(2009) Brides of year 2009


New Member
hi all,

wah.. black theme.. very cool manz and class too.. but i already checked with my elderly.. they prefer other color then black theme for the hotel table cloth.. so sian...

Pekochan81> i already contact my hotel and went down to T-dragon to choose 2 weeks ago.. they got to get the information, finalise the artwork for u to review before they sent out for printing.. think normal printing take around 10 working days.. can start doing now..


New Member
hui ling> ya... if i take black theme - my parents gg to give me a BLACK face..

all> i hvnt got the invitation cards from my hotel yet... can we do the printing in 7th month?
else i need to rush it before, as my AD is early Oct.


i am also staying with my in laws, and in fact no household chores to do leh. Kinda boring at the house cos seems like movement restricted. Most of the time is coop in the room, cos the room is fully equipped with tv, computer, dvd player etc..

I tend to go back to my mum's house most of the time cos is just a street away! lolx


New Member
i duno e exact address leh..onli koe its near the changi hosp..it was my BS PG who suggested the place and brought us there...u might want to try asking ur PG?? another place i tot was nice is at lorong halus..it stretches and stretches of sand, sand, and more sand...saw sm pics taken there, and they turn out real good oso...

tok to u gals n guy later..in going shopping for material for my BM dresses, AP box, corsages, and AD deco..

Btw, i managed to get a few of mi frends to help in e deco le..they will be staying at e chalet e dae before to do e floral, n they will help me to setup on the AD...hehe..save $$$...keke



New Member
mer, seems lik u hav done mos of e things.. relax..tink e food tastin, confirmation of weddin favours, etc will b 1-2 mths b4 AD... mayb now, u can work out ur programme for 2 day/nite... source for mc, coordinator, etc.. n oso printin of e invitation cards...

jo: we r jus sharin our opinions, eventually e decision wil b make by u n ur hubby plus ur parents/in-laws... personally 4 me, if both our parents ok wif e colour, we wil go ahead.. but if u hav grandparents, mayb hav to chk wif them too... cos they r really e 'elderly' tt shd giv their opinions compare to e others 'elderly'...

iris: black s cool! saw tis theme in holiday inn atrium n i like it... but too bad, my hotel dun hav tis theme.. moreover, my htb doesnt really fancy it....

hui_ling: can share wif me how much does T-dragon charge for printin? as i plan to look ard 1st b4 makin a trip down 2 t-dragon to select my invitation card...


New Member
Ling: Thanks!! =)

Pebbles: Yah loh...when I was young I alwys dream of walking down the aisle in my dream wedding gown. Then now I cant find one that I love. So quite sad...haiz...not really negotiable leh..and somemore their gowns pretty limited... my outdoor EG oso not very nice de...she only took a few for me to try loh..keep saying they don hv much outdoor gowns...then outdoor WG too not to my liking...bery upset..


New Member
I just called my BS and they told me I can take a look at their sister company which is upstairs of their studio.S he say I can changed one of my evening gown to that studio's one but I need to pay service charge of $300...When in the first place when I sign, the sales person told me if I cant find nice gowns here, I can go choose from the sister company. Today the gown dept ppl say I have to pay! Haiz...All these hidden things... I shd have ask the sales person to wrote all these down on the contract.... urghh!!


New Member
HI Jo,

Haha..tell u a funny thing.. i can choose black color gown but cannot choose black color table theme.. lame right? hehehe.. anyway i chose a red color gown cos i dun look nice in black..

U can do printing on 7th month.. depending if your parents they all pan dang anot loh.. cos some want to send out before 7th month so i suggest u contact your hotel directly. They should understand on this.. When is your AD? mine is 4th Oct 09.

HI Cheer,
For me, Holiday inn park view include inserts printing free but i chose hot stamping (meaning to print directly on the card). I spend $250 on 300 invitation cards cos i chose shiny gold color for the wordings in the card which will be more ex.. Plus i customise on the printing in the cover of the invites.. you might be spending lesser than me loh...

All> Sian.. no mood to work..only looking forward to knock off!!!!


New Member
iris, mashi, cheer> Thanks gals. Seems like your hotel coordinator all contact you liao. Haiz...July is a super busy work month for me. Think I must quickly settle it soon.

mashi> I was thinking of printing the inserts on my own. Can you advise those text (esp mandarin text), is it provided by the hotel or copy & amend from somewhere?

cheer, Hui Ling> Tks for the advice. Coz now difficult to get confirmation on attendance. So we might use our wedding website to get ppl to RSVP first (which might fall in the month of 7th mth before we print). After which, we'll send the official invites out in Sept.

Oh! my fren's fren did a poll in FB asking ppl whether they'll be attending. I think it's quite a gd idea. But then, FB not very accessible for me.

mer> wow! you're very on track! I've yet to get my AD PG, shoes & compile my music and most importantly, the GDL stuffs!!! hehe


New Member
My hotel haven contact me lar. tink nt so fast since i nt getting my invites fr them. haha..

those printers will hv the format of the chinese text.
juz tat u hv to prepare ur parents chinese names. n the dates of ur dinner. Lunar Calendar de. they will give u a format n u amend accordingly can liao... if u go to the printer tat ur hotel use, they will hv the chinese name n addresss of the hotel. if nt u need to check the chinese name n address of ur hotel.

but my botel did provide me a copy of the text format lor. for us to follow...

actually nw also cannot get the confirmation. wat i do is tat 2mths b4 i will send sms to c who can attend then i will either mit or mail them the invites. when i pass to them, i will ask them again lor. to b confirm.


New Member
$300 a bit too much liao! I think $300 you can get a gown from some other BS loh.

anyway, my BS only allowed me one WG outdoor gown. i dun have EG outdoor gown lo. so im worse than you.. so no need to be sad k?


New Member
Hi babyfaery,

My BS is Z Wed, sister company of your BS. If I have guessed correctly , I think the photographer whom you like is S***? I heard that she is under Chris L directly now so unless your contract states that your photographer will be from CL, if not will have to top up for that.

That time when you went for your gown selection, did you bring along pictures of gowns which you like? Who is your coodinator?


New Member
Nana: Yups!!! I like her works a lot!!!!!!!! In my contract she put *priority photographer: S***... Like that count ma??? Haiz....Coordinator u mean??? The sales person or the one that help me with the gown??? U have any bad experience there???? My another friend oso hv bad exp there...but I still insisted on signing cos of the photographer...now like tt ..sianz...Haiz...

Suzanna: Hmm..How come like tt... then how??? U going to find one?? Or wear casual???


New Member
Just to check with those who printed their invitation card inserts in JB City Square. How many time will you need to go down to the JB shop?? Once to get them to print and one to collect the printed inserts?? After they come out with the sample print, do we have to go down to check before they mass print? Can they email it for us to check??

I have chosen my card from T-Dragon yesterday. Planning to print my inserts in JB cos its really a lot cheaper then T-Dragon.


New Member

u need to travel there 2 time. 1 is to print. the other is to colloect.

They can do the sample on the spot. u need to wait for an hr then can c the sample liao. if ok, they will go ahead.

once they print out, the sample, u can bring hm to double confirm wif ur parents. then can either call or email them de. no prob on tat...

ya, there is alot more cheaper. keke..


Active Member
Mashi - Can choose the paper (Normal or Tracing and oso different colour)... and of coz got to pay different price lah.. heheheh...

However, after much calculation, the price is definitely cheaper than Singapore


New Member
Wow, that is fast. Sample in 1hrs time.

T-Dragon told me we need to go down again to check the sample if we get them to print. So I tot T & T Printing also need to go down again to check the sample.

Will go to T & T Printing next Sunday!

Thanks. Really glad that I joint this forum cos I got all the advice that I need from here immediately and accurately.


New Member
Dun mentioned. tink T & T also know alot ppl come fr SG. so they can do it on the spot.n juz use PC to do editin. so nt so difficult.

Oh ya. do remember to bring 1 of ur invitation card dwn. so they can measure the exact size of the inserts for u...

also. T&T open fr 11am. so no need to b there too early. keke.. tink sun also 11am. as i always go on sat. haha...


Active Member
JasCMY - Remember, we are here to Share

Mashi - Ya. They know we are helping them do free promo in Singapore. Most of their customers are from Singapore. They are friendly and helpful.. Give ideas too.. Thumb up for T&T Printing..


Active Member
Mashi - Ya. We were there wz my GF. That lady show us different types of paper... Oso, hot-stamping oso different pricing... Cannot remember all prices so best is to go or call them if anyone is interested in their service


New Member
xka.. the email you gave me cannot go through le.

Sorry, lalaa.. can't help you.. can ask ur photographer on that day itself.. they'll have something in mind one.


New Member
hihi all,
im back frm mi cloth shopping..found alot of tings tat i could use todae..haha...so happie...

lalaa, wait i come back frm dinner i post e pics for u to see..

nok, paiseh!! i forget to add e sg....email shld be [email protected] ..sry sry..


Active Member
Hot-stamping are those glossy wordings and not necessary to be on cards rite?? Coz we did asked them and they told us got different in pricing......


New Member
Tks gals for your kind assurances!
At first I thought I've not even settle 1/3 of stuffs.. now I'm more relax liao! Tks!!
Guess the more impt thing missing now is arranging our parents' meeting.
ROM & AD venue: Pan Pac
Bridal package: include 3 MTM gowns, 1 MTM suit, outdoor PS, day photography, videography, bouquet, hair & make-up all included. So I guess it has covered most of the things.
My dinner theme is red & black, but instead of black table cloth, we request for silver.. if not sure got it from our parents! haha!


New Member
Hot stamping is to print directly on the invitation card de. not those glossy words. keke.. tink urs is another type ba..

tats gd. relax abit. dun kan cheong. haha..


New Member
finally found e pics u want...u take a look k...
i saw another bride wearing sneakers with her WG..very stylo..u might want consider..haha..bt cant find her pic..duno whe le..ahaha...






n im viewing mi pics tis sat...if u ard e area, u can cm see oso, so u can koe e effect e hse has in e pics.....will ask mi PG, if hes there, abt e location of e broken hse...


New Member
Hi Mashi Mashi,

Thanks. I am down to 2 photographers, we cant decide between 2 of them. As for bridal shoots, might do just days before wedding.

Yeah, we are cutting down a lot of stuff, eg all-in-one, Start at hotel, ROM, tea-ceremony, dinner to simplify things and avoid doing rounds of Make-up

Thanks for the advice, cos we dont think we wld bring a normal guest book out very often compared to a A3 thingey that we can frame up


New Member
babyfaery> Previously like you, I also heard negative feedback about Z. However, HTB asked me to be ignore those feedback as they could be subjective. Luckily for us, so far we are still happy with everything. That time also got ppl complained about my coordinator, the person who helped me with gown selection. However, after liasing with her, we like her. Thus, it really depends on individual.


New Member
vt, my AD's on 27-Oct. what about yours? ya I think tatz the theme.. hehe, can't really rem.. juz know itz black & red theme. I duno what's the wedding favours fm the hotel.. supposed to be a luggage tag. btw who's ur coordinator fm the hotel?
mashi, i can't help being kan cheong! cos HTB too relax! haha! also, will be getting busier wif work lah.. so better settle as muz tings as possible. btw, when is ur AD? u seems very experienced! =)


New Member
eh, for me.. i never knew we can wear EG outdoor one leh. den hor, the few albums i saw.. all dun have EG outdoor. so i thought only can wear one outdoor gown.. i thought no place to change so can wear only one. sigh.. now i upset liao. bo pian lo. my PS is end of the month, no time to make changes liao. so be it lo.

consolation to myself.. less gowns less pics to choose, less $ to spend lo.


New Member
haha... my AD is 16 oct.
keke.. earlier than u....

no lar. i helped my frens wedding b4 and also my sis wedding last yr. haha... tats y i knw wat need to do n wat is til last min lor. keke...

so far my preps still on the ball lar, but i nua laio. never do much. haha...


New Member
mer> my banquet is on 11 Oct. Mine's split day, church on the 10th. I've seen that wedding theme setup in the ballroom but HTB not too keen on the black cos he's worried that his very traditional parents/relatives may not like it. My co-ordinator is Ivan. Haha, I also dunno what the wedding favours are. Apparently, there are new ones coming in I've heard. Ha, don't worry I haven't done a lot of things too. Haven't even taken my PS yet. =)


New Member
suzanna> for my wife, we exchange 1 indoor gown to outdoor. we changed along the way brought out the changing capsule. basically a cylinder cloth tube for u to change inside


New Member
wow Xka.. the pics r nice! wonder if the sky is real color like dat or photoshoped..
think il put dis lorong halus place is my PS list too

oh im goin to my BS only on mon leh.. happy viewing ur pics!


Active Member
Mashi - Huh...... not the same de ahhhh... tot that was hot-stamping leh.. Saw the glossy words on tracing paper (sample) look so nice... hehehehe.......

But nvm lah.. coz I oso won't want to spend so much on a piece of paper.. Hehehe.. must save!!


New Member
reading all this comments and headache abt BS. im glad i forsake my deposit with 2BS. yes. i actually signed 2!!!

the 1st BS, they super super hardcore physco me and fiance. so we paid a deposit of $1.5k, only to go home and very pissed and regret the rash desision. so we went back and changed the $1.5k deposit into a photography package, which conside only 18poses. so we took that as our ROM photography. with 1.5k, i can easily hire a GOOD photographer and get back ALL the photos taken. but just a sad 18 photos. when over 300 photos were taken.

2nd BS, I signed, paid a deposit of $500. I had great confident abt this BS. but.. due to some unpleasant experiences, i lost confidence in them and a string of terrible things happened. hence I forsake the $500 deposit too.

$2000 gone to BS just like that.

NOW i am a alacarte bride, sorucing for my own gown,my own MUA, my own photographer. and alot of my friends are photographers, hence they take my prewed for me. I have abt 5 different series, all taken on diff day.
and cause I am a designer myself, I can design and edit my own album.

and I dont have to face rubbish like choosing 32 photos outta the 300 photos taken!

Having said so much, I really wish u girls will be firmer with the BS people and demand what u want. cause at the end of the day, we are all just. "cai tou" carrot head to them.

Why cant we take out the gown for photoshoot?
Why mus we pay "service charge" for taking out gown or going to additional place.??

Its rubbish.


New Member
and yes, all kinds of shit happen.
THere is NO 100% even when they write everything down Black and White in the invoice.

Like.. when I signed my 2nd BS, i wanted this inhouse photographer. (I signed them cause I like the photographer) and it written on my invoice that HE IS MY Photographer

But few months after I signed, what happened? The photographer left..(not sure is quit or sack)what can i Do??
A few more months later, my coordinator left.

well.. moral of story is, nothing is CONFIRMED even when its written down.


New Member
xka.. can help me ask ur fren to reply me today pls. cos I going to the other shop tml afternoon le.. if confirm tml then there's nothing I can do le. thx thx.

How u all upload the photos so big one ah.... when I try to attach pic, always come out a warning say pic size too big.


New Member
Hi gals, just curious what you all preparing now? Hee..only less than 5 mths to go... I still like very free. You all decided on your colour theme already?
