Marina Mandarin Singapore


New Member

we went to swissotel stamford..hubby din like..he say has pillars..& we are oni doing 20 tables.. but i din consider merchant court...cos i dun really like the hotel there...when i check on alot of hotels they dun offer min capacity of 20 tables. i've seen the actual setup look quite alrite lah..i oso abit bothered by the short march in. but wendy suggested some ideas. & huby say he can do something abt i m quite alrite. + the most impt i chose mm cos of their menu. cos i 1 9 course with abalone...hehehe
to b honest i dun have much perks.only tos listed on it...extra things i ask for 2 nite stay instead of 1 & gave up my helper room...another 1 is a small room for my tea ceremony b4 my wedd for my mum relatives..the rest all done at MIL hse.
theme & favour wise i have not choosen either cos i understand from wendy there will be new themes & favours coming out this i will confirm all these mayb during my food tasting...


New Member
Hi Colt,

U mean there is a wedding show coming up for MM again? Thought they have theirs in Jan alr. If that is the case, i think i better hold back my booking cos i heard that during wedding show, normally they throw in more perks.

Generally my FH also like MM and left a deep impression on him. Actually we din view many hotels yet cos basically we are looking at city hall area only. SO far, still making appt with Oriental (fully booked, seems like the coordinator is too busy to entertain us) and coming weekend will be swissotel before we make the decision. Went to see Pan pac alr, but only so so.

One thing abt MM though ceiling low, is, the ballroom gives u a cosy feeling, not so distant and traditional feeling. Best is we like the fixtures proposed and the way they market themselves. Price wise reasonable consider the menus. Perks, not very flexible. Same as muddpie, only managed to ask for additional night stay and giving up the helper room. Not sure is it because my coordinator unwilling to give more.


New Member

Do you need to choose the themes and favours when you sign up the package?

Thought only need to decide this when nearer to the date?


New Member
Hi colt

thanks for ur info.

Anybody know if there is new wedding themes showing during the wedding show? I had actually booked my wedding in Dec07..


New Member
hi 1192001,

u dun need to decide the theme & favours when u sign. but do ask them to show u b4 u sign so that u have a rough idea. wat i did b4 i signed with them was i ask my coordinator for the dates wer they hv wedd & i pop by to take a look. for me cos i dun like certain colour of roses so i told her to opt out tos setups. at tat moment i like the candle lit theme. very romantic & cosy. & i really like the foyer area...quite grand feel *to me lah* tats y in the end we signed up.
its alwas gd that u take a look at the actual setup, this will enhance the ballroom more.

hi yingsan,

when is ur AD?
i oso book my wedd ard ur time...


New Member
hi ladies,

was told that there might be new wedding themes presented during the show. but not sure what they are. am waiting to see the new themes.


maybe can check with your co-ord if you are able to use the new theme. btw, who is your co-ord?


New Member
yingsan, AD is exactly 1 mth after urs...6 coordinator is wendy...she did tell me there will be new themes...but not sure wat are thos....


u gg to the show? if u are mind to snap & share pic?


New Member
yup, i will be going for the show. cos want to see the new themes and perks before signing.

i will share the pics if i snap.


New Member
hi muddpie

my coordinator is oso wendy..
i tot of gog to the wedding show to see the new themes.. or mayb can ask wendy whether we able to see the theme before or after the show ?? u tik tat is possible?


New Member
hi yingsan,

i think that will be possible cos wendy will have the pics of the wedding themes. but i tot seeing it 'live' is better rather than seeing pics. what you think?


New Member
yeah agree ladies...pls see live...
i've seen tos pic wendy showed me..wasn't very impressed...
when i saw the live totally different feel...would encourage u all to take a look


New Member come all of you have wendy as your coordinator. I wanted to get her but was "assigned" to someone else. I think she is new cos nvr heard of her name mentioned in this forum.


New Member
hi 1192001,
who is your co-ord? not to worry. i am sure that all the co-ords will do a great job.

communicate with her first and see how.

but you may not settled with MM right? you still seeing others?


New Member

don worry, agree with colt tat you might not settled with mm in the end...

but generally i heard from other btb at mm, their coordinators are fiona & steven. they are quite good too...


New Member
The one attending us is called SENS.

We quite like MM since from the start so high chance we may end up with MM. Went Pan Pac, so so only. Oriental could be too expensive, so only left with Swissotel which we are meeting this weekend. Mainly these 4 choices cos FH and I like city hall area, hence we will only choose from this region.


New Member
Hi colt

agreed that seeing live will be better than photos.. like wat muddpie had mentioned, the photos is nt impressive at all.. so tik i will be going


New Member
hi yingshan,

you have signed with MM already right? Since your AD is end of the year, better for you to go and see and decide which theme you want. may have new wedding favour also. hopefully new invitation cards. :p


New Member
hi yingshan,

think even signed up liao go and see see look look will be good cos you see it 'live' and can get the atmosphere.

i should be signing with wendy after the show when I can decide which theme and wedding favour i want.

can share your perks with me? your AD is 6 Dec 07? that's a thur right? I am also looking at a weekday for next year May. keke.........


New Member
hi colt

yes, its a thurs.. my perks are quite standard coz coz they are wedding show perks..
1. free beer or complimentary wine per table,
2. additional nites at bridal suite but got to forego helper's room,
3. additional room for solemnization before dinner

think tats abt all..


New Member

i wasn't given free flow of beer..... was also given another nite at bridal suite.

hopefully the perks at the coming bridal show will be attractive.


New Member
Hi Colt_26,

After seeing through Pan Pac, MM, STS and Oriental, the one left the deepest impression is Oriental. They made a lot of efforts in coming up with the themes and food menus. Very impressive but the price is also very impressive ($1088 per table and not nett yet). Hence FH n i will still have to give it a miss though we like it the most.

Now still considering between STS and MM. STS is unique and personalised feeling. The ballroom ceiling high but their perks very restricted. Hence will result in additional cost for us too. So comparing STS and MM, we will still feel more inclined towards MM since MM's package covers what we already wanted such as 2 night stays in the bridal suite and corkage waiver.

Anyone been to the bridal suite before? How is it? Hmmmm....too bad in next 2 weeks will have to confirm deal, else can still pop by the wedding show to see if can get additonal perks.


New Member
hi 1192001

i believe u can confirm ur package on the wedding show itself rite? u can tentatively book the date u want 1st.. or ask ur co-ordinator whether u are entitled to the additional perks.. when is ur AD?


New Member
My AD is in May 2008. Got to confirm within this week cos we need the banquet receipt to submit to HDB for extension of submission of marriage cert. We plan to have our ROM next year together on the AD day, but we also bought our resale flat already, hence before our 1st appt date, we have to submit to HDB the banquet receipt, which is why not able to wait till 27th June for the wedding show. Sob...

anway going to make decision soon. If STS can be lenient with the perks to match MM, we will go for it.


New Member
hi 1192001,

seems like you prefer STS more.
have you checked if they have the date you want? don't think they be able to hold the date too long for you also.

btw, what's your exact AD date? got to see if it is hot date lor.

good luck ya!


New Member
Hey everyone,

Went to meet up with Wendy yesterday.. Find that she is friendly and flexible..

My AD is 22 sept 08. Most prob we will sign up with her by next week.. I will go to the wedding show as well to see the theme.. the pics she showed are not impressive at all.. =)

The Ballroom is 4m in height. Hope this solve some of your qns.

May I know how much is the deposit?

Thanks. =D


New Member
Hi Colt,

We chose our own date so quite flexible with the date thing. It will either be 18th May or 24th May. For 18th May, MM still available. For 24th May, STS still available. So whichever date will depend on which hotel we sign up utimately.

Yes, you are right. We are more "inclined" to STS. So only a matter of whether they can match the critical requests we wish to have which MM already agreed to waive for us. Hee.


New Member
Hi 1192001,

Heard that STS is pretty strict with their perks. However, no harm giving it a try. Impt thing is you and your hubby must like the venue chosen since its once in a lifetime thing. btw, which STS ballroom you have in mind?

Do keep us posted ya.


New Member
dear ladies,

do we need any tickets or can we just pop by for the wedding show on 24june?

i've signed up wif MM for wedding in 2008 already... just wanted to go there view the different themes set-up.


New Member
hi colt, the registation form allows u free admission to the wedding show?

My wedding is this year leh.... i feel like going to see the different themes available for this year


New Member
we have to pay $28 per couple for the show.
It will include goodie bag and snack.

quite worth it if you want to see the them 'live'.


New Member
Hi yingshan!

I'm back in action... jus realise the wedding show coming up... didnt receive any info from my coordinator though hehee


New Member
hi all,
can anyone advise which other coordinator is good?
have called them tis morning and was assigned to adeline.. but she was so slow.. till now i haven received the package she said she was gg to send me!

can anyone share their package as well?
my email is [email protected]



New Member
hi rod

long time no see.. welcome back!
i also din know of the wedding show until i visited this thread. hehe.. tik the coordinator dun bother to inform those who already signed the package.. haha. will u be attending the show?


New Member
Hi Jolene, my coordinator is Fiona. Didn't ask much as most are standard and their package are quite comprehensive liao..


Glad to hear from u.. i dunno if i wana go cos i got something on that day too... therefore quite on a tight schedule...

Will let u know if i'm going..


New Member
Hi, im new here.. heard from my frend dat there is alots of news regardin abt hotel, bridal in this forum. so i came in..
ani1 could share with me his or her experience with Marina Mandarin.. Wendy Lou is the one attended to me.. o yah, i'l be holdin my weddin in may08 so nw hav to bk ler..
ani1 care to share wit me??
HiMavis, im also planning to book with MM during their wedding show on the 24th... which ballroom are u interested to book? have you metup with ya coordinator and viewed the ballrooms yet?


New Member
can anyone advise on the food which MarinaM serves?
Tinking of signing up with them for 08 mar 08



New Member
Hi Jolene, there are 2 ballrooms for weddings:
- Marina Mandarin Ballroom: Maximum capacity of 60 tables and Minimum of 35 tables required for weekdays (Mon-Thu) and 40 tables required for weekends (Fri-Sun)
- Vanda Ballroom: Maximum capacity of 30 tables and Minimum of 20 tables required on all days.
I have met up my coord.-Wendy Lou.. she is a veri nice & friendly lady..
she surely wil assist u & ans to all ur doubts..
