hello girls...
so many posts liao...
i'll be going to the GHHP show this sat...
can meeet at city hall abt 1.45pm?
val, maybe i can take the samples for you also..then can pass to you?
oops, forgot to look for the strudel tab..
i heard lotsa bad stuff abt Nuskin....
my friends was oneof their sales....she was very stressed to meet quota etc...seems like it's very hard selling cos they MUST meet some quota every month...then their meetings is like a cult like that...keep reciting some phrases...
this friend working in Nuskin got a couple of other friends to attend the meetings...happen that day i wasn't free...after they went, the feedback to me one...say horrible..
very pressurized to buy...and buy in hundreds of dollars...not say just one bottle....
very awkard, cos they went to help out the friend..then feel very obligated to buy, but really cannot afford...then she (the working one) looks very bad cos the pple she bring din buy...so everyone pressurize her to pressuerize her friends into buying...