Ex-schoolgirls meeting place


New Member
Hi pisduck,

Yeap, i m the same batch as u but i not sure if i know u or not...

Congrats on your ROM, how was it? Heard from my mom the SARS thingy quite bad, did u get affected by it...

Send me some of your ROM Pics leh, my email [email protected]

Yes, apparently, the sad thing is i m still studying......but gonna fnish soon...:)

Lao liao that's y gotta get married..haha!!


New Member
Hi pisduck,

Yeap, i m the same batch as u but i not sure if i know u or not...

Congrats on your ROM, how was it? Heard from my mom the SARS thingy quite bad, did u get affected by it...

Send me some of your ROM Pics leh, my email [email protected]

Yes, apparently, the sad thing is i m still studying......but gonna fnish soon...:)

Lao liao that's y gotta get married..haha!!


New Member

Sent u the link. Can I look at your pics, too? Please....
My email is [email protected].

I am sure you will know me or at least find me familiar. Funniest thing would be that we were from the same class. Which class were you from?

Yep, my ROM was affected by the SARS stuff. Could only have 6 guests. sigh....

*Envious* You are graduating soon? I will still be stuck in school for at least another 2 years. sob.


New Member
Hi Blossom,

Yeah, ure absolutely right..there's no pleasing everyone. I'm sure there will be pple who dun like Trista and will say tt she's just exploiting herself for fame. Anyway, let's hope she really does find happiness with the guy she chose.

Hehe..yeah, its a great movie to watch. I like watching shows that make me laugh..not many shows are good at that now..they tend to rely on too much slapstick, which doesn't appeal to me. I prefer witty dialogue anytime.

Watching TAR4 at 8pm tonite
Wonder what's gonna happen in this episode!


Hi Pisduck,

Can I look at your photos too? Email: [email protected]

Guess we are all from the same batch. Think more or less would be able to recognise each other though not same class.


New Member
You are from our batch too? Wow... so there is Sweets, Muppet, you and me... quite a large number.

So, your wedding was last year? How did you like NY? Any advice on hotels, gowns, photography etc etc. (I am in fact looking for a cheap and good actual day photographer. Any suggestions?) I am kinda blur. In fact, I chose my ROM make-up and photographer based on feedback from this forum.

Will send you the link when I am done with this posting. But pics and make-up are nothing fancy. In fact, hubby said I looked horrible.


New Member
Know you are busy with all the wedding stuff but remember to take care. Must be pretty pretty and make your hubby drool on the wedding day. hee.

Dun be too homesick okie? ps... any tentative date for your customary? Mine is in 2004.


New Member
hi alhana,
i just watched the episode.... quite exciting.... i thot the air controllers will be eliminated.... never expected it to be russell and cindy...
they were really unlucky.

you are on leave today rite? went anywhere?


Hi Pisduck,

What is NY har? Heehee...dunno what you mean leh......My wedding was ok lor.....very thing very normal cos my FIL is a very traditional man...Heehe.....

What is ur budget for photography?


New Member
Hi blossom,

Yeah, I was on leave. Wanted to visit the zoo but it rained so heavily in the PM. So we just went shopping for awhile then came home to watch TAR4.

Yahlor, I too expected the air traffic controllers to be eliminated. Russell and Cindy were unlucky..and to a point careless. They didn't chk tt their tix were to the wrong place, hence wasting valuable time. In fact, if they didn't chk w the travel agent, they wld have left for a totally wrong destination. I wld think tt in such a race, u must double chk everything u read to be sure. I think some of the teams are too kan chiong lah...the first part abt grabbing the pass off the carriages..alot of them missed it too. Sure was alot of tension last nite!


New Member

Oops, I "sotong" again. Thought that you went to NY (i.e. New York) for honeymoon cos I saw NY in your previous postings. Realized now that NY means New Year. Sorrie. Just wanted to ask you how was your honeymoon.

My budget for actual day photography is around $800. But, this also depends on what is provided. hee.... me want cheap and good.

Sweets, morning!!! Will talk to my hubby and get back to you later.


New Member
Pisduck, we were classmates!!! Are you DP?

Sweets, were we in the same ECA?

Little Miss Muppet, Bow Wow and Corie, your names are really familiar but can't figure out who you are. Gotta look at the dusty year books again!

How exciting!


New Member
hi alhana,
i see... bought anything nice? i went to compass point last nite and bought a pair of sports pants from metro for my golf. there were quite nice clothes... but hor... now, im the size between S and M....
so quite hard to get clothes that fit.

yes.... russell and cindy are too careless. was that the 2nd time that they lost their way? i think last week, a couple was in the same train to venice as tian&jaree.

actually, the air controllers also took the wrong train rite.... something like that... i think they thot they are going to lose... so they were so shocked to learn that they were team no. 9.

yah... there was a fierce fight over the carriages.... really shocking.
its kinda bad to ask those who were already in the carriage to come down.... goodness.... they sure made enemies in the process but its also their own fault for overlooked that point.

so far, 3 couples have been eliminated... left with the gay couple, millie&chuck, jon&kelly. it seems a disadvantage to be tagging a lady... but the ladies' teams seem to be doing fine.

looking forward to the next episode.


Hi Sweets,

Not that I dun wana to sahre my pics with you but my photos are all the conventional kind not the digital kind whereby I can just upload them on a website and share with everyone. So, I will have to scan in but unfortunately I dun have a scanner too. One day, you can drop by my place to view the photos lor.

Sometimes, I wish my photos are digital so that i can upload them to share also......but ok lah...See when you free...

Pisduck - what kinda photography you want? $800 for a actual day photographer......i think have leh......but must see what you want also. Like only colour? or only journalistic? or both? Etc etc........

I went to Mauritius for my honeymoon. It was fun. We enjoyed ourselves very much.


New Member
Hi Pisduck,

I will be having my customary in Dec 04. I m looking at Raffles The Plaza, i like that place. So now juz waiting for the dates to be out, asking my MIL to go n find out some good dates. But i will prob separate my wedding n tea ceremony, ie sun tea ceremony, mon is dinner. Like tat, will not be so tired as well.

How abt u? Where abouts u wanna hold ur wedding?


New Member
Corie, ok lar...got to wait for 1 day to come ard to see then

Pooh ah, wat ECA were u in ? I was in Dance...hehehe....

Pisduck, ok let me know lar


New Member
hi alhana,
i watched finding nemo already.... i watched it on sat nite. booked the tix thru internet to secured the tix. it was rather crowded at the cinema.

the show was really very funny and interesting.
nemo is very cute.
dory is really funny esp when she forgets things.... and irritates marlin.... and of cos when she speaks whale...

there was also a lot of excitement in the fish tank.... so cute... the way they welcome nemo... like joining a tribe.
and really amazing that they come up with the escape plan.

the turtles are very cute too..... bruce also taught us a lot on how to bring up children... quite enriching.....

yup... the sharks are really amusing.... "fish are fren, not food"..... hahahahahaha....

the adventures in the whale and the jelly fish is also quite exciting. i think i may consider getting the vcd when its out.


New Member
Hi blossom,

I'm leaving for BKK this morning. Will be there till Sat! Such a nice morning to sleep in actually..dark and rainy.

Hehe...I loved the sharks. They were hilarious. In fact I loved all of the characters..they all had their own unique traits. Even the seagulls, who kept going 'Mine', were cute. Dory's so silly, but not in an irritating way. She's quite endearing..no wonder Marlin managed to tahan her..altho he cldn't help but let her come along w him. Funny when she finally met Nemo and his name didn't ring a bell :p I liked her ditsy singing too..U know what..I'm gonna get the DVD when its out..that's a fun show to re-watch..and definitely worth keeping for my future kids :p

Rgding TAR4, looks like more tension between the teams in the next ep. Wow..this bunch really can't get along huh. Seems Tian & Jaree are the source of unhappiness..as well as Reichen and Chip. I dunno what's w the gay couple..they really seem to be rubbing everyone the wrong way. Not a good thing to do so early in the game.

Ok..gonna do some last min packing. U take care alright..and have a good week


New Member
hi alhana,
you prob left for the airport by now.....
hope you have a great trip!!!

anyway, just to leave some messages so that you can read when you are back......

i went for my golf lesson yesterday. i can aim properly now and the likelihood of missing the ball has decreased from the 1st lesson.
i felt so relieved actually..... very malu to keep missing the ball. my arms were aching terribly after the 1st lesson but i din feel any ache after the 2nd one. :D actually, i was really worried that i will swing the golf club out but heng ahh.... that never happened.... i think thats prob becos i was so worried that i gripped my golf club so tightly. :pp and that prob cause the aching arms as well.....


New Member
Poohbear, you are my classmate?!? Who? If it is not convenient to say here, drop me an email, okie? hee... I can share my pics with you.

Corie, I would prefer a journalistic style with digital photography. Do you have any "lobang"?

Muppet, hee.
Your wedding is very close to mine. I am having mine in Nov 04. Made a tentative booking at Four Seasons. Having everything on one day cos I dun want to pay extra for the make-up and photography. Tired also never mind.
I have been to Westin before for dinners. Quite nice place.

Sweets.... apologies....


New Member
Little Miss Muppet,
My dinner will be at RTP in 3 weeks' time. Will feedback to you my comments after that. So far they've been really good. I requested for teddy bears as wedding favours and they actually sourced around for me! So we will be the first couple to have teddy bears at RTP. They said they will introduce the bears to all other RTP couples after our dinner. Very nice right?

I know, I know... cos I was in Dance too!

Hehehe!!! Do you know who I am now?!
Some updates on our classmates:
Your dear partner Pei Lian is now Assistant Superintendent of Police at Tanglin Police Division.
Ya Juan and Jane are now qualified doctors. Just became MOs.
Mary will be getting married in 2 week's time to her fellow scholar.
Shu Fern is an EDB scholar working there.
Bernice... that one you know... Miss Singapore Universe...


New Member
I very blur one, lah. STOP THE SUSPENSE!! Who are you?
Hee... always felt that Peilian would make a good policewoman. Yajuan went to Law, right? Or I sotong again? Mary is getting married? You are getting married? Wow wow wow... and my mum was saying that I am too young. Must tell her this....
Been such a long time....


New Member
Sorry, you're right. My mistake. Yajuan is a lawyer. But can confirm Jane is a doctor.
Aiyah, you blur blur, I was one of your "4th row" partners-in-crime with Shuang2 and Meiling those pple!
Always drove Miss Wang nuts!!!

Very curious, fellow sisters, how come you are all still studying? So lucky. I wish I am still studying. Sigh.


New Member

Everyone has got such a good job ahead except me, still a qualified student only...

Oh, Poohbear....GREAT!!!! Keep me updated on how its gonna be like... I like the ambience there leh!

who u liase with? I liase with Dannis, but he still hvnt reply to us whether the dates are available...

Care to share ur name or photos wiff us. Would like to know who u r leh..


New Member
Aiyah, I give up. You very good, leh. Can still remember I sit in the 4th row. I also forget already. Drop me an email, can? My address is [email protected].
Hey, you got any pictures to share or not? ROM pics, studio pics, outdoor pics?

Aiyoh, Poohbear, if you are still studying you will wish that you are working..... Me? I am doing my PhD. sigh....


New Member
You are really hopeless! I have already mentioned the names of everyone in the 4th row except myself (well, almost, I haven't mentioned Yu Yun and Qibin). Eliminate all of them and it's me!
Sweets also said that I was from Dance. Not many dancers you know. Our whole batch only about 6 of us. I was the only dancer in our class some more. You study until forget everything already!

Little Miss Muppet,
I was not from Primary School, so you wouldn't know me. Nice to meet a sister here anyway.

I liased with Eunice. She was really helpful and nice. Dannis talks a bit too much. I can't even get a word in!

Sorry I haven't got any photos, cos very low-tech. Suffering from the same "technology deficient" disease as Corie! Will try to take some digital photos during the RTP dinner, then can share with you all.

Pisduck, you're so lucky. I only have MSci. Parents too poor, can't afford to keep me in school. School life definitely beats working life ANYTIME! Sigh...


New Member
You are driving me NUTS guessing, leh. Okie okie... we used to eat lunch together at the market izzit? Or wrong again? I super blur one, lah....think you are right.... study until phd (permanent head damage) liao. hahaha.
Parents also not rich.... I am just lucky.... managed to get sponsors from Sec all the way to post-grad.
ps. Send me an email, can? Then I share my ROM pics with you.

Muppet & poohbear, what is RTP? Sorry, I very blur...


hi are,

i only remember a gal fr 4/9 who's tall and very skinny but i kinda of forgotten her name.... do u noe her name? think...tall,skinny and short hair?

hi pinkapple,

ur wedding over?


hi pinkapple,
i totally remember u now... nice pics.
unfortunately, i dunno how to upload pics...teach me then i can do it now since i'm having my hols...

hi are,
i will upload my pics to ur email once i learn how to...


New Member

u are winnie's good friend from the art class har?

Have u scanned ya fotos already? or are they already in digital format?

if have liao then u just sign up at the webshots and follow the instructions....


New Member

i'll come over & show u are's picture. call me when u at home AND awake... I'll pop over to give u a hand on uploading pics.


hi everyone, i'm so to find this thread..

i'm the last batch of hai sing gals... same yr as calyx i guess...

calyx, are you stil ard? i think i know who you are? =P


New Member
Good Morning HSGS (old batch),

I am from Hai Sing too...
so glad to see this thread....
I graduated in 1991

Martina Ng - Girl Guides
Mary Koh - Maths Teacher, my class made her cry when we are in Sec 1... nottti hor
Ng Bak Hong - chio bu... Netball
Discipline Master - Mr Lee, behind the fierce look he is a kind and gentle man, NPCC
PE Mrs Lim - always so active, NPCC

miss the old HUT...
miss the dark corridoors whenever kanna from Ah Jie to help her open doors in the early morning...
miss the lasi lemak in plastic bag... yummy...
miss the "durians" on the basketball court...


New Member
hi deary,
i was just waiting to see if anyone mentions Ng Bak Hong... hahahaa.. finally saw her name.. She was the most "famous" teacher back then. Together with miss quek. I kinda miss them but too shy to go back cos nobody is willing to follow me!!! ahahaha...
i graduated in 1993. So i was the first batch in Pasir Ris. All four years, i had been in the most notorious express class. MEMORABLE man!!!


Hi crayonshinchan,

Nice to meet you here

we were from the same batch...i remembered Ms Ng too (who can forget her!?!)


New Member
Hi Crayonshinchan,

how can i forget Ms Quek... my favourite History teacher... she was so happy for me when i score A for history for my O level...miss her... such a nice lady...

Mr Physics Lim... always stamp his feet when teaching us
Mrs Sitoh... nice lady with shaky hands...
Mr Toh... voice v loud... at Old HSGS we can even hear him from level one when he is teaching at level 3...

Father Lawrence... every first Friday mass... my fav day of the month, sing song session ... *sing* "Pass it on... Pass it on" :p

hahhaa... so many good memories of HSGS


New Member
Clay Aiken's Single Debuts at No. 1

Wed Jun 18, 5:54 PM ET

NEW YORK - Ruben's the "American Idol," but Clay has the bigger hit.

Clay Aiken's first single debuted on the singles charts at No. 1 Wednesday, selling nearly 393,000 copies.
Aiken, the runner-up on the Fox network's talent contest "American Idol," and Ruben Studdard, the winner, released their songs last week. Aiken's "This Is The Night-Bridge Over Troubled Water" sold more, but Studdard wasn't too far behind: His "Flying Without Wings-Superstar" sold about 286,000 copies.
In comparison, most No. 1 singles don't sell more than 20,000 copies in their first week, since record companies in recent years have put out fewer and fewer singles, emphasizing the sales of albums.
Aiken's song had the biggest debut since Elton John (news)'s "Candle in the Wind" tribute to the late Princess Diana. That sold about 3.5 million in its first week in 1997.
"To have two singles selling over 250,000 copies in one week, it's quite a refreshing thing to see," said Geoff Mayfield, charts director of Billboard magazine.
But unlike last year's inaugural "American Idol" winner, Kelly Clarkson (news), Studdard's and Aiken's songs haven't been a big success on radio so far.
"It seemed like Kelly Clarkson got more widespread airplay in the wake of her win than either of these guys did," Mayfield said of Clarkson's chart-topping song, "A Moment Like This," which sold 236,000 copies in its first full week in stores.
"(But) maybe these numbers are big enough that it will get some programmers' attention," he added.
Studdard narrowly won over Aiken in the "American Idol" competition last month. But Aiken is far from a loser; he signed a record contract with RCA Records (Studdard is on J Records) and is featured on the cover of the Rolling Stone magazine that hits newsstands Friday.
Aiken told the magazine that he doesn't believe in premarital sex and never curses. He also discusses his father, from whom he is estranged.
"If I have anything good to say about him, it's that I think I learned to be who I am by being everything he wasn't," he said. "Part of the reason I don't smoke is that he did. He drank, and I don't. He's a racist, and I'm not. I don't want anything to do with any of that."
Both Studdard's and Aiken's albums are scheduled for release in August.
Clarkson's debut album, "Thankful," sold 297,000 copies to debut at No. 1 when it was released in April, and has sold more than 1 million copies.
Meanwhile, last year's "American Idol" runner-up, Justin Guarini, didn't fare as well with his self-titled debut album. Also released last week, it sold about 54,000 copies to place at No. 20.
Both Guarini and Clarkson will make their movie debut Friday, with the musical "From Justin to Kelly."


New Member
Studdard Has Cameo in 'Scooby-Doo' Sequel
Wednesday June 18 7:36 AM ET
The Velvet Teddy Bear has teamed up with a digital dog.
"American Idol" star Ruben Studdard said Monday he's shot a cameo role as himself for next year's mystery-comedy "Scooby-Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed."
The bulky crooner, who defeated his skinny rival, Clay Aiken, last month on the Fox talent contest, said he doesn't help Scooby and his gang solve the mystery. "I'm just in at the end of the movie. I'm having a party and singing in the end. It's cool," he said.


New Member
hey huts..
were we in the same class? ahaha.. might be classmates... ya man! who can forget miss ng.. she is the "coolest" teacher... i miss miss quek too!! she was like a mummy to me when she taught me english...and i cant forget her HUGE eyes which "killed" many of us.... hahahaa

hi dearie,
the impression of mrs sitoh and mr lim is very vague... maybe i was not taught by him.. but mr toh is different... his loud boombastick voice could be heard from the ground floor...
my teachers were the newer ones then.. like miss Lim meili, mdm rapiah, mrs jeffery, mdm noraini... wonder how they are..


Hi crayonshinchan,

hmmmm maybe we were really classmates?!? lemme guess...u fm E4 in your final year?


hi gals,

sorry, my scanner decided to die on me so wont b able to scan anything at the moment.... will try to rectify the prob asap.

hi jioupz,

aiyah, how can u say i always sleep.... i more nite person tats all lah.... u call me when u free lah, i always free wat (at least 1 more wk)...


New Member
Hi jioupzy,

Dun I noe u well enuf to remember ur afternoon naps habit... Anyway, u noe I'm free rite? well, at least til next month...
