(2006) Brides of year 2006


New Member
think I really bring alot of things to show U all leh...
Thk U card
ROM pic- makes my bag cant clse...sian...already use a big bag to carry it.

Time: 6:45pm reach City Hall
who would be earlier than me apart fr Jean?


New Member
hi hi diana/CAT..
i know of one bride that had her soleminzation at the yacht..she rented the yacht with one of the company, it's very romantic actually..but she dun want to recommend the company bcoz of bad service..she almost cldnt make it to have her soleminzation at the yacht..


New Member
wendy, so ur bday is this mth lah...nv say....we can all cum out to gif u a bday kiss...hee hee...bedsheet huh...mmmm...interesting, i dun mind shopping wif u on tat, coz it is only a matter of time ware i need to get these stuff mah....let me noe lah...


New Member
oh if u gals are thinking of getting shoes, allure charix has got a good variety..dunno what sizes they carry tho, but its worth having a look! the stuff can be very bling bling, but SUPER glam! ;)


New Member
Hazel, most definitely it'll be me. I can reach City Hall about 6.15pm. But thought I can pop by Marks & Spencer for a few minutes.


New Member
ah,,,, girls.... its the April 2006 brides meeting day!!! .. not sure if i can go or not cos my sis wanting to go chinatown to see of the weddin stuff with me... oh no.... !!!

where you girls meeting n whr going??

***pss... any smoker-HATERS here??



New Member
hi hi diana..
haahaa...it's ok lah, i very shy one..heehee..**wink-wink** okok..so r u getting king or queen size bed? i think got one mattress brand (sealy), aussino bedsheets cannot fit, just to make sure urs isnt that brand..i let u know again..me go aussino & check out the designs i want then i let u know when we got down together again..was thinking of orchard paragon aussino as that shop is bigger & more variety..let u know again..cheers~


New Member

what you girls buying for HBies???? hee hee


New Member
so ur b'day over liao huh....aiyo, why muz u be shy shy wif us leh....mine is queen size bed hv only got the bed frame from OM but nt the mattress yet...hee hee...



New Member
hi hi diana..
no lah, my bday is not here yet lah..haha..actually wont be here this yr as well..not in the calendar leh this yr..heehee..okok, queen size is ok, as long as u dun get sealy brand mattress then u wont hve prob fitting aussino bedsheets lor..heehee..


New Member
Hi Sinkor,
Yupz! I cfm my order of one tube. Thanks thanks. Though the sample i only used twice nia ... I was thinking maybe nearer AD will be more hardworking ....

Wow! I super bz recently. Everything also urgent urgent urgent. i got to come back on weekends to work! Typically i work 7days a wk lor. Cant they understand a BTB jus wanna nua at work till her wedding? Hahaha ... FH n i hav been too bz that we keep postponing our appt to select the PS photos. Next appt is 25th Feb lah. Keep our hands crossed tat we can make it this time. kekeke ...


New Member
o...so u r those people wif bday 4 yrs one (i tink 4 yrs ba) 29th Feb huh....nvm...make it 28th this yr lor.....

so beri the special.....muz meet us lah....we will make sure u will nv forget us mah...hahaha...

gals onz bo....let mit wendy on 27th or 28th (unless she celebrating wif her hubby)....show of names to count ok...

1) Diana


New Member
wow so many posts!

toaster thingie is $3.95... as it says on the attachment! hehe. i think it's cute too and bluebunny is quite a toast eater

silly question: how do you know it's tonsilities? i've been having a bad throat and feeling feverish for the longest time. maybe i also have? i remember an aunt having gone for the op to remove her tonsils. let's go... then got many days of MC! hehe. seriously, do you need to remove or not? if it's causing you so much distress, just do it la!

oops you mean you only asked for contact numbers of those who are going for tonight's rendezvous? alamak... i volunteered my info, unshy as usual! hehe

hey we're remotely linked through friendster!! PM your email ya?

i so want to be there tonight!!!!!!!!!! i would so add colour to the seemingly all-black gang. i'm in PINK! pink retro flower power butterfly shirt!


New Member
Wow,Linda, so good hor, u have 7 days leave...me dun have lor...will be taking my own annual leave for my HM...

Me also from cny bz until now...so sianz..


New Member
wow so many posts!

toaster thingie is $3.95... as it says on the attachment! hehe. i think it's cute too and bluebunny is quite a toast eater

silly question: how do you know it's tonsilities? i've been having a bad throat and feeling feverish for the longest time. maybe i also have? i remember an aunt having gone for the op to remove her tonsils. let's go... then got many days of MC! hehe. seriously, do you need to remove or not? if it's causing you so much distress, just do it la!

oops you mean you only asked for contact numbers of those who are going for tonight's rendezvous? alamak... i volunteered my info, unshy as usual! hehe

hey we're remotely linked through friendster!! PM your email ya?

i so want to be there tonight!!!!!!!!!! i would so add colour to the seemingly all-black gang. i'm in PINK! pink retro flower power butterfly shirt!

today confirming on wedding invite design, got the price ($135 for 1Cx1C print in gold, on A5 250gsm goldish paper for 250 pieces). i think it's not bad, considering how some people spend that amount just on hot stamping) and should prob be able to send out next week! yay!

also found out that there's a complimentary shuttle service to the yacht club! yay!


New Member
Hi Soo Sheng,

Think you better act fast, Oct is such a popular date. I oso had call a couple of hotels and totally give up.

For BS, you still got time. It depends if you want to MTM or OTR. MTM will take a longer time. Look out for exhibitions, i think there is one this month.


New Member
ya hor...think I 4get to bring the inserts to show U all...
Marnie-All black- 6:15pm
Hazel- Black sleeveless with purple jeans- 6:45pm
Pinkbunny-pink retro flower power butterfly shirt


New Member
Hazel, alamak...you never read my posts huh? I posted this morning that I am wearching black V-neck top wtih natual linen skirt with crystal beads.

Pink Bunny, toaster is sooo cheap!!! hmmm....very traipse all the way to Parkway to get it...

Er....are you coming to dinner this evening? I thought you had some Valentine's massage or something with your Bluebunny?

Re. tonsilities. I know cos' I have this since young. I haven't had it for the last 6 months but I think I'm under tremendous stress now so that's why it's popped out. The docs have advised me to remove it...


New Member
Hi Lyn, where is this Acepro printers?? doesnt ur hotel has any assigned printers? Mine is Jasvy and they r charging $100 nett for inserts based on 1st 200pcs.


New Member
Helo, Sinkor,
Can PM contacts for yr VG Chris Tay? Which studio is he fm hur? My AD's 24 June 2006 and im still looking for one. Thks alof!


New Member
Sorry lah, based on memory...So, remember its all black
Marnie-black V-neck top wtih natual linen skirt with crystal beads- 6:15pm
Hazel- Black sleeveless with purple jeans- 6:45pm
Pinkbunny-pink retro flower power butterfly shirt


New Member
remove it la. enjoy the MC la.

eh i just said i wish i could be with you all cos of my super colourful outfit among the black. i can't make it! keke. yes we have something on tonight so can't go. sirry dudettes. enjoy!!!


New Member
Marnie-black V-neck top wtih natual linen skirt with crystal beads- 6:15pm
Hazel- Black sleeveless with purple jeans- 6:45pm
Lipstar wearing black skirt with pinkish paisley sleeveless top- 6.20pm

How abt our dearest Jean,?
Wat's she wearing?
I jux wake up...feel so sleepy after taking the med...


New Member
Hi Sinkor,

Can get me 2 tubes of the G cream. Dont think the sample is enough to see whether work or not.. but everyday apply liao become super hot.. must be working lah.. hee hee


New Member
yup i bought lots from disneyland but not hello kitty ;p

the travel agency is Hong Thai at Peoples park.

wah!! 7days alot leh... which co. you wk with har? ;p


New Member
tweetytwee : hw much is their charges?
do they have any website?

this is my time planning at the moment:

4am = wake up
4-6am = bath, breakfast, put ampoules
6-7am = make up
7-7.30am = preparation b4 husband n xiongdi come
7.30-8.30am = husband come and tekan session and eat some food.
if can, tea ceremony
8.30-10.30am = PS
10.30-12pm = IL hse. cos MIL need to hide from me until 11.30am.
12-12.30pm = go new hse change tea dress/kua and go mother hse.
12.30-2pm = at mother hse tea ceremony n makan
2-4pm = remove make up/bath/change
4-4.30pm = reach restaurant
4.30-5.30pm = testing march in. hha..
5.30-7pm = make up
7-8pm = reception
8.30pm = start dinner hhe..


New Member
i am working in an off-shore bank at suntec.
The date is 4 March (SAt).
SDL & JC, Newbbi, Suishi and berry is coming ard 11am.
me cooking lunch. hee..
come lah. join in the fun.


New Member
hi hi diana..
u r right..i m a leap yr baby..haahaa..so i think i m only 6 1/2yr this yr? heehee..thks for making the special arrangement lah..i do have plans to meet up with all but not to celebrate bday lah..is to share my japan trip's photos with all..i m trying to consolidate them into one cd & get it develop out...organise them accordingly & share it w/ everyone at the nxt gathering..no issues dear..we can always meet up for the aussino shopping spree..so u managed to confirm anything for the wedding?got consolidate the wedding songs already anot huh?i will go back & check the songs i used & post it out by this weekend to share w/ all lah..cheers~


New Member
Hi Pink_ice,

PM u liao...

Hi Chaiyo,

Ok! noted your 1 tube! try to relax, dun be tired out by work!

Hi Asura,

Noted your order. or u want to use 1 tube first?


New Member
Oh ya.....

so the final order is as per below...

memories - 3 tubes
Chaiyo - 1 tube
xinxin - 1 tube
Camy - 1 tube
Asura - 2 tubes

Please dun sabo me for last minutes cancel hor as i will pay first.... :D



New Member
thks. How their service & wat rate will u give?

headaches sourching for travel agency with the best itineary to Japan.
