wow... jus one day din come in here and so many posts to read. digesting them one by one.
vallous, keitsu and sharon >> On GDL, the matchmaker will come. And the same matchmaker again on AD will follow hubby's car to fetch me in the morning.
desjO, my hubby havent got back to me on the quote. Guess we're both busy today!
Hi gals, today I went to buy my dowry. Wah... add this add that, close to $500 liao. Basically, I got almost a full package lah. Got hair combing (jewellery box, comb), got the pails, basins, potty, slippers, bedsheets, pillow case, bolster case, umbrella, red packets, stickers, tea set, bowl set, lamps etc. Got them from the Jurong West shop. The lady is really helpful. Thought us what to do on GDL, and on AD as well. All the customs, she will explain to u slowly. And I make sure I write down everything in case I forget.
Today's also my food tasting. Everything's good except for sharksfin (too salty) and steam fish (too bland). Else, the rest was great! Today's also the official ti qing day, however, not much was discussed cos' everything was conveyed through my hubby & I beforehand. This weekend will follow my mum-in-law to buy GDL stuff.
Finally, my side dowry done! Yippie! Oh! And my parents bought me a rolex watch to be given to me during tea ceremony! My most expensive pressie for my wedding.