Chrisl enjoy your last day of work. Can now look forward to your wedding. Hee! Hee! Anymore boxes and you might as well hire a container ship!
Better tell Gaute to come with a half empty suitcase then he can 'tompang' some of your barang barang.
Bride guess the excitement of your wedding makes studying quite difficult. Ha! Ha! Well the run up to the day is in itself a momentuous experience so might as well make the most of it. The thesis won't run away (unfortunately). Don't you wish sometimes you had a magic wand and could just wave it around and wahlah everything's written and done and finished and life can go back to normal?
Joyce wah didn't know one brain cell can do so much good. Eh can I have my brain cell back?
Just discovered that I have to take the 'Life in UK' test before I can apply for PR! And I thought my days for tests and exams were long over and done with.
newlywedd my 'long distance' consisted of seeing my hubby (then bf) only on weekends (sometimes not even a full weekend as I had to work). He lived in another county which was about three quarters of an hours drive so wasn't too far. But as he used to work in Leicester and I was in living in Sheffield he was usually too tired by the end of the day to drive anywhere else. We usually had a short chat and prayer over the phone before we went to bed. That was our life for about 2 years before we married.
de-luxe no other reason for the tiredness lah! Apart from the longer daylight hours my hubby also works odd hours. Sometimes he goes to work about 5 or 6 am so when he gets up early I also get up. Can't be help. The curtains in our rooms are dark and have lining but its still too bright! But curtains here too expensive can't afford another set nevermind thicker ones.
Cuclainne you're welcome. Glad the stuff came in useful for Sofi.
It is still on the cold side at the moment. Gosh sometimes it seems like the sun is playing hide and seek! Oh dear hope your MIL didn't make you feel too uncomfortable. I'm sure one day she'll come to terms with it though I can imagine it must be hard on her since she's close to him. Such is life, you can't please everybody.
Emilia jo you still drooling over your cupcakes? Do cupcakes use a lot of eggs? Looking for ways and means to get rid of the eggs in my fridge before the farmer makes her egg rounds. We get half a dozen eggs from her every wednesday but I've been too slow in using them up so they keep accumulating. Last time I managed to get rid of them by making kaya but ... let's just stay we're still trying to finish the kaya! Hahaha! Alamak another long post!!!
I guess
Freaky's disappeared again! Hope she comes back soon.
Miss Lala & Melissa welcome to the family! I had my legal and church wedding in the UK and church blessing in SG. Not sure if I'm the best person to ask advice from as I was far too relaxed with my planning or rather lack of planning! My hubby did the UK one and my family did the SG. So basically all that was expected of me was to turn up on both occasions!