Hi coffee, to answer your questions, you need have discussion with in law and parents side :
1. Do they have the "timing" what time they have to go back for tea ceromony? in law and parents side?
2. U need have a wedding itinerery to help facilitate the AD event.
3. What time is "press bed" (mandarin) if required?
4. What time is your am/pm church mass or service? buffet lunch of tea reception?
5. Tradition time to wake up for your dialect group?
When you got all the above, you can plan an eg as follows (my fiance not catholic so we have different timing for tea ceromony) :
6.30 : Bride wake up
7.00 : Arrival of MUA
7.30 : Arrical of jie mei
8.00 : Gate crashing
9.00 : Leave for in law place
9.45 : Reach in law place - tea ceromony
11.30 : Get ready for church
11.45 : To reach XXXX King Church
12.00 : Mass service starts
13.00 : Mass ends followed by buffet reception
13.30 : Tea ceromony with parent's side in church hall when guest leaves
14.30 : Leave for hotel / rest
1800 : Arrival of MUA
1900 : Get ready for cocktail
1930 : Wedding banquet starts
23.30 : Wedding banquet ends
REMEMBER GET THE INFORMATION first than you can plan the itinerary in details as above is only a guide.
Hope this helps!