Carlton Hotel


New Member
Anyone held their weddings at Carlton and have poor food reviews? With regards to the ingredients they use above, is the food quality still good? any complains from guests?


New Member
Lilian ,

Thanks for the update,well mine is Lady A she's not as flexible as Z.

PS:"get him to write you in black and white whatever he promised verbally"
eerr..What if "touchwood" he left Carlton before everything complete??

As for the menu..i do agree is on the down side.

Nvm think i will skip it rather than risking it.



New Member
HI all,

Been a silent reader on this thread, and read both the positive & negative comments for Cartlon. I plan to have my wedding in Sept/Oct 2010. I heard good reviews of the food, but the menu do not look as great compared to some hotels of similar prices. Like wat Lilian pointed out above.

& I am concerned over the reno, new ballroom & those comments of what coordinators promised,,,

probably needs to meet up with Coordinator to find out more...


New Member
Hi Ev3

I am in the same predicament as you.. I was originally a Sept bride, but now considering Oct due to reasons such as F1, school holidays and it being rather close to the ghost month.

I do agree that you should meet up with the coordinator to judge for yourself the level of comfort you have for them.

But do recognise that among the rest of the hotels, Carlton scores high on the below

1. Excellent acessibility in City hall area without burning a hole in your pocket
2. Plenty of carpark (not shared with shopping centres)
3. New ballroom with new lobby to impress guests (hopefully!)
4. Infamous restaurant Wah Lok

That is why Carlton is still one of my option =)


New Member
Hi Lilian,

rightz! Carlton still scores high on those factors you have listed. I will meet up the coordinator first



New Member
Hi All,

I m having my wedding at Carlton in Sep 09, i was told tat the reno would nt affect my wedding as it had nt started yet. but since i m having a small wedding with only less than 15 tables, i will b taking their smaller ballrm, Esplanade.

I think at the point of time, there r still factors which make Carlton stand out. Personally i feel there would definitely b positive n negative remarks abt wat we encounter everywhere else.

Mayb to all of us, who r holding our wedding there, we can b communicate more with the co-ordinator to get the info or wat we wan lor.. i believe no1 here wans a wedding tat is nt something tat we dreamt of..


New Member

yes u r right, hilton'scelling quite low, but their celling lights are all very pretty in every of their ballroom, i saw carlton's new ballroom photo last 2 weeks when i went there, yes, it's pretty...

hilton have abalone for weekend but not weekday


New Member
Abalone really so nice meh? You really like abalone or just for sake of the name actually alot of ppl really dun like abalone 1 leh.


New Member
due to a lot of doubts recently caused by the reno and free upgrade to the new ballroom, i'm still in a dilemma choosing between hilton and carlton. Can someone advise? thanks.


New Member
ShirlDreamz, probably you can list out the pros and cons of each hotel and see which hotel has the most pros. I did this when selecting between carlton and the other hotel.


New Member
hi snow_angel, thanks for the feedback. actually i did try to weigh out. indeed carlton has more pros than others but the con is heavier too. due to the insecurity tat it gives us. and now my bf want to forgo carlton liao which i think quite a waste too. he is already looking for alternatives. dunno how it will turn out to be.


New Member
dreamz, hilton have alot more invitation n favours choices, which i like it alot... thou they have huge pillars... their ballroom is has very nice ambience..

carlton's food is gd, the ballroom is kind of old, for current la... after reno should be alot better... agnes juz called me few days ago.. she's gd! The reno of new ballroom is aiming to be complete on aug2010. if delay den will be later la...

smartbuy, i dun like to eat abalone too!!


New Member
This is strange. Mr Z says that the reno for the ballroom will be completed by 1Q 2010, but the rest of the renovation will be completed 2Q 2010. After which, there will be no sight of reno at the old and new hotel.

Unless I hear him wrong, but for reno for "new ballroom" is be completed only by aug 2010(which is 6 months after what I heard), that seems to be strangely late?


New Member
Janise > I am also considering between Carlton &amp; M-Hotel now. My AD will be likely in Sept 2010. Have you decided? I am in dilemma now >.<


New Member
Actually i also not sure wat has happened liao. Agreed with Lilian. Mr Z also told me exactly the same thing. Tat was why initially i was confident abt taking it since my AD is on Sep 2010. But if like wat others mentioned, it will only be done in Aug, i'm really doubting their words. So which is which now? I'm confused too. I still like the new ballroom which i've seen from Mr Z. But the funny thing is tat ever since i asked him abt free upgrade to the new ballroom few weeks ago, he has not been replying to me at all anymore which kind of frustrates me already. It wasnt just 1 attempt but multiple. So most likely i'm letting go of carlton and going for hilton since Mr Z seems like not interested at all. =.=


New Member
lilian, the new ballroom reno ends on aug, other reno if i'm not wrong den is 1st or 2nd quarter complete...

dreams i think best to call their banquet manager to ask.. smt coodinator not sure


New Member
To me i think the best is everything mentioned must be pen down(to avoid misunderstanding) in the contract i dun trust verbal agreement.


New Member
Hi Eve, most probably M for me.. since I'm not able to make any bookings (at new ballroom) with Carlton now.


New Member
hi all,

the wkend i met mr Z, he said the reno will be ready 1st quarter 2010.

Janise> actually Empress ballroom (the present one) is fine for me even if not upgrading to new ballroom... so in a fix..


New Member
Anyone who has held banquets recently at Carlton? I've keen on their wedding package cos of the WahLok brandname, but heard from a friend that the food wasn't anything fantastic when he attended a banquet last year. Wld like to hear views before I confirm with the hotel


New Member
Hi all

For those who heard that reno is done by Aug 2010, which coordinators mention this?

Mr Z definietly say it is 1Q 2010, but in any case, there is no guarantee for everything in this world. So if you keen on the new ballroom, you will have to take this risk... =)


New Member
lilian, agnes told me leh...

aug is the new ballroom finish... maybe 1st quarter is only the new wing not ballroom? they gt few reno leh... hmmm


New Member
I have the following items for sale.
These are bought last month, thus in very new condition.

1) Martell VSOP, 70cl, duty paid, 9 bottles, $70 each

2) Chivas Regal 12 yrs, 70cl, duty paid, 8 bottles, $55 each

Please email to [email protected] or sms to 91106030 for enquiries now!


New Member
Thanks Stella for your info..actually me and HTB have already prepared for the worst (i.e. the lobby sealed up), coz Zack did highlight to us prior to signing the contract (ours is less than 15 tables, so we take Esplanade room at the 4th storey)... I think we just got very lucky then.
I sincerely hope Carlton can give the couples affected by the reno (in which they weren't told about the reno in the 1st place) a good compensation..


New Member
hi all, anyone can recommend where i can purchase money box aka ang pow box?

did think about making it myself but end of the day, thought that it will be roughly around the same price..


New Member
milky, you can do it yourself if you can find a photocopy paper box. Just have to buy some nice silver/gold wrapping paper and wrap the box. For decorations, you can buy ribbons and fake flowers from Daiso. The total cost is less than $5 as compared to a decorated ang bao box that costs more than $20. My office has a lot of photocopy boxes. I can give to you for free provided you are able to come somewhere near my workplace. PM me if you want.


New Member
initially wanted to remain at carlton hotel but they expect us to sign an acknowledgement letter. content as below.

will u sign this kind of acknowledgement letter? they r trying to bully the customer rite?
I, XXX, refer to your letter dated 24 April 2009, and fully understand that due to upgrading and renovation works ("the Works") currently being or to carried out at the Carlton Hotel Singapore, minor inconvenience might me expected during my wedding banquet scheduled to take place on XXX.

Nevertheless, out of goodwill and without any admission of wrongdoing, liability and/or obligation, Carlton Hotel Singapore Pte Ltd has provided explanation and discussions on the works as well as kindly offered XXX to us upon hearing our concerns regarding the works.

Accordingly, i confirm that i will be proceeding with the wedding banquet as scheduled and on the terms and conditions set out in my agreement with Carlton hotel. At the same time, i will not hold Carlton hotel liable or responsible for any loss, damage and/or any inconveniences caused whatsoever or perceived to be caused by the Works during the wedding banquet as well as for other events relating to the banquet.

i agree that i will keep the terms of this letter and the offer by Carlton hotel strictly confidential and i agree and undertake not to divulge the aforesaid to anyone or any third party save for my bride/groom (delete as required) unless required by law or compelled by Court order.


New Member
talk like they did nt do anytin wrong and as if they offer a lot of discount.. it's merely worth abt 1K or so..

feel like throw money at us to shut us up


New Member
hi snow angel, thanks for the offer
i m getting the box from my office.. asking my secretary to reserve. When is ur AD?

i forgot all abt Daiso! Will pop by one day.


New Member
I am new here &amp; saw comments on their renovation issue. I will be holding my wedding in Nov &amp; guess what? It will be during their supposed renovation period &amp; I just received news from my wedding planner today that they have postpone the renovation of their ballroom &amp; I am really glad to be able to hold my wedding back there. They have been very nice &amp; I don’t think I will have problem holding my wedding there. Ger, hope you will find hotel soon. Stay cool &amp; relax as you will be in their good hands.


New Member
LOL stella.

Ivan Chan, u r right! All along they never mention they going to reno the ballroom between oct to dec 09. It is the lobby and recep area we are talking about.


New Member
No lah Stella, the lobby and recept area are still affected. Unless u dun mind.

But frankly, to me, the reno of the ballroom is never in the picture. Coz the coordinator has been assuring me the ballroom will be untouched.

And they keep stressing by contractual terms, we only booked the ballroom, not the lobby. Therefore they are not liable for any damages to our wedding due to the reno going on in the lobby.


New Member
Stella: yes they postpone the renovation as per my planner. I never ask but I am really glad that I can continue my wedding there. I trust the management will ensure the overall look is nice.


New Member
Hi Ivan,

Can I confirm with you that you are toking about Reno at Ballroom? I think the ex-carlton brides are not talking about Reno at Ballroom and they are all super pissed off with Reno at the Lobby. So, the reno at the lobby still continues right?


New Member
Since my wedding is already confirmed &amp; can continue there, I just have to look at the bright &amp; positive side. I believe they will take care of what they need to do be it at lobby or ballroom. I got no time to bother so much as long my wedding goes smoothly.


New Member
Personally, I find the food there so-so, far from Wah Lok's standards as they come from different kitchen.

I don't know how would the reno affect the weddings but I think, if I remember correctly, there was a blackout during one couple's wedding years ago. I think that time, Carlton was also under renovation. I can't remember the details, think the lights didn't come back on or they were restored very late, something like that. I think the couple tried to seek compensation but the hotel gave them something else which the couple felt it wasn't enough. It was quite a big hoo-ha, even made the papers.
