(2008) Brides of year 2008


New Member
dkaren> did a online check for 28.06.2008. The chinese almanac didn't say it's good or bad day to perform wedding activities.

So i guess generally it's ok?


New Member
pris i added u le

floral bliss where do u workout?


New Member
hi gals...
i m back! look like i missed alot of things hor?
haha.. me went to bkk.. weather n traffic der damn horrible leh..
but food was good.. think i mas hv put on weight liao..


New Member
I heard good reviews on Four Seasons

Since you are having 100pax, how about ACM? I love that place...if only I don't have so many guests, I'll surely make a beeline for it.


New Member
Hi Hi all,

Great to meet you gals here. My wedding is in May 08 too and I am new to this forum.

I am currently looking for my bridal studio. Anyone has any idea which is good? I visited Sattine last week and was quite impressed with their photos but not sure if the package is good. Can anyone out here share your bridal package details with me so that I can negotiate for better perks?


New Member
Wow... Four Seasons.. I love tat place too!! kekeke.. I heard tat's a very auspicious place!! a lot of rick Indo Chinese always held their AD there.. Isn't it expensive??


New Member
I like ACM too but worried about the additional cost like rental of room, decor, etc.

I'm going for a discussion with Four Seasons on Friday! Can't wait!


New Member
Mage....for mi will definitely find out d catering director or she happen to be one then F&B director...write an email to whack her....for being so iresponsible & rude.....

muddpie....how's d situation like wif ur BS now??? mine is oreadi brewing into a hurricane.....feel more assured & comforted wen a fren said dat few bs does things dat way as well......have always tot dat im d problematic one since it dun happen to all but mi causing a great deal of depression & sadness....so dun worry d prob is neither wif u nor mi.....=)


New Member
ya... i like der too..but e weather der reali cant make it leh..haha..
but dis time nothing much to buy leh..
dunno y oso...so in e end bought beri little things only... so sad...
times reali files wen u go holiday...
now bk to work so sianzzzzzz....


New Member
STnov, when is your next fitting? Perhaps you want to have a 'cut-off date' such that you still can go for MTM if the OTR gowns really dun work out for you? Of course, I hope you can find the gown that you are happy with soon!


New Member
pris yup most will. if they don't, then tell them u need to try if not how u noe u like the gowns o not. if they still don allow. drop them.


New Member
Noreen, auspicious or not I'm not sure but I simply love that hotel. Find it cosy and classy. From the start I wanted to do my wedding there but for a weekend dinner its expensive, so considering doing a weekend lunch instead.

Stnov, ya planning to write a letter in to whack the coordinator after I settle and confirm my venue. I read about your encounter with your BS on your multiply. Sorry to hear about that. Did you managed to talk to the boss? Maybe need to go straight to the boss then you might see some results? Hope you can find your dream gown soon.


New Member
Thanks Flora Bliss for doing the check on the date.

It seems there are a lot of version of stating about 28.06.2008.


New Member
hello gals, i am back from malaysia.. these 2 days was pretty bad.. my mum is very sad. Somemore she cannot pray.. becoz is younger than my mum.


New Member
Hi Juli,

I have received negative feedbacks from Sattine, so not sure if good or not. But always good to source around more.

I'm also sourcing around for my bridal studio. No specific preference at the moment.


New Member
Hi Parmida,

Can ask around. Maybe some hotels poolside can hse more pple.

Goodwood park???

Alternatives, yup..will be country clubs


New Member
*hugs* xinyi..

i don't understand abt the "pray" part, but what the heart speaks, God up there will surely hear.

pris, all other gals,
add me to your multiply...
my ID is necrosi


New Member
thks gers for ur nice words....felt consoled at d veri least.....to update we are going by on sat again supposedly for discussion wif d dsigner but judging fm her attitude & excuses given over d phone, im seriously skeptical if it will b fruitful....i noe i sound veri pessimistic but i would rather not placed too much trust in them......

ash....suppose to b sat discuss for mtm but as u read fm my multiply.....not sure hw would u feel??

thks noreen for ur offer...will b going on sat noon & all are always welcome to join if u like to.....=)

mage....if dsigner gives crappy excuses on sat...on longer gona give face to them....has d intention to speak to d boss for a decision to wrap up d whole issue rather than drag into a soapy drama.....=)


New Member
HI 1192001,

Thanks for your prompt reply. You are the first reply I got so far after posting a few messages...heee...

Negative Feedback?? Can share with me what it is abt? Service or Price? Not sure what I should look out for too.

Some frens of mine ended up paying 6K to 8K for their BS due to the additional photos they had to pay
Quite expensive...

Have you booked your dinner yet?


New Member
Valerie & shice,

I posted my rom pics on multiply. my nick is cherzcherz.


haha think ROM package quite hard to bargin for perks.


New Member
flora bliss u got go california??/ i used to go the bugis one... but find their services is very ..... and also just find the way they bill ppl is very funny... every 2 weeks send me one bill to pay the membership... in the end i cancelled the membership and choose to go to the gym @ the CC near my hse...


New Member
Stnov, good luck with your discussion on Sat! No need to give them so much face one! After all, customer is always right! Hehe!

cabbage, ACM = Asian Civilisation Museum.


New Member
WAH, i was away for business for a wk and i came back with pages of things to read... from shoes to tanning to meeting up and to PS...

i am pretty excited too, my PS wld be in another wk's time.. but the nervous thing is that i've yet to get a pair of heels and also havent done any homework for the types of hairstyles i like.. now i feel even much more nervous after reading all your posts.... cos like i'm very ill prepared... btw, any one got a MUA to recommend??? for actual day...



New Member
hi mage,

envy you! can change to four seasons.. i lurve four seasons too, really classy and cosy. But I don't have the budget. good luck to you on your discussion as well!

hi stov,

you have to jia you, cannot be too depressed yah.. everything will solve by itself. I think their boss quite nice.. that taiwanese guy right? so don't worry =)

me still quite sick.. everyday go work.. very sick.. havnt recover.. and gosh my ROM is 3 weeks away!


New Member
Hi bigfish, you can try Mico Chiu from U-Style. She is highly raved by many people in the forum.

Speaking of hairstyles, I saw this hairdo on Fiona Xie on a Channel 8 show last night. I love the curls and how her hair was styled. If only I could screen-capture the frame and show it to my MUA.


New Member
Thanks tete!
Get well soon!

Ash, try surfing Ch 8 website? See if they have photo gallery for that show or something


New Member
Stnov, dun worry too much. I am sure things will work out somehow. Do let us know the outcome of this sat's discussion.

Noreen, any website to share??


New Member
Pris> Yup, I'm a lifetime member liao. So only need to pay $100 per yr. I only go for classes, no enrol in PT program. The staff there can be quite rude and irritating.

Yesterday, I juz went for the body balance during lunch and body combat after work. Now whole body aching like mad.

Sigh... serve me rite for being too greedy.


New Member
Cabbage, you can leave it entirely to your MUA if you trust her to come up with the best style that suits you. Anyway, it is still quite useful for your MUA to have a better understanding of the type of hairstyles you like if you can show her pictures for reference. She can give her advice and recommendations and this helps to manage everyone's expectations.


New Member
helo gals.. last nite went to watch shrek.. so farnie leh.. nice way to relax after a busy day. went to goldheart n sookee to look at rings too. found 1 from each shop tat's not bad. cant wait to go fairy's inc to see

xinyi.. hope ur mom will feel better soon.. u all try to be ard her more often recently ba.. cos she'll be quite depressed one. not gd to leave her alone. n can help to don let her tink so much also.

floral bliss.. i also used to go cali but v lazy to go so far so after my membership expired i didnt renew le. which branch u go to? u go often?


New Member
xinyi> It's always sad when someone close departed. You and your family got to take care.

Valerie> I have to confess tat I stopped going to the gym for 3 mths already. No motivation leh. So force myself to go yesterday. To think tat I used to be an exercise freak, going to the gym at least 4 times per week. I no fix branch to go. It depends on which class I can make it.


New Member
Hi ladies, went to NCQ already... find it rather normal only leh.... maybe because we can onl go for the smaller ballroom.... haha....
I also havent get my wedding band leh.... My ROM date is in Jan 2008...
Waiting to get it during the christmas sales... haha....
I big size lor.... 110kg... now better 60kg le...


New Member
hey mindy.. if ur rom is in jan, then u cannot wait till xmas sales. better get it now during GSS. cos if the shop doesn hv ur size n need to order in, some shops take 2-3months. so its better to get it earli. i'm shopping for mine now le keke. cos mine is in may 08! i realised may 08 weird weird cos its right b4 GSS so all my wedding, house stuffs all must get this in tis yr's GSS if not next yr GSS too late le. haiz.


New Member
ya NCQ's smaller ballroom is quite normal. the phoenix one is much nicer but must hv at least 30tables lor. did u see the suite mindy? its v nice. supposedly one of the nicer ones in spore.. some 5stars ones not as nice also. tats wad a few bs ppl tell me. NCQ ppl take pains to deco the suite v well.
