Amara Singapore


New Member
hi jas,

so cheap? cool cool....

btw, did you all use only 1 credit card to sign or 2? cos i think my 30 tables may come up to 20k and i am wondering if the credit card has such limit, even if we request to increase the limit.


New Member
Hi minssy,

We only use one credit card. Our is classic card and we are able to up the limit to $20K. But my total is only about $19K plus so no worry for us.


New Member
hi jas,

cool.. thanx


New Member
Hi jaspeng,

Did u have a table of vegeterian/muslims? How many course was that? I wont be having a table.
BTW how many tables u had on yr AD?
Do we do the song testing on the AD?

Hi minssy,
Most CC company will be able to increase the limit. Juz supply them with a copy your contract.
My AD is in a month time


New Member
hi chatterbox,

Yes, I have a table for vegeterian and muslims. i think it is 8 courses, same as chinese tables.

In total, I had 34 tables.

On my AD, I super blur one. From what I know, I saw the testing for 1st dish presentation. We never test on the march-in


New Member
hi chatter box,

oh.. didnt know must fax to them.. hee....but its too early for me to worry lah..

wah 1 mth ah! if its me i will be super anxious already. how's preparations on the hotel part? going smoothly?


New Member
Hi minssy,

Not anxious but sort of stress up lor. Afraid something will go wrong :p
Hmm so far so gd, but havent met up with Michelle to discuss on the decor.


New Member
Hi jas,
How much did they charge u for ur vege and muslim tables?
I onli have abt 3 vege and 2 muslim guests... Not enuff to open a table.
N to squeeze them into chinese table seems to be expensive, as I need to pay (full table price) + (price per special meal).
Waiting for Michelle 2 reply 2 my email enquiry...


New Member
hi chatterbox,
can update after you meet michelle for decor? thanks! me going for food tasting in june. hope the food won't taste too bad. still worry about the seabass dish.......

hi lilian,
i've seen friends who upped their tables to 11 to accommodate vegetarians or muslims. was told that since already paying for 1 full table of chinese dinner, so more advisable to add 1 extra for vegetarian/muslim since they're served individually so seats not wasted. not sure how amara will be practising becos i will also be having vegetarian diners and the number is not enough to open a full table. can update when michelle gets back to you? thanks!


New Member
Hi mikmik,
Michelle replied... they charge $80/pax for muslim/vegetarians 9-course dinner.
She mentioned that we can have our same chinese menu done in a No Pork No Lard way so that we do not have to incur additional cost for Muslim guest.
But I think no lah, I purposely chose t menu w/ barbeque suckling pig, not worth giving it up

I'll ask her again if we can squeeze 11 guest to a table. Is there anything u wanna check w/ her too?


New Member
hi all,

agree with milmik. confirm can add to 11. i checked with michelle before. thats why the pricing of per pax come into the picture ah....

for e.g, but if you have 3 vegetarian friends and you can sit them seperately, then its fine cos you can have 3 tables of 11. but if you have 2 vegetarian friends at the same table, i dun think you can sit 12 to the table, so you have to pay a full table price but maybe for 9 pple and sit the other 2 vege friends and yet pay extra for the vege friends lor.


New Member
hi lilian,
thanks for sharing the info. wow! that's quite a bit for a vegetarian meal. just to double-confirm: your banquet at amara is a weekend rate, right?
thanks again, should be alright for now.

hi minssy,
true true. to seat 12 per table, it'll be extremely squeezy.
will need to check whether our guests who are vegetarians can be seated seperately, if so, may arrange 11 guests per table.


New Member
So the pricing that Michelle gave me was rite.
Most likely I will opt for juz 6 course for veg/muslim friend.

thk u got to check with Michelle again. I dun think is $62.90(based on $629/tbl) per pax.


New Member
hi chatterbox,

sure.. thanx.. so confirm is this price as what you previously indicated hor..

$65 - 6 course
$75 - 8 course
$80 - 9 course


New Member
Hi minssy,
The pricelist provided by chatterbox is correct. I've confirmed it with Michelle.
And the cost of one table of vege/muslim is the same as your chinese tables.

Hi mikmik, mine is a weekend package. Wonder if vege/muslim meal charges r different for weekday & weekend?


New Member
hi lilian,

i'm also not too sure...think will have to ask michelle whether the meal charges are the same for weekday and weekend.


New Member
hi minssy,
just found out from amara:
the vegetarian meals pricings - confirmed
- 6 course @ $65.00nett
- 8 course @ $75.00nett
- 9 course @ $80.00nett

hi lilian,
based on the prices quoted, i think there isn't any difference between weekday and weekend pricings.


New Member
hi mikmik,

thanx... like that ah? for you, you wanna take the 6 course one or what? wondering if it will be weird for others to have 9 course and the vege friends has 6 course :p


New Member
hi minssy,

for me, i've yet to discuss with hubby....but it'll be either 6 courses or 8 courses.

guess i'll check with michelle about the pace of serving vegetarian dishes before confirming whether 6/8 courses.

been to some hotels whereby the vegetarian courses are like half the number of chinese dinner -- i.e. 2 chinese dish served = 1 veggie dish served.


New Member
hi mikmik,

actually if its me, i will just take a 6 course one. cos my normal table cos $629, i dun think i wanna spend $80 on a full course dinner... hee....


New Member
hi minssy,

wondering about funny thing is how come vegetarian meals are so ex compared to chinese dinner...


New Member
I went to Amara last week to confirm theme and floral deco.. chose grandeur theme.. flowers i chose pink roses and white lilies.
having 2nd tots on the pink roses.was considering the orangy yellow rose they use in the brochures but michelle says not many ppl use the yellow, most use the pink.
but i dont really like the shade of pink they provide. too bright... like not very matchin to the theme... i suggested champage roses.. but michelle says not enough contrasts...
any ideas want i should do?


New Member
hi minssy,
yah man, bo bian hor..

hi ashwen,
how about red roses? can have red roses with the grandeur theme?
or white roses? white and gold does go well together.
true true, champagne roses might end up blending in with the gold colour.
actually, if u r not "pantang" hor, why not go with the orangey-yellow roses?
just curious, what colour of lilies have you selected?

hi gals,
will be going for food tasting next week. willl update when i get back from food tasting.


New Member
hi mikmik,

yah must share with us ah! hee... let us know what 6 course they offer.. heard the yam thingy sucks rite? sigh.. i like the yam thingy actually..


New Member
hi minssy,
sure sure!
the 6 courses u r referring to is for food tasting? oh, that's up to you to choose. i emailed what i wanted to taste to michelle. then she will make the arrangements.
the yam ring with seafood? hmmmmm.....i only heard their dessert yam paste is not nice. alot poured away after the banquet so no point to top up for that dessert...


New Member
hi mikmik,

thanx... hahaha! wah pour away ah? wasted but no choice hor? if its me i will take cold desserts.. but hope dun need to top up..


New Member
hi minssy,
yep, was told by michelle that many times the yam dessert is wasted. i changed the hot dessert to cold dessert of mango pudding. heehee.


New Member
wah! then they shd wake up their idea man! ahahaahhahahah! yah mango pudding sounds cool... i dunnoe how much they will charge if i add cocktail! ahahhhahah


New Member
hi mikmik,
how much do u have to top up for mango pudding.
I chose yam pudding... but i didnt have tasting for it. the yam basket with seafood not very nice. but we didnt change it.

I have chosen white lilies.
why orangy yellow 'pandang" got what meaning?


New Member
hi ashwen,
for dessert, i didn't have to top up. they could do an direct exchange with the hot dessert. the yam pudding = "or nii" -- that requires top-up, right?
oh other dishes can change to for the yam basket? *getting worried* already heard feedback about the fish -- so mentally prepared to the yam basket...
even b4 tasting, we've aleady changed some dishes...think end up whole menu undergo revamp. hahaha.
yellow roses is an ang moh "pantang" -- becos yellow roses means break up.
so that's why it's up to you. if you not pantang, then can go with the yellow roses.

hi jas,
after hearing your comments, i think i'm gonna *faint*
did you ask if can change to any other dishes -- the yam basket? maybe i will check with michelle.

hi minssy,
any dishes you changed from their menu when you signed the contract?
errrrr.......abt the mango pudding got cocktail or not, i also not too sure...will ask the next time i meet michelle.


New Member
hi mikmik,

as at signing of contract, think its too early to decide on menu.. so i did not bother abt it, YET. hee..


New Member
hi minssy,
i was told that cannot make any changes to menu once after signed contract
which is why we changed some of the dishes...
but now looks like can change if it involves upgrade of dishes...

anyway, will wait till finished food tasting before making any further decisions...or else *headache*


New Member
hi mikmik,

what!!! then i will kao bei already! michelle told me can switch the dishes so i dun bother at that time...


New Member
hi minssy,

before we signed the contract, she told us need to confirm the menu becos menu included inside the contract
after signing, not supposed to make any changes to menu


New Member
think when i go for food tasting, i will ask again. really getting a headache from all these. some things never say, some things say liao all different, VERY MESSY lor.


New Member

not to worry. still can change menu even after signing the contract. Juz that some dishes need top-up some dont

I thk the mango pudding comes with cocktail. Is very nice. Tried it during the bridal show fusion.


New Member
ok mik mik,

yah dun stress dun stress
anyway, so long as she accomodates to our request and help us save money then ok lah! hee


New Member
hi everybody!

just wana find out whether anyone has any bad experience with amara...

share with u our experience: we chose amara as our venue for our wedding dinner, and had negotiated everything already. but when the package was sent to us, it was a totally different menu and the perks which were promised to us were not there! both my BF and i were furious...worse, we had already paid the deposit...anyway in the end they rectified the problem and gave us what we discussed initially...but well, it has greatly affected our impression of them. kinda sad...


New Member
hi chatterbox,
thanks for your feedback. :)

hi minssy,
thanks! will update again after i finished the food tasting session. :)


New Member
dont worry, menu can change one... but maybe must top-up lor...
I wanted to change to the sea cucumber duck instead of sea cucumber mushrm vege must add $15. prawn celery change to asparugus add $15. red bean change to yam paste add $10.
lotus rice change to noodle no need top up.


New Member
Hi Nya,

Don't let this affect you. Wedding preparation bound to have hipcups here and there. Most imptly Amara has rectified the problem and kept their promises
It might juz be a overlook case.

Cheer up


New Member
hi hi,

to add on to ashwen's list:
to change the cold dish to lobster combination, $30+++ per table
to change the deep fried chicken to peking duck, $20+++ per table

hi ashwen,
the celery prawns can be changed to pine nuts prawns at no extra charge
i felt celery is an acquired change the accompanying veg for the parwns
