Furama City Centre


New Member
oooh ok gd
think it is quite popular like ban heng pavilion all these and I am now busy searching for actual day videographers and photographers,quite a headache
btw have you signed with halim at furama city centre hotel already? oh ya I have been wanting to ask you,u got the link for me to view Mr Lim's photography works?


New Member
ya, have sign up package with Halim also give deposit already.
Anyway I don't have his photogragh work, except my sis wedding photo..
You play facebook?? If have maybe u can add me at [email protected] to see my sis wedding pic, tat shoot by him.


New Member
Hi Dawn, sorry was caught up with work etc...
the food tasting was alright... the food was acceptable...not like fantastic or what but not bad. However, the house wine very so-so only hahaha but well its free


New Member
Hi, can i just check, when will the food tasting be held? as in, how many months before actual day wedding? and also, do i have to pay??



New Member
i think the ballroom is quite grand,the rom ballroom heritage is ok just like other function room and food tasting not sure you have to check with your wedding coordinator at furama and think gotta pay a certain % of money


New Member
you mean the heritage room can change different lightings?yup anything get back to the coordinator,they will be able to help us out and I wonder will the banquet staff do any first course special presentation?


New Member
The theme is so standard.... Glamorous, Starry, Oriental, Romance Garden.... Don't know which one to choose....

Tot of having something unique.... might discuss with my coordinator, see if things can be change... hahaha


New Member
the wedding show should be in sept,my coordinator told me before,yup lightings can be change to different colours,think oriental n romance garden quite nice,I forgot how the rest look like,I won't pick starry starry coz not so nice


New Member
can i just check, base on the standard theme, did anybody actually add some other color to it?

for example, like black or red decoration on the chair cover or table???


New Member
thought the chair covers and table for all the tables apart from vip tables r all ivory in colour,can change colour mah?


New Member
Hi All,

I've just signed up for my wedding dinner in Jan 2013.
Would like to check if anyone had/going to engage those instant photo booth??


New Member
Hi All BTB
I just held my dinner at Furama City Centre on 20 Nov 2011 and everything went smoothly. Kudos to my coordinator Stephanie who is a very responsible person. She make sure all staff are on their toes nearing the start of event and of cos the captain in charge of that day was very experience too.

To all BTB, if you have booked your banquet with Furama, rest assured you are in good hand on that special day. : )


New Member
Hi Felicia/ all,
I am new to the forum... We are viewing FCC ballroom on sat. But wondering how's the food? Can Felicia or anyone share their comments on the food there? Worried whether food is nice... Thanks in adv!


New Member
Hi all BTBs. I am a July 2012 Btb. We are looking for our banquet venue and down to 2 "finalists".
- lunch at corpthorne king's
- dinner at furama city centre

Everything seems ok with corp king except that it is lunch and I am really afraid it would be too rushed. Too bad their dinner taken already.

Anyone has any reviews abt furama city centre's food? The exterior of the building is super old looking but ballroom n bridal suite look decent. So now we are just unsure of the food quality... Appreciate any sharing...



New Member
Purplez: So far for the food i think is ok, as previously my fren was holding hers at FCC as well. For me to choose FCC is also because of is the pillarless ballroom they have, and a great foyer for the guest to mingle around and Wont habe any confusion as they only can hold one wedding dinner.


New Member
Chloe - thanks for sharing. We went to view last sat and found the ballroom and bridal suite nice too
But the exterior really cmi. think most prob we will confirm on FCC too.

Which date is ur wedding?


New Member
yah, the exterior.. well i dun think they can do much abt it.. but their bridal suite view is nice right?! Mine is on 29th of sept 2012!


New Member
Hi ladies!

Chloe, mine is on 28 sep! Wanted 29 sep but is booked. So it's u hehe.
When will u b gg for food tasting?


New Member
I most prob gg food tasting in April. But havent decided what dishes to choose. What abt u guys? Can share what u choosing?

Heard they got roadshow in April.. Wonder if they will have more themes then?... Now like only got 2 themes for the ballroom....

And ya, my HTB loved the view and also the bathroom very nice also (I got this thing abt nice bathrooms :p)


New Member
Mandy: You actually wanted to hold it on Sept 29? Haha.. it was actually on hold but the couple release and we took it.
Haven decided when to go for the food tasting. how abt u?
Purplez: they have 4 themes if im not wrong. i went to their open house last yr. if u want the pics i can send it to u?U can check with ur coordinator ard middle of march to see if the prices are up and reserve ur date now with them as once the date is taken, u cant choose FCC coz thats the only ballroom.


New Member
Purplez, ur wedding in July this year? Have u booked yet?

Chloe, oh u r so lucky. When did u book ur banquet?
Most prob I'll be gg food tasting in July.
Btw can I have e pics of e themes too?
Also, who is ur coordinator?


New Member
I also wanted 29 sept 2012 too den it was taken up hehe n I m going for food tasting in April 2012,you all got any food to recommend?my coordinator is Stephanie and I must say she is really gd
they r going to have an upcoming roadshow in April?


New Member
Hi Dawn, my coordinator is Stephanie too! I've nv attended any wedding there before so not sure about the food. Not sure about the roadshow too. Maybe can check with Stephanie? Btw when's your big day?

Anyone will be having those instant photo booth?


New Member
Hi Mandy - jus confirmed my booking with furama last sat. Coordinator is Halim. He is also very nice too.

Chloe - for the themes, seems like now left the glamour and another one only. The other 2 themes not in use already.

Dawn - Wedding show case is on 21 April.. Think it is at furama itself if I am not wrong.. I am going for my food tasting in April too


New Member
Purplez: Mine is Halim too. He is the head of the department. Now only left with two themes?Guess i no need to send the picture to you and mandy.
Think i want to go down to their wedding show case again. Anyone interested?


New Member
Hello everyone,those with Stephanie as their coordinator,did you receive the email that she has tendered n her last day was on Friday,I have changed my coordinator to abdul halim and Fabian tan


New Member
Hi Dawn, thanks for the link. I've already registered for it.
Ya I rec a SMS n email from Stephanie last fri. Just 2 weeks ago I was still sms-ing with her n felt her attitude was slightly different. Didn't expect her to leave.


New Member
Yup I was wondering how come her attitude was slightly different from last time den I was super stunned when she told me her last day was last Friday,den was reAlly at a loss


New Member
Dawn, don't worry. I think Halim n Fabian will do a good job. Especially the other ladies here said Halim is very good.
My BS had a huge turnover and all old staff except 1 left and I think my BS is in a mess now haha. I'm wondering how worse can things get. At least we have been assigned to Halim or Fabian so still not bad.

Btw, just wondering if anyone here managed to change the day room to 1 night stay instead?


New Member
bbtea, who is ur coordinator? I can't remember the timeline but FCC gave me a copy together with the contract.. i think its about time to go select the invitation cards now... maybe you should just call up ur coordinator to check and make arrangement for food tasting...


New Member
TWO months before wedding date must collect invitation cards and inserts plus food tasting session too,bbtea and mandy,when is ur wedding actual date? mandy,which bridal shop are you from? mandy,you have also been assigned to halim and fabian? fabian is pretty prompt in replying emails and halim is on leave now


New Member
Dawn, mine is on 28 Sep 2012 (Fri).
My BS is The Aisle Bridal.
yup i've been reassigned to either Halim or Fabian..


New Member
oooh I also wanted 29 September 2012 too but taken.
oooh the aisle bridal is good,very nice gowns
bbtea-halim is on leave now till mid april den perhaps you can drop him an email,he will still respond. I have booked my food tasting date and timing to be 28th April 2012 but haven't decide on what food to take,you all got any advice?


New Member
Yup I think Halim is on leave till mid April. He has been pretty responsive and very nice to discuss things with. So don't worry
I haven't set a date for food tasting yet but think will call him after he is back to fix for appt in end April too..
