(2007) Brides of year 2007


New Member
Hihi... A BIG THANKS to all (Janice, Jeraldin, Junie, Jovi, Agnes, PL, WP....) for all your best wishes... *Big Big HUG*..

My PS was fun too.. thank GOD for the good weather.. i went to the botanic gardens, dempsey hill, punggol beach, lalang area and lastly merlion park for PS... (really from 8am too 8pm)...

Can't wait to see my pics in a week's time


New Member
Jeraldine, my leg got blister after the whole outdoor session.. when i finally removes my shoes, i almost couldn't feel the floor.. haha... feet is numb.. hahaha...

but the session is quite fun... the photographer is quite fun and good.. his pattern while taking pics is more than me man.. hahahha...


New Member
wah!!! Sherrfy.. you really went to alot alot of places..... i only went to Changi Safra Resort area.. near the beach area and the long road leading to the Changi Safra Resort...

My photoshoot wasn't so long.. only from 10am to 7pm... so didn't go alot of places... so envy you eh...


New Member
Hi Cutie,

Wow, thanks for your compliments babe! You like the gown more than I do, hehe.... Mine is really a simple piece. Perhaps the accessories make a difference to the piece of gown.

I am using Ritz Couture. Ermmm, I have never buttom the dress myself. Always leave it to my Sales coordinator to do it. Pretty fast cos' I didn't wait for too long lor. By the way, can share your photos/pictures of your gowns with me pls? I love to see pictures of gowns....

Hi Ladies,

I will be uploading some pictures I have taken yesterday onto my website. Feel free to take a look when you have the time.

Hi Viv,

Though the weather is good but i can't finish my shooting. Perhaps I have too many gowns & many places to go lor. Done the shooting till 9pm. Very tired indeed! Will need to do another shooting on National Day. By the way, can share the pictures of your gowns/photos with me pls?

Hi Ladies,

You got mail! It is really a simple gown so don't wanna to give you too much expectation lor. Kindly share some of your pictures with me k.



New Member
hey diva... saw your blog on renotalk...

where did you buy this canvas painting ah??? I oso keen to buy some of those painting to do up my house... =)



New Member
sherrfy, u been to so many places leh...u can squeeze so many places in one day, must be very rush lo...no wonder u got blister..i been to punggol beach and lalang too..and we took pictures at my wedding venue, orchid country club, and also a short stay in Upper Pierce Reservoir..i regret we didn't go to Sentosa coz i think the sentosa beach is much nicer than punggol beach.


New Member
Hi Ix,


Hi Ladies,

Have just collected my wedding cards & GDL cakes. Still sourcing for the design of venue deco & songs. Kindly share with me your collection of songs pls

meiyu, ur WG is nice... lacey lacey one ;) sexy back! so sweet wif a tinge of sexy feel but hor, u where got fat??!

sherrfy, u really being to lotsa place, no wonders that ur legs are numb!! but hor, ur PG so good, let u guys go so many places? no need to top up $$??


New Member
Everyone's alright and back to reality of a norm couple. The only thing that is still ongoing is how's newly wed getting along? How's the feeling like? Which to us has no diff as we were living together even before the wedding. Anyway, I have promised to show my pics.. hee this is the link.


New Member
lol... thanks wp for ur comments.. actually wat i hate is my arms and tummy lo.. hope can reduce before my PS lo...

Eh can we actually suggest to the photographer where we wanan go for the photoshoot or not ar?


New Member
I also dunno how should I go about arranging the jie mei meeting. Apparently, I have pri, sec close frens as my jie meis. I am afraid that I would not know what to brief or whether they are able to click together.... So nervous about having this meeting... Furthermore, I have yet to plan my AD schedule..... Haha!


New Member
hi gals...

i was on leave on fri and so much post.. hee.. i went for a full day shopping trip to get clothes for my friend for her dowry.. and guess wat! we bought no clothes.. haha.. cant seems to see anything that catches her eye... i went to metro and got a bedsheet though.. hee...

Today i am into a work out session.. i went for my aerobics and then went swimming.. hee..hopefully it helps in my weight losing.. hee..

Von!! long time no see.. well we are still very happening here hee... well seeing a new born is like seeing a new beginning it is touching yeah..

Mei, enjoy ur bintan trip and i heard that mayang sari is lovely.. hee.. u and hubby really know how to set romance to ur relationship... u must take the apple cider in moderation.. hee... wah so "on" to lose weight..

Wah.. kaye so fast 12 more weeks!! u must be excited!


New Member
Hello Banska, me went to the usual places, changi Broadwalk n lallang field. hee...managed to get a PG for mt AD. recommended by my sis's PG..hopefulli he's pro enuff.

anise, u saw your pics and top up alot also rite? haha...hw was the whole selection process? =)


New Member
Mei, envy manz.. one wkend sentosa another wkend go bintan.
Was toying with the idea of gg bintan.. but dan go there can't do spa, can't go much places like quite a waste of money.. probably shd save it on diapers n milk powder. hmm..
Agree with Kaye, some pple can't take too much apple cinder vinegar.. so take in small amt first to see if ur body can take it

Kaye, not bad u oni put on 10kg. I tot the norm was 15kg. hee~
U have just done ur detailed scan?
I also can't wait to see whom my bb will look like.
This friday gg for the detailed scan.. *excited*
Even in my 2nd trimester...i still feel tired. tink now gaining extra weight.. so when walk too much my legs will start aching. U gg to take earlier maternity leave?
12 more wks tat FAST!!!

Von, hee.. long time no 'hear'..

Piglet, u feeling better from ur flu?
Shiok manz, whole day shopping. Kind of missed those days when I hung out with my gf n shop from morning till nitez.


junie>> wah! u tendered liao huh..found another job yet?

Jeraldin>> i din buy the painting becoz I painted it myself one lar. :p I am trying to sell it online becoz i dun find it suitable for my theme...actually i am currently doing a painting for a fellow renotalk member also..

Jovi >> actually i find punggol beach nicer lei...

meiyu >> i cant see your photos..


New Member
Hallo ladies!

So tired today! Went to Changi Naval Base to send my brother off.... An eye opener.. To see inside of the naval ship... For my Mum, it bought back the memories of her travelling to HK via ship!

My Mum told me that back in the late 60s, it costs $800 to take a flight from Spore to HK.. while by ship, it costs only $80....

Think the airfare now has really dropped drastically as compared to before!

Smilez, i had done my detailed scan at week 20. Now i can go for 3D scan coz my piglet is fatter, which is supposed to see the facial features of my piglet. Next time, i will tell my doc not to print the pictures for the 3D scan... He charges $30 for the 3 printed 3D scan pix! Did u get ur swimming suit?

Piglet, so shiok to shop the whole day! I also wanna do that but now got to rest more!

Mei knows how to ignite romance in her relationship with her hubby! I think its good! Next time, i must also hv some personal time with my hubby.... Must not be monopolised by piglet most of the time!


New Member
Hi Girls.. I just came back not too long ago & waiting for my hair to dry so come in here... hubby & myself with another couple went to JB for seafood, it's a random thing, so it's quite fun. We had chilli crab, pepper crab, fried sotong with salted egg yolk, cereal prawn, tofu, vege, beer & coconut juice, all for S$50! (It's no wonder I can't lose weight, haha!).

Yeah, it's true, hubby & myself like to ignite romance into our relationship. I guess it's also because we like activities, so we're always planning fun things to do.

Long time never hear from jhoo hor.


New Member
hi carol,
thanks for sharing ur photos, ur EG is very special
i manage to get soft copies of some photos... hv send the link to u

u collected ur GDL cakes already?!! so fast? we havent evenn started ordering! OMG..seems like I super behind time??

where u sendin ur invites to print?i havent even collected cards yet.

hi gayle,
nice PS photos! Like the last pic, the cheongsum & umbrella pic by the sea..very romantic feel


New Member
Hi Pastillies,

Thanks babe. That is actually my Teadress. My EG is a Pink Ballroom Gown. Will cont' my Photo shoot on National Day. I have been to the temple, asian civilisation museum, labrador park & alexandra. Will be going to changi pier this thur & finish my shooting for EG.

Pardon me, I mean I have ordered the cakes only. It takes me a long time to decide on the GDL cakes cos' there are too many choices available. haven't distribute them yet. My GDL date is 29 Sep. This is a super gd date for wedding.
Ya, for the cards, i will be sending mid-end Sep Still early, so don't worry lor.



New Member
Hi Pastillies,

Received your photos! You are very photogeneric & really know how to pose. I liked your backdrop a lot. Is that a pub or a studio babe? The magazine layout is nice too. Mine is magazine style but not sure if it will turn out well. Keep my fingers crossed. crossing hard. haha...


New Member
<font color="119911">hi carol, received your link. Can't wait to see your photoshoot pics!
As for which hairstyle you want to choose for AD... I think the hair down ones look nice on you

Hi gayle, NICE! BTW, did you do your photoshoot in singapore? Looks foreign


New Member
morning gals!!

haha.. now is the pain from the shopping trip.. haha.. my feet are aching with all the shopping and exercise.. hahah

Kaye, wah take ship to HK.. how long is the trip? this is the first time i heard of it... must be really glad for the technology advancement...

Smilez, take a short break from work is good... it relax the mind and u will feel better.. if u dun wan to spend too much, i heard that batam is not a bad place.. heehee.. so will u be like kaye take 3D scans?

Mei, u n ur hubby every weekend also fill of activity.. so good.. my hubby always wan to rest during weekend.. some time so boring...


New Member
hi carol,
thanks. thats a pub, we made prior arrangemnts with a Pub for us to go in &amp; take, cos i like the backdrops n arrangemnt fm that pub.

wahh so envy,how come u have so many days for ur PS?
I'm sure your mag style will turn out nicely &amp; the way u want too! ur PS are scheduled on differrnt days so u also wont look so tired n feel so tired, so I'm sure ur photos will turn out very pretty! ..i was super tired after my PS...

phew! frighten me, tot u collected the cakes already...but still u're very well plan leh..we only intending to start ordering the cakes after te 7th mth(since 7th mth next nx monday already),....but u hv order so well in advance... which kind did u order? the tradional ones? or ? which shop u went to?

mine GDL on 7th oct
ehhh so think still got time to order n collect cards to print bah....*i hope**

hi dramam, drop u the link.


i haven go n collect my ad pics. dunno why leh. it is ready for collection since 2wks aft my ad. but we juz like nv go collect.mayb bcoz the place is abit out of e way for both of us. ask u all ar, if u go n collect ad pics, will u n yr hb go? oni one person is enuff ?
meiyu... so far i have not known anyone that's pleased with their body... i, myself also trying to get rid of the flabby tummy, and to bring my weight down to till today, no success

anyway u can have a talk with ur PG of where u guys wanna do ur PS cos some places maybe memorable for u guys

diva, u r so talented!! juz like one of my friends, she also do paintings for her own hse *envy envy* give the place ur own touch


New Member
hi carol,

hehe... well, i like ur gown.. cos it suits u really nicely..and really... beautiful... i will share with u my photos once i get them back... just viewed and selected my PS photos yesterday... :p

but i've taken some pics with own camera... u can go to multiply and view...

my nick is cutiehellokitty



New Member
wow! about 12 months of preparation n its all over in just a day, in my case, 2 days!

anyway, ive got some pre-wed pics up at my hubby's blog. if u wanna take a look, go to: http://www.alexmoi.net/blog/?p=6

d weddin dinner pics in KL &amp; Ipoh will be uploaded soon.... now still in my hard disk... ;o hehe... ;p


New Member
hi bride,
send u le!
u settle ur HM trip already? which places u going? with Cosmos?
i've settled the land package, now planning the air tics &amp; F&amp;E part..


New Member
Hi Pastillies

Unfortunately, I need to order both traditional pastries &amp; cakes. My Granny wants the traditional ones &amp; my mum wants the cakes in nice boxes. Have to please both u see. Am busy sourcing around till i find these 2 shops.

What kind of cakes/pastries you would like to order. Perhaps i can help. Teochew/Cantonese pastries or cakes? &amp; of course the budget?

Hi Bride,

Thanks for your inputs, babe!

Hi Cutie,

I will definitely go in to take a look. hehe... Thanks for sharing your photos.

Hi Ladies

Any of you have recommendation on the florists that do venue deco? Am sourcing for good &amp; reliable one at a reasonable price lor. Thanks in advance!



New Member
kKye, i c.. when I did the down syndrome test the last time.. they did print a 3D pix of my bb. But the features are not fully 'manufactured' yet.. hee~
Let see if they still print the 3D version of my kiddo on tis wk.
Swimming suit... can u believe i have been snoozing my wkends thru? I didnt go out.. was basically feeling so tired. probably was the massive amt of meetings tat i had gone for the past few wks. Too exhausted.

Mei, tats good! No wonder u not ready for a kid yet. hee~.. having so much fun now

Piglet, i dun mind if they give me free 3D pix like the last time. hee~
Seems like ur wkends are similar to mine.. my hubby also snooze alot.. dunno issit influence by me.

Yeah.. dunno how Jhoo is..


New Member
Carol, received your updated link. Think u look nice with the updo hair too, guess both down and up looks fine.

Gayle, very nice photos. Do u have multiply?


New Member
<font color="119911">hi pastilles, Settled my HM stuff liao, more or less
Signed up with cosmos back in march during natas then also bought my air tickets liao. Lucky buy early, cheaper! We're flying by SQ.

9-day tour with cosmos to rome, florence and venice, then F&amp;E to tuscany and cinque terre. We'll be staying at a castle in chianti, tuscany then now left accomodation in cinque terre to settle.

How about you?</font>


New Member
Hi Cloudz,

Thanks for your inputs too! Do share with me your photos once ready pls.

Hi Bride,

Really envy you, can go to Italy for HM.
How much do you need to foot for so many places?
Still deciding on my HM.... By the way, kindly advise where is cosmos? Is that a place or name of an event?



New Member
Hi ladies,

You gals seem to be having lotsa fun sharing pics &amp; looks like am being left out of the loop juz coz i havent taken mine??! ...not fair lah!!!

So, can i view some of the lovely pics as well, pls?? pretty pretty pls, with lotsa sugar on it? ;-D ...

I kinda need some suggestion on hairstyle actually ...i wanted to do some curls for the wedding day coz i rebonded my hair a couple of years back &amp; am having straight hair since...any kind advise out here??

&amp; multiply hor...i hv multiply too...kekeke ...my id's almostanangel7 ...so can share pics now??


New Member
morning ladies....

sherrifier!!! Happy Belated Birthday!!!!
din come here a couple of days cos of my msn...

meiyu.. I also cant see ur pics??
u a dec 07 brides??

junie... y u tender??


New Member
Hello spiderbaby

I also haven't taken my pre wedding shoot...No worry, just ask for the link to view the pictures

Can I add you to my multiply as well?

My id is millh
