(2005) Brides of year 2005


New Member
caitlyn.. glad u know my bedding habits! keke..

space-wise is enough, but little space where near our ward robe lor.. the other side will be next to WC.. haha!!


New Member
yea serta just broke into the market, and their beds are very very comfy I must admit, and I think price wise maybe relatively cheaper than simmons.. we tried the serta at paragon


New Member
Jenn, ur hb can tell what's right n wrong.. maybe when I start the action of chopping hor, he duck then u kenna!! kekekek... :pPP


New Member
Hi JC,
long time no see!

if i go, i also must sit on your bed. if possible, jump... kekekekeke...
actually its true that after a long working day, you need a good mattress to have a good rest.


Active Member
Aiyo, SDL
U hv not answer my q lei, if i buy give 2.5balls, got chance boh ??? Or eat ball beta

Welcome back to the forum, JC
How is ur job ??? Now hv to cope with housework, did SDL help you boh ??? If not, we help u to scold him lah....


New Member
Jenn, I dunno leh, young lions past 3 matches suks! so I just say 2 and 3 goals most probable lor..

Linda, wei wei.. u oso cannot touch let alone sit on bed! keke..


Active Member
Ya, ting...
We do it quieting...someone hv to keep SDL busy while some of u go and feel his 6.1K bed..

I bot my queen sized bed fm novena furnishing lei, how abt u ???


Active Member
No lei, i had never grilled/cooked steak before...so u want to display ur cooking skill on friday huh....

U cooking anything to fill our stomach boh..instead of ordering..


New Member
sdl - keke.. u grill for us lah! haha.. but seriously, dun prepare too much food for hb n myself.. i quite sure hb wun be eating anything much if he even eats at ur plc.. keke..


Active Member
U able to tell me how many ppl going to ur place Boh ??? So that i can buy fried chicken wings...

BTW, ur block away fm the multi-storey carpark boh ???


New Member
yalor sdl, u grill for us lah =D beef is one of my hb's fav food. hehee

jenn- we bot ours at white collection tog w all the other furniture =) finds its easier to get everythin frm the same plc.. oh ya jus rem ours got discount so we paid abt 1.2k =D din wan to get actuali but since got discount n they throw in sm more freebies, we decided to in the end. hehee


New Member
Jenn.. order 30 chickens lah.. I estimate roughly 16 of us lor.. incld JC and me.

wei wei.. dun be gangster hor.. I WILL guard my bed wan! hehe.. :pPP


New Member
Jenn, my blk easy to find lah.. yes, it is away from the multi carpark..

eunos mrt
----| multi carpark
****| blk 31 blk 32 blk 33
****| blk 36 blk 35 blk 34

the lines are the roads.. stupid singaporemaps never update!


Active Member
My bed is not exp, compared to SDL wan... mine is only 27% of his purchase price, kee kee

Oh, 30 chicken wings huh... no problem, does that include ur preggie friend ???
U guard ur bed ... u only 1 person lei... while we have so many ladies.... u lose out wan lah... we can sure JUMP on ur bed... kee kee


New Member
heehee..tink yours is the more comfortable one lor..heehee..cos that time when we went to the showroom,saw some bery cosy one, but too ex lor and we on budget...tahts y got this current bed...still quite okie lor, not much complaints..hehe...

heehee..ya lor..ex ex hor =)...wow, chicken wings, i also wan to eat leh...


New Member
finally finished my work now can come in look see look see..

talking abt sdl's bed ah.. wahlau, 6grand so exp!! nvm lah, sdl richie.. haha. lidat u gals muz TEST OUT wats the diff between a 6grand mattress and a norm one hor..!!

sdl - behind eunos mrt theres this kopishop which sells good lamb chop.. hub's aunt swears by it..


New Member
sorry gals, was away monitoring + ordering the workers just now.. almost done liao ...damn warm n sticky now!

hey, who's coming to our place on Friday? and who is suppose to order what food?? am clueless here leh!


New Member
Work so-so..am tired and frustrated working in a manufacturing sector.. think of changing job again! :p just kidding

ya, SD helps me in the household chores. in fact, he's quite particular in some way.

sleep wise.. gee, i hope i can sleep even BETTER on Friday night onwards! :p

gee, how come you gals wanna come on this FRiday? Dinning table have not come in yet leh!


New Member
me not able to go to your hse on fri lor..cos my bro having his OP lor...so got to stay with him..

dun tink so leh...cos got to stay with him lor...somemore i will be at my mum's hse lor..will stay there frm tmr onwards til sun nite lor...


Active Member
Today, u working ot huh...
Usually this time, u oleidi tata... kee kee

Me will be be working till 630pm lor..then can claim my mileage home... kee kee


New Member
ya lor, work ot tonite..hb also lor so can take cab back together and claim lor..

Wow, u drive nowadays?wow...

heehee..tink SDL din post it here leh..hehe...how come today u can logged in leh? if okie then log in everyday lor..hehe =D...then we can chat...


Active Member
No lah... i dun hv licence..how to drive.. its a new benefit giving to us..cos we dun hv any ot paid..so boss let us claim mileage home after 630pm lor... kee kee


Active Member
Yes... he will be coming to fetch me lor...He got licence , so he dun have much choice, ha ha ha

So you gotta O/T till what time ?


Active Member
My company dun paid any allw but i can ordered any delivered dinner i like, for eg: sakae, pizza hut lor..

Usually i ordered for the whole finance team, not for individual lor.


New Member
good hor...if my company like that also good..then i can order pizza hut lor..feel like eating pizza now..yummy...


Active Member
Usually in group, eat pizza good..
If me and hb only, i dun like it..cos too big..and usually i bot those small pizza from NTUC and put in the oven lor...

I prefer sakae..cos company paid for it mah... kee kee


Active Member
U can those from NTUC , i think for 2 pax is $3.95, just put into the oven and is ready to eat lao..quite save $$$ too.
