wow so many posts!
toaster thingie is $3.95... as it says on the attachment! hehe. i think it's cute too and bluebunny is quite a toast eater
silly question: how do you know it's tonsilities? i've been having a bad throat and feeling feverish for the longest time. maybe i also have? i remember an aunt having gone for the op to remove her tonsils. let's go... then got many days of MC! hehe. seriously, do you need to remove or not? if it's causing you so much distress, just do it la!
oops you mean you only asked for contact numbers of those who are going for tonight's rendezvous? alamak... i volunteered my info, unshy as usual! hehe
hey we're remotely linked through friendster!! PM your email ya?
i so want to be there tonight!!!!!!!!!! i would so add colour to the seemingly all-black gang. i'm in PINK! pink retro flower power butterfly shirt!
today confirming on wedding invite design, got the price ($135 for 1Cx1C print in gold, on A5 250gsm goldish paper for 250 pieces). i think it's not bad, considering how some people spend that amount just on hot stamping) and should prob be able to send out next week! yay!
also found out that there's a complimentary shuttle service to the yacht club! yay!