Painting of House/HDB flat/Room


New Member
hi liando :

colours u see on d catalogue cannot be 100% d same as when u painted d house. sometimes, it also depends on d original wall colour too.

hi iceblue :

why did u use pentalite? do you know pentalite paint costs cheaper per tin compared to 3-in-1 and wash & wear?


New Member
some of paint i use is super vinilex 5000 and some are odourless.

i agree with lynn that not all the colours i see on the catalogue will turn out to be the same as actual but is almost there ya. will not defer by a lot.


New Member
i called ici to check up the price liao. dif btw 3in1 n wash n wear quite close. .pentalite n wash n wear dif by $10. i wil try ask for wash n wear instead.hehe id giv me bet one then i wil promote him more

he btr read this keke


New Member
hmm... d last time i check, pentalite costs $35 for 5litre paint and wash&wear costs $45-48 for 5litre paint.. price differs around $10+.. imagine if d painters use 10 x 5litres of paint... wash & wear is definitely a better choice. and for ceiling, most painters use cheaper paints like matex that costs less than $20 for 20litre paint.


New Member luan liao nw, btw pentalite n wash n wear. hmm dunno id wil let me chose others beside pentalite anot. cos my id n Jnp id says same stuff


New Member
ermm....if it is the same, why is there a difference in prices? just be firm n asked him to absorp the cost.Or tell him you pay the difference but then u have to let forummers know lah....that your ID "very nice" to let you change but have to top up only. I bet you he will change the better one FOC....when u say that.


New Member
wash n wear seems lesser color. ya lor dif of abt $10 .

haha yeah tts a gd idea. wil inform ppls its top up or foc.

think i need to b firmer. prob i too kind liao keke


New Member
most of ids do nt inform their clients exactly what kind of paint they use. in general, they will only say ICI paint... pentalite is definitely cheaper ($35 for 5l) and wash & wear ($45-48 for 5l).

for 4room flat, d painting fees is around $850-900 for basic paint. if want wash&wear, probably around $1k bah...


Active Member
i tik is quite common for ids to let u choose colors fr tat 'one page' only which is usually the cheaper range (pentalite) pls check with ids if u wanna use the wash & wear or 3-in-1 much top up is required...


New Member
hehe they nvr state so means we can chose anyth hor?
anyw limited colors leh. so at the end prob wil jus req 2 colors frm other series.

im quoted $1150 for 110m2


New Member
think can get it done for around $1.1k for pentalite ba.. if wash & wear, min around $1.2k... btw, does it include painting of d doors and doorframes?


New Member
hi pauline, for mine it includes door/frames paint. but i only paintg the frames, cos door no nd
. most id paintg wil includ if i nt wrg.


I did my hse for $750 for a 4rm unit with 5 colors for walls and ceiling and also varnish for doors and paint frames and gate.


New Member
hee pplz, im back i changed my paintg series liao. my id ok at no additional cost. but i only changed 2rooms, the other remain pentalite due to the colors i prefer


New Member
hi all,

which one gives more matt look? ICI wash n wear or Pentalite? n which one wil not be obvious when doing touch-up?


New Member
depending on d paint that u choose from d catalogue.. note that some of paints comes in gloss/matt paint. in terms of quality, ici wash n wear is d best and easier to wipe off any stain using a wet cloth.


New Member
i used pentalite and liked the classic look. my contractor recommend that too. it is cheaper but it is more appropriate for the texture of the walls. The wall is not a cloth to appear with silky look. this is my opinion. thanks for the feed back.


New Member
i agree with jas.... unless u like a glossier wall surface then go for w&w.... i choose cheaper range so that can change painting more often to have a different ambience


New Member

thanks for ur comment...
...yah, i like matt feel than glossier look as well...but is it difficult to clean if dirty (seems like wash n wear is easy to clean cuz by the name)...n wil it look obvious when touched up (read somewhere dat for some paint, when u do the touched-up, it reali look obvious and its better to paint the whole wall even when only a small portion needs touched-up)


We r satisfied with the paint work but I dun have the contact wi me. will update u on their contact when i get it.


New Member
hi stacey :

u sure 5 ppl did d job in one day? that's amazing!! how many coats of paint did they apply? 1 or 2? i thot 1 coat of paint takes like more than half a day to dry on a gd sunny day?


Dear Pauline, light colors apply 2 coats n dark color apply 3 coats. it does not take more than half a day to dry on a good sunny day. They start around 8 in the mornie and end ard 3 in e afternoon.


New Member
dun think a $750 job will include d oil-base sealer. usually for new flats, u dun need d base coat (sealer).

for those old flats, if a spot is particularly yellowish (eg. burning of joss-sticks at altar), then d painters will usually give a coat of sealer to that wall/ceiling or unless some kind of plastering work were done to the walls, then d oil-base sealer is a must.


New Member
I used supreme 3 in 1, after painting, I can feel that the wall is smooth and nice. For darker tones, I think have to paint it a few more times for it to be more even. I chose that because its supposed to keep away lizards! Haha, as my hb hates lizards...


New Member
hi there ,
i have jus painted my house,this painters have done a good job and
responsible in their work.
after my renovation ,they still come back
to do the touch up for me(i requested),
i have heard fr fren that they have engage cheap painters from newspaper,
result ,lousy paint work,use cheap paint n no after sales services (espeically after fullpayment).
here my painter contact johnny 97306027


New Member
Yes i agree with Jojo

Painting is not difficult but quote tedious as u need to protect and cover furniture, flooring, etc. and need to clean up after finish

save $$$


New Member
my new home i do the painting myself and with my hubby. very tiring..and i do the most does save abit of money, but if i have 2nd chance and got the $, i will get others to do, haha. Abit scare off by it..if urs is new home, do the painting before your furniture come in. empty house will be better


New Member
i think better leave to the professional,my fren
think it very romantic to paint thier love nest
wif their hand (like those hk movie)
,quess wat ,it ended wif quarrel n very tried hand ha ha ha..........


New Member
Quite unlikely you'll be able to save $1000 on painting alone unless you are over-quoted I think!

The funny thing about painting is that you need to have a pair of experienced hands to do a nice paintjob. Therefore, you need to paint fast or you can also say "chin chai" paint. For those who paints like a artist, you sure to encounter tear drop and other unexpected effects. Then the more you wanna cover it, the more swollen your headS are.

My suggestion is either to get a experienced painter and some bangala to help you (as in my case) or ask a few friends to enjoy the process with you.

I have (cockroach's relatives) contacts if anyone interested...just my girlfriend's sister's husband's brother.hahahaha!


New Member
banga is not a good idea,last year i ask some
of them(those who work near my office) to paint my office warehouse,wow lah,they do a shabby job
n need strict supervise,luckily is only my
