies... no lah... GST I place in one... then ok lor.. I negotiate and eventually we got the things we want at the price being jotted down by him. The things we have is almost the same from the previous 2 stores.