Amore Fitness Membership


New Member
<font color="0077aa">berry ~ yah lar..i think u did see me!!
hehee..i was hard at work on the x trainer that day. hehehe...

Lala ~ alamak, u didn't go on tues! No wonder i couldn't find anyone with a orange OP tee shirt. LOL! Ok ok, let's confirm what we are wearing on mon yah?

Chrys ~ yo!!! When is your PT session?
Did u manage to call Liz? Me meeting her today....

no lar, she won't faint..she's really very nice person. I *enjoy* my sessions with her a lot, i'm sure you'll learn a lot from her. keep me posted how your assessment went hor!!


New Member
hey girls!

Ask u all ah, the physical assessment is only for PT people is it?

wah so happening what days are u all meeting? me just recovered from major flu... just came back to office today


New Member
hihi,...oh ning u just back from flu huh?? allrite or not? must be serious hoh.., takecare

hmm, this fri is a gd day for lo leh, heard someone's fav instructor is there to substitue..., if i not wrong its ray who is teaching ..heee, i wanna see hw gd look he is and anyway, any1 know ray is gd at lo teachings?? cos i heard his kb super ..


New Member
i was suppose to attend LO &amp; NB this evening but came down with a temp 37.9deg...haizz so sad can't make it...and next week going away for a week, gonna miss the workout

So ssmilezz u didin't see baby and me in the room... hee hee

Baby u got the right person tat day... too bad we didin't manage to talk to her...maybe next time...

hi ning welcome back u feel is my turn to get the virus...


New Member

happy friday everyone!!

berry ~take care yeah? dun force yourself to work out if your body cannot take it... else there will be bad consequences... i just recovered lor, yesterday went KB

baby ~ i never been to Ray's LO but his aerobics steps in NB/KS which I been before is quite confusing... he like to turn here turn there, quite confusing lor... but maybe only to me lah, haha... i got coordination problems mah :p


New Member
Hi gals,

Good Morning !! I was at TPY yest doing SW and Yoga. Was on half day leave, thus thought of popping by TPY. My 1st time doing Yoga after years and now all my muscles are aching .... very good session.

Just wondering whose KB class is more popular, Chris or KB?

Hi Berry,
do take good rest and recover quickly yah


New Member
good morning, gals!

Amore has opened another branch (with day spa) at kovan heartland mall... Haiz, wish they would open one branch on the west of the island.


New Member
wow that sounds great, any good promo price package at kovan? I remember when it opened at woodlands, there was a 15% discount right off packages?


New Member
hihi...berry u not cuming tue lo??

lala, u be cuming for tue lo &amp; kb??

ning, hw u huh?

cyn..? ssmilezz, saw alot of gals wear black but dunno who is u
, so isit the 1 that berry is saying??

chry, so hw yoga?


New Member
Hi Ning,
KB is okie for me but prefer SW loh ... besides KB, what other classes do u go to?

Hi Baby5556,
I have already signed up Tue SW &amp; Yoga liao ... me going this evening for BB. U leh??


New Member
hi baby,

i going to MIA for a week...are u going lo next tuesday...can book for me too...

yesterday i went to lo at TPC, instructor pauline...very nice figure but i think sharon teach better...think got to check where's sharon teaching on when and wat...

can u msg me(handphone) if u going for next week class by tomorrow before 6pm (leaving s'pore)and would be able to go online when working...thanks baby

Gonna be back soon...take care gals


New Member
lala ~i see, which KB class do u go to? Do u still go for KB regularly or just went to try? previously you posted a message asking whose class is more popular is it? you mentioned Chris and KB, wondering which two instructors you were comparing... :p besides KB i also go for NB

baby ~ya i am ok, still sniffing a bit but already back to classes liao..


New Member
Hi Ning,

OIC, I am comparing Chris &amp; Ray. Who is more popular leh? I don't mind going KB once a week, good to box it out afterall ... hahaha

Hey, is NB similar to BB? I haven't try NB yet.


New Member
Hi Gals, seems like u gals are very pro-Amore.
Does Amore have good promo often? Just called to check they have the buy 1 year and get 1 mth free promo, but seems quite lousy leh. Probably u all can advise me on that? Do they have those good discounts like 10-20% off packages promo often? Thanks! Hope to see u gals soon, have been waiting for the right time to strike now


New Member
hi dotzdotz,

me too looking for amore promo...
buy one year free one month is quite a lousy promo leh...dunno when is the next roadshow? Think the last one was quite a good offer


New Member
Hihi postpet2,

Yeah i like the 15% promo! Hoping there will be something like this in future. But i doubt so with the ongoing promo which last till end July.


New Member
hi postpet (and dotz), normally amore have good promos during end year and beginning of year.. that's what i notice... the previous promo of 15% was really a good deal, next would be the 1 year free 2 mths which they have been having for past two years during nov/dec...

lala ~they have pretty different styles i feel. ray's classes is more power packed and higher energy level, but chris's classes are very intensive on specific areas (he will concentrate a lot on each area, upper body and lower body)... whose classes more popular ah? some of ray's classes need 1 week advance booking... so i guess his classes more well liked lor :p i have yet to try cindy's KB cos heard very shiong. NB is also sculpting class but it uses weights instead of the bodybar


New Member
Hi gals,
sorry abt my ignorance, only wanna find out,
when and where is the schedule for Ray's class for KB? and how about Chris and Cindy's scchedule?

I only try Sunday's KB at cineleisure, not sure who is the instructor though, quite ok.


New Member
<font color="0077aa">hey gals~~ *waves* how's everyone?

Lala ~ eh!! i was at BB on Monday. It wasn't very crowded hor..barely 1/2 filled. Where were u standing?? I didn't log on that's why no chance to meet up with you.

dotzdotz/postpet ~ hi hi! the last time i renewed my membership, i signed on for one yr and got 3 months free. and yes, it was one of their end of the yr promos. quite worth it hor..but now, the current one doesn't seem that attractive.


New Member
hi smilezz!

That promo was good, but for a start was looking for 3 mths and then probably with a bit of discount, sigh but dunno got to wait till how long then they will have the discounting thingy. ") Hope can join u gals, i will be gog to the woodlands one as it is closest to my place


New Member
hi all!!!

long time no see liao leh

hey all ...ssmilezz,ning ask u member expiring soon but dun intend to extend at the moment as quite bz with these few months, wondering will they take back the card?? is there any renewal fees to pay?

Berry went on trip liao...hmmm...forgot to ask her where she went ;p

cyn...hw u?? yoga again at CO?

me went lo and kb at 1 go, wow veri shiong leh...esp kb, haaaa...the movements are so familiar to me that i just listen w/o seeing what chris is talking ;p

any1 care to join lo and kb with me this fri??


New Member
aiya, paiseh...hw u lala??

so what ur next schedule??

postpet/dotdotz/chloe...u gals also with amore now? i want to know more on the promotions leh...hope to get some from u gals...heee


New Member
bb, they wont take back your card. Dun think there is any renewal fee also, unless more than x number of years. But you can always call them up to cfm.

anyone wants to go NB tmr at CO? 7pm...


New Member
hi gals,
anybody can help to answer my quest?
wanna find out to know about Chris and Ray's schedule for KB class

Many thanks


New Member
Hi gals,

My boss is out of town these few days, think I can go Amore earlier liao
... I will be going to TPY tomorrow for SW &amp; Yoga.

Hi bb,
haven't met up with u and u are going to stop for a few months. You are only going LO hor??


New Member
Hi Chloe,

I know Ray's KB is on Mon 8pm TPY &amp; Fri 8pm PBJ. Chris's KB is on Fri 8pm CO.

Hey, you can call Amore to find out. I always do that.


New Member
lala, wow boss out of gd!!!

me ah...go lo and kb loh, see my earlier post...heee..

thx cyn, will check with them

chloe, i think ning can ans to ur queries betta..she kb queen..


New Member
hi chloe,

which outlets and what kind of timing u interested in for chris and ray's classes? too long list to state all aha...
you went for their classes and liked it?


New Member
Hi ssmilezz ~ nice to find you here... remember me from the 2005 thread?

Hi everyone,
I seriously need to lose some weight and have managed to lose about 3 kg within 2 months just by cutting down on sugary drinks and excessive food. I'm not those active fact I very nua nua one. My friend is trying to get me to join Amore with her for the Power Yoga and NB. She's taking the unlimited Power plan. I scared that I cannot keep up leh... should I take the 24 lessons plan first?? any other advices reagrding Amore?

spirit is willing but flesh is weak (n heavy too...dragging spirit down)


New Member
Hi ladies,

Wanna find out how's the instructor teaching in PBJ for KB ? Cos i'm interested in joining the KB class.

Thanks ladies


New Member
i am not a member yet, only use my UOB's card so only eligible to use it over the weeknd. The only KB class that i'm able to attend is Sunday class at Cineleisure. Not sure who the instructor is, but find out quite ok.

Is there any Chris's or Ray's class over the weeknd?
heard about cindy's too, is her good?

I luv KB, so motivated and high intensity


New Member
hi smilezz,

I had my physical assessment yesterday with Liz, yes i agree she is friendly and nice...hee..hee, i think she shock liao by the amt of body fats i've, happy that she never faint...keke

i guess today is your PT becos she told me every thursday she will be at bugis for PT, so i guess it is u loh! enjoy with your session!


New Member
hi chloe,

Actually you can check out any amore outlet for the schedule.. they normally have the full schedule with instructor's names on the notice board, so you can choose which outlet and which time u wanna go
Ray has KB in Woodlands on Sat morning, Amara and Cineleisure in the afternoon. Not sure about sundays... Chris has many yoga or pilates classes in weekends if i not wrong...


New Member
Hi all,
I wish to sign up for a personal trainer at Civic centre branch. Any advise on who I should request for? Also what does a personal trainer do during your session with her? I've a bad experience before at California Fitness whereby the personal trainer actually went to chit chat with other trainers or help ang mohs during my session and she just left me alone to work out. A bit scared now to get personal trainer but desperately need to lose weight also. Exercising alone does not help cos I will give up after a few weeks. Hope someone can help clear my doubts. thanks.


New Member
thanks Ning,
will check it out soon.

anybody try power yoga? how is it? heard it will help you alot to lose weight. One of my colleague attends power yoga, i can see that her body is firmer and no tummy


New Member
<font color="0077aa">Hey everyone *waves waves*

Chrys ~ heeee...yes, she told me she met up with you already. You're having your 1st PT session this Fri yah? Let me know when it goes ok?

Don't worry lar, she will take it slow with you...warm up first mah..hehee....

Karen ~ of course i remember u, if u really want to lose weight, then u will need to do a lot of cardio. It really works lor...but got to sweat it out yah? *wink*

So have u decided what package to join? How abt your friend?

Mint ~ i suggest u pop by Woodlands branch to chat with them first. You can look for Liz actually. She's the only PT there at Woodlands. There's actually a shortage of PTs at Amore i feel. :p Liz happens to be my PT too and she's really friendly &amp; nice.

I think everyone's PT session is diff so i can't really tell u wat goes on. Every week, the PT will decide on one or two body parts to work out on and u will do exercises on them. If u really want to lose weight and tone up, once a week lesson is not enuff. You need to come in at least 2 - 3x a week to see effects fast and of course, u also need to ensure that cardio exercises are done regularly.

Don't give up ok? We are all here to *encourage* one another!! jia you jia you!



New Member
hi lala, so u wanna meet up for kb on tue?? haven met up with u yet at all..furthermore, thats my last lessons liao

hi crisp..u have been to kb before? if i am not wrong tue kb is always chris.., u wanna join me?


New Member
Hi bb,

yep, I have already booked for KB on Tue ... infact, will be trying LO too since I am going there. Will see u there


New Member
Hi Ssmilezz,

My friend join amore before, she want to chio me for Power Yoga and NB. She's taking the unlimited Power pack cos she likes to go the gym and steambath at Bugis. I dunno whether to follow her or take a 24 session package to try out first.

How long have you been doing PT? Did you sign up for a lot of sessions in one go? I might have to get a PT push me if I run out of time.
