Dear Catholics,
My FH is a Catholic and I am not. He would like our marriage to be blessed in his church and recognised in his faith. My parents, being non-believers, would like my marriage to be solemnised in the ROM, but are agreeable to going to the Church after that for a short service.
I understand from previous postings that it is possible to be solemnized in the ROM, then going to the church for blessing of the marriage, during which a church seal is affixed on the certificate.
I would need your advice on how long is this short church service, what is involved (normal long service involves singing of hymns, reading of scriptures, of marriage vows etc etc), can we choose to exchange rings during this service, can I still choose to walk down the aisle with my father, are there any hymns that we still have to sing or scriptures to be read?
And what is the ceremony like when affixing the seal onto the cert? does the priest do that on the stage or behind?
Any advice is appreciate, thanks so very much.
My FH is a Catholic and I am not. He would like our marriage to be blessed in his church and recognised in his faith. My parents, being non-believers, would like my marriage to be solemnised in the ROM, but are agreeable to going to the Church after that for a short service.
I understand from previous postings that it is possible to be solemnized in the ROM, then going to the church for blessing of the marriage, during which a church seal is affixed on the certificate.
I would need your advice on how long is this short church service, what is involved (normal long service involves singing of hymns, reading of scriptures, of marriage vows etc etc), can we choose to exchange rings during this service, can I still choose to walk down the aisle with my father, are there any hymns that we still have to sing or scriptures to be read?
And what is the ceremony like when affixing the seal onto the cert? does the priest do that on the stage or behind?
Any advice is appreciate, thanks so very much.