For each additonal pose is $80. they say it include design and layout. I tink this is quite standard.
I wont say they are pushy at least to me.. But seeing those photos will sort of make u go unresistable.. hehe.. at least tat happen to me n my gf. She had a few more appt wif other bridal shops but she make up her mind after seeing the photos and the gowns.
I tink u shd check it out asap. since they got the opening promo.
I wont say they are pushy at least to me.. But seeing those photos will sort of make u go unresistable.. hehe.. at least tat happen to me n my gf. She had a few more appt wif other bridal shops but she make up her mind after seeing the photos and the gowns.
I tink u shd check it out asap. since they got the opening promo.