2 weeks slimming plan


New Member
yup xueli,

me and jas and a few others here are undergoing the same program. my mum was the earliest one to start the program.. hers was a 3 months program, detox + dietary mgmt + acupuncture lo. acupuncture is done by famous acupuncturists in their line which i didnt know till my other chi doc told me..

i havent done my 3rd review as i've been busier lately. my target loss is 6kg, hv lost about 4.3kg since my first review.. abit of muscle loss though, which i hope will gain back + maintain after the prog through exercising, and consultant will teach how to maintain too she said.

ya, got reviews every 2-3weeks.. can go same time as ur acupuncture session so not so mafan. last time my mum's review, her results always between 1-3kg.. her total loss in tt 3 mths was 10kg, targetted loss thru the inbody was actually 12kg.. but she continued to follow consultant advice, so after the prog got lose a little too.

need any advice/help can email me too.. exchange info too as i after the prog gonna continue to maintain. [email protected]. yeapee! jiayou babe!


New Member
oops, it's located at marine parade. any1 need the exact address too, pm/email me i send tog.

ya contact can get frm any1 of us lo, i got too. nowadays there abit crowded i heard lo.. if booking consultation, book at least 2-3days in advance.. SIAN, but gd sign.


Active Member
hee reb, think my frds was the earliest one la, both of them finished program since abt 1yr ago liao lo. now still maintaing, i hope i can be like them...

i yesterday went for review, alot of ppl too, i went to most peak period i think lol. forgot to book my treatment, this week got to go back again. )=

ya i saw a lady 3mths can lose about 30kg, so lihai, but think she previously must be quite big size ba.

my frd they lost 12 and 18kgs not bad too, also within 3mths, most importantly is they still can maintain, with a normal diet.

anyway, xueli, i forgot to give you the contact number, haha, resent liao.


New Member
Hi All,

Yup.. recently the slimming centre is very packed.. is very hard to book appt with the consultant, so for those interested to go down and understand more about their body.. Try to make the booking 3days in advance..


Active Member
not all the while pack one ar? haha my frd that time help me booked then i got to wait for 3 days too for my preferred timing


New Member

i managed to go down another 1.3kg loss, muscle ok maintain not much diff, only a little bit..

hehe total about 5.6kg loss for 1.5mths, a bit is muscle!! mostly fats, quite lucky hehe. i think will continue take SF on and off to maintain lo.

yay! just need a little bit more to my target. june i sign up for some dance classes, haha can go exercise and workout abit liao. =)

yea, my relative saw my mum also went. hahha. auntie also. they thought why she slim down so much, lol. actually recently i watch tv see news, suddenly they talk about acupuncture -.- i forget what is it about alrdy, but sth about a couple slim down through acupuncture in some other country... and that acupuncture getting popular or sth. anybody heard the news abt tt acupuncture slimming? hmmm

anyone got go the slimming also email me! [email protected], motivate each other ok!


New Member
oic jasmine thk you for your information. at least i know they will follow up and service instead of ignore customer after they sign up.

i am creating my msn account now so that can add you guys in msn to chit chat. let you guys know aftere my setup finished.


Active Member
Hi reb congrats that your program has finished. for me i weigh yesterday have 9.2kg weight loss liao, i this week more discipline never anyhow eat so lose more. lol. me too, 1.5mths 9.2kg my frd all said im lose alot of weight but that's not enough for me!

must fit into s size!!

ya i did some research before i join acupuncture slimming, actually this is not common liao, alot of ppl are interested and lose weight through it but must be patience lo.

Hi hi xueli,
yeah, they did just simply ignore you one, instead the consultant or sale manager wil still ccall me or sms me to get to know how well am i doing. They really help me alot, sometime, consultant busier, so got no time to chat.

yeah aedd me in msn , same as email address: [email protected]


New Member
jas: hee yah, good for u wor. jiayou!!

hee not only fit into s size, must fit nice nice =) hee.

yah xueli, they will do follow up and service which i like also. some place they dont care one lei, just leave u to be, if u slim or dont slim also not their biz.. at least i can feel tt they concerned for my progress.

hmm xueli go consultation alrdy not, jiayou also k!


Active Member
yeh, thks thks, i will keep it up.

ya lo, but sometime consultant really busy so must find time to sms or call.
when i was in london weight management, the b4 sign and after sign service so diff. pissed!

xueli haven go for consultation cos she is waiting for me see when i wil be going down, but i think she called up or email already.


New Member
Hey Rebacca!

Finally cr8ed my acc le after so long hur =>


Hi All!!

Just started my program about 1 week ago. Are you gals going through the program also?? Can share your progress with me??

After consultation go home quite blur hurhur too much info dunno what to expect =(

Whats the acupuncture session like?? Kinda nervious about that =/ Mine is TOMORROW!! =/ hate needles =**( OMGGGGG =**(


New Member
hi yi wen !! lol finally !!! ahahah!! anyway u spell wrong luh, is rebecca not rebacca! lol. nice seeing u chat here too! btw i just emailed u about the restaurant thingy, u see see ba den tell me.

yahyah, mostly all in prog leh. my latest inbody i havent tell u yet wor, drop another 1.3, total is about 5.8kg! near to my target liao =) my 1.5mths program is over! hehe the result not very big la but cos i dun hv much left to cut, now just need to build on muscle lei.

anything u dunno email me lo, u know my email right! or call/sms jamie... jiayou!!! u start 1 week liao ma, how is it? why blur? now how already?

haha not pain one lah! dont worry. lol. u go already tell me k, if scared sms me! haha. ok one!!! tell me abt it ya?

[email protected]


halo yiwen,

u new here? hee, im carol. Yesterday did my first review! i had 3kg of fat loss! muscle too much liao. heeee.Still not as good as jasmine but i definitely will try my best to hit S size, it is my goal of spending money on the program. hohooh.

my diet now quite simple, can eat few food but mainly must contain protein and vegetables. got to drink more water too, must maintain my sleeping pattern.

you already in program for 1 week liao still blur blur ar... acupuncture session is like pokes on your tummy and kneel area, then ear also but not using needles it was a magnetic thing.

if you want to know more about it can email me la, my email is [email protected] usually i will be on msn de.


Active Member
i think yiwen is newbie here ba. she just join program what. yiwen are you btb too? im getting married on next year so want to be look good in my PS photos.

wah jiawen not bad ley, 3kg of fat? congrats congrats! must keep it up, remember hor, although ur muscle alot but stil cant let is drop cos like what william always say, muscle dropped fat will possibly increased.

think yiwen seldom had chance to chat with consultant that's y blur ma, i initially also blur blur de. must guide her.

Yi wen,

i can slp during acupuncture session if im too tired after work ,so dont worry, my pain tolerate level not high but still can make it i think u shld can de la.

yah, can just all us in msn, jiawen is a very good slimming frd of mine, we always meet in center by chance haha.

my email is [email protected] any question about this acupuncture can email me or msn me de.

must jia you lo...


New Member
hmm yahlo, she haven go acu yet i think frm consultation til now hvn go back.. so usually talk to her thru mail. yiwen anything blur u know my email, just ask ba. dun wry k, will pei u one :D jiayou !!! hope ur first acupuncture experience was fine? ahah. how u managing alrdy today? got start to detox alrdy?

congrats jiawen, diff people diff ma, maybe for ur case 3kg fat loss is considered very ideal already, i'm sure it's pretty good! jiayou okiee! sure can hit ur s size one =) gd tt ur muscle nvr drop, 1st week i notice ppl muscle always drop lo, so ur result v gd liao ! n yah need to eat more white meat, v gd for protein, if not enough protein or nutrition muscle will also drop.. so try to eat more n sleep well bah!

yup, normally ppl sleep during acu one. my mum always fall asleep during her acu and snore. tired from work also ma. lol. not tt scary as it sounds la. first time maybe nervous after that used to it ok liao.

i seldom msn la but ok to chat thru mail, always got talk to yanxiu, yi wen, joey and few others who also sign up recently, but dun really talk here/no account. haha jiayou all !!! anything just ask me k? [email protected]


New Member
Hi all,

Thanks for all your concerns => touched! Was damn nervious before going in la >.< but ok la acupuncture wasn't that bad. Quite surprised not much pain when she poke hurhur.. only a little bit ticklish =X

waaa jiawen 3 kg ah?? that quite good right??? i still have so much to lose lor =(
Jasmine your package finish le??

RebEcca!! hehe sorry la so particular aiyo!! hahaha! Thanks so much =) sorry ah didn't reply your mails much today, was busy with work =( tomor if more free we have our mail chat k! =) Anyway dunno leh like not much?? but pass out abit... green? think is cause of the s-factor ba. other then that nothing much leh.. anyway the s-factor ok whaat, was expecting worst but i drink with soybean milk taste quite ok ma??


Active Member
Hi yiwen,

welcome. haha, me too, i was scared by needle too, when first time acupuncture treatment i was like to cry lo, somemore my hubby not able to accompany on my first day

yeah lo, jiawen got alot of muscle so burning rate high, tt time i accompany her for consultation too. only fat higher but not so hgh as mine la. lol
i think you can hit s size de jiawen!

i always on msn but will also email. got to becareful when chat in office. boss will see.

Yiwen how u feel on the detox diet? normally first few days will get more tired and hungry but after 3rd day ok liao. yeah, initially mine also green now darker cos got mix with other "food" liao. haha.yes u r right, green is due to SF.

hmm u can try yogurt drink i feel quite nice to mix with SF too. soya bean milk of course is the best because got high protein inside and taste nicer too. But always stick to same drink will tired de. so try to change lo.


heee yi wen, my acupuncture treatment ok too. but recently at knee area abit pinching feeling donno y ley. Jasmine you have any idea?

haha,yeah, my build not very big nor small but i used quite sporty so build up alot of muscle,burning rate high too.

yeah jasmine i want to be like you too, wat is ur recently weight loss? tell me? heee.

Yiwen also, anything can ask us too. bu yong ke qi


Active Member
hey jiawen, haha, think our build about the samd height also same. sometime knee area will pain, but usually i dun have this issue. one of my slimming frd did acupuncture on monday too, she told me abt that as well.

ya la, burning rate so high, much more better than mine. envy, can lose weight faster but nutrient level must enough, haha, just in case you forgot, consultant did mentioned this to us.

aiya, i want to be like your burning rate too, haha, heng i got increase muscle liao. hmmm yesterday got weigh, about 9.6kg ba.

yeah, may be one day we can meet up yiwen in center.

anything can just email us de.


New Member
Hi jiawen,

Im new here. you lost 3kg in first review? how long was it?

Hi jasmine,

You took how long to lose 9.2kg? care to share? i am very interested in your program.Wish to shed off abt 8kg.Can share the cost, address and contacts?


Active Member
Hi ratty,

Welcome here, saw ur post to ask abt aimin too, are you btb too?

i took abt 1.5mth to lose 9.2kg, in fact now i lost 9.6 kg already. oh 8kg of fats shld be easier than me la. how old are u? i heard from my consultant say that easier to lose weight when younger.

The center located at marine parade central, the price will be advised after body analysis and consultation de.some ppl need only 1.5mth and some ppl need 3mths like me, of course the price is diff. SO i will suggest you to go for consultation first.

Need advance booking so if you need the contacts to call just email me at [email protected] or add me in msn also can la in very on in msn one heee


New Member
Hi Jasmine,

Thanks for your reply. That is a very good result of you. I am 24 YO, not young nor old. yes i heard of younger easy to slim down too.

I will email you soon. My email is [email protected]. please take note.
Nice to know you all.


New Member
Hi Ratty,

Yup, younger can slim down easier as their metabolism rate is higher. If manage to book the appt, listen to what the consultant explain to u n understand your body.


Active Member
yup but think burning rate also depends on muscle, the most muscle you have the higher your burning rate.

yup no problem, i had replied your email.fat_ger is right, go for consultation and body analysis to see your fat and muscle then see how consultant advise you lo.

nice to know u too ratty.
you have msn? can add me too same as email: [email protected]


New Member
Hi peeps!

Just had my 2nd acupuncture yesterday and now i got a little bit of briuse at my left waist area =/ but the acupuncturist before hand got keep warning say that this might happen so still ok. =)

Ya la! first time go sit outside waiting that time was like half hoping they dun so fast call my name and another half like wanting to faster get it over with >.< haha but end up ok la not pain and kinda relaxing..

Rebecca! i'll be going for my 3rd Acupuncture session and first review also today i think.. aaaaaa hopefully got result >.<
I at home look at mirror feel like not much change leh... haiz... so tempted to weigh =(
will keep u peeps updated *cross finger* >.<


Active Member
Hi yiwen,

think your blood circulation not good, doctor got tell me if blood circulation not good might have bruises. Normally waist area will not have bruises, i have it on my knee area.

yeah, may be later on you will fall slp in the room liao. relax ma.

good luck in your review, yiwen.


Active Member
Hi ratty,

ya not open on sunday but saturday will be open quite early one.

hee, u try to arrange with them lo, weekday open until quite late so after work can go, they open to serve working ppl like us de....

keep me updated too ya...


New Member
Hi jasmine sorry for late update. recently quite busy. my appt not fixed yet, the timing still not right for me but they are quite nice and understandable.

wow, rice dumpling calories quite high, u beta watch.


Active Member
it is ok, hmmm you so busy one. ok la , u see when free then call them ba. hee ya, i regretted liao! wont do it anymore!

if u still have doubt on the program can text me or email me [email protected].
you really dont have msn ar... sian


Active Member
Hi yeoh,

esther and jamie not bad you can look for one of them. rmb must call up for advance booking before go there

anyway if you want to know more info like contact / address just let me know my email is [email protected]


welcome here yeoh. if you need nope details can email me too. [email protected]

yeah jasmine is right need to cool consultation before going.

my consultant esther also jasmine one.jasmine lost 9kg plus so far very home result.


New Member
there are 3 consultants there. my consultant is jamie. but i have heard from my slimming frnds that esther is not bad too, she seems quite friendly, sometimes talk to me chit chat even though she is not in charge of me.

need any advice can pm or email me ba. so many ppl here to ask just ask anyone lo, me is [email protected]

heyhey, hows everyone's progress here, sorry so long never appear here liao.

how are you liao? hee sorry, nowadays abit busy with sis wedding and work, rarely got chance reply you but now should be free liao. hows ur detox diet lei?? heard u having probs detoxing issit. btw did the consultant call to check on you?? i ask jamie to take good care of u lol

hehe anyway glad to hear ur acupuncture experience not tt bad as expected! lol! i told u right!! dont believe me. haha dont weigh lor, eh shouldnt it be time for ur review liao? how u went already? update me ok!

i tnk i got go down abit more lei, feel like my pants still dropping abit. lol. cos sometimes i busy no time eat, i just take sfactor.. nowadays its quite filling for me, last time starting take abit hungry still but now quite ok...

eh anyway yup, the sfactor w soyabean quite ok. u can try mix with other drinks like yogurt, milk, etc.. quite not bad also, but i like soyabean so i usually take soyabean one, me n my mum's favourite... hee and its filling la, got protein also ma.


Active Member
yeaah i alwasy say my consultant esther is good! but jamie not bad too heee.yeah, mine is [email protected], can email or msn me. Like jiawen, elaine, kristy, janice, eunice, reb, dione, etc they all my slimming frd, still counting on i welcome all cos we can do sharing and motivate each other.

How abt u jia wen?" ur second review coming le ma?
Yo reb, my progress : i hit 10kg weight loss liao, 1more mths for my another 6kg, if didnt hit full score i also satisfied.Yes, u r right reb, soya bean milk full of protein, but my advice, do not take with high sugar, must be low sugar.


New Member

was wondering why this few days u nv reply mails de haha.. yuan lai ru chi =X
Not sure leh, but i called Jamie last week ask her bout the detox thingy.. cause like so long le i dun feel much effect leh..and i've been doing what u suggest ma drink water throughout the day but still... anyway she suggested i start taking 3 caps i/o 2 each time. from sat till now still like that.. dunno leh but i normally already got go toilet about once/day le.. is it considered detoxing??

Anyway just to update everyone!!!!

I LOST 3.2KG!!! hahahahahahaha *grins from ear to ear** =X
was so surprised la lol! my friend saw me that time say i look slimmer i thought he was talking rubbish just to make me feel better >.< must say sorry to him =X
and the in-body shows 2.5kg is fats =) the rest abit is muscle and abit of water. Think still ok rite?? that day Rebecca told me abit of muscle ok de, as long mostly fats can le =)

yup overall pretty satisfied with the results =)


ai yo yo yiwen,

anything you not sure can still ask me or jasmine or other 'old bird' .my email is [email protected] anything need to ask can put me in CC list one.

for me, i first day alreaady visited toilet for few times, i still taking 2caps on morning and afternoon. How many littre water you drink? my consultant said not include of those pokka green tea only plain water ok?
once per day think ok la, may be ur body's toxin already cleared?

congratulation yiwen! my first review also abt same as u. i got weigh my self, another 2kg drop.so total already 5.5kg. at the first review i mostly lost fats too, hmm if ur muscle loss almost 1kg, must watch out, must have enough slp and protein ok? follow wat the plan is.

my parents finally recognised my slimming program as they also told me i did lose weight and slimmer. but i was told to do not over do it.


Active Member
wah jiawen congrats u lost another 2 kg! keep it up.

hi yiwen,

congrats too. yup not bad liao, my first review result is abt 4kg.got muscle loss also, that's y i need to take alot of protein food, my muscle increased already.i not only want fat loss but also muscle gain cos my muscle really little.

when my frds commented me that i looked slimmer i was happi but thought they was joking too. i dont think he is mind la, next time tell him that u really got lose weight lo.

finally i hit 10kg, going to end of program too, i am thinking if didnt hit 16kg then i must ask consultant to give me the best plan liao.

yup, jiawen was right, u can email us if you encounter any problem , question or need to do sharing. motivation between each other is very imprtant ok?


New Member

lol silly girl la u. sorry, will reply more often from now on, more free liao frm work. haha. anything u can sms me too ba ok, we motivate each other! haha.

yahloh, maybe la, just a guess, that ur body not much toxin to detox ba.. will just have to see if really nothing loh... not only must drink water, must sleep early also k? shld be alright i guess, at least ur review still got some results. congrats !!! heee i know u sure got gd results since u got follow lei. =D

jiayou ok!! aim to be s size together! i abit more greedy la u know wanna build muscle and be more toned. hee. want to feel more confident also ma.

yupyup, i think for ur case shld be ok to lose abit cos u got super alot of muscles, lol ! maybe u can donate me some. hee. but try not to lose too much loh or ur high metabolism will drop lei. just follow jamie plan shld be ok de. =) tnk she will knw what to do with it.

yup any1 need advice regarding prog, feel free to ask me too ba. [email protected].. jiayou!!
