Singaporebrides | Weddings 101
August 2018
English and Mandarin Wedding Emcee Script Template for Singapore Weddings
Hosting a friend’s wedding? Here’s a wedding emcee script template tailored to traditional Singapore wedding celebrations, that you can use as a guide.
Here’s a simple wedding emcee script that includes most of the traditional items on the Singapore wedding programme—from the first march-in to the “yum seng”! It’s been adapted from my and Audrie’s own lovely wedding emcees’ scripts, and from the time I had the honour of emceeing for a couple of dear friends. This simple script is based on a traditional Singapore Chinese wedding dinner, and includes a corresponding Mandarin script. For your own celebrations, adapt the script to fit a wedding luncheon, add or remove items to suit your own programme, and personalise it with anecdotes about the couple.
Valerie and Zachary’s Beautiful and Intimate Union at Chijmes Hall Singapore by Wanderlust Dream CoSingapore Wedding Emcee Script
Guests to be Seated
Jane: A very good evening to everyone! As the wedding ceremony is about to begin, may I ask that everyone please take your seats.
Charles: 各位来宾们,晚上好。我们今晚的宴会即将开始,请各位尽快入席。谢谢。
Wedding Banquet Begins
Jane: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to the wedding dinner of Liam and Liz. I’m Jane, and this is Charles. We’re honoured to be your hosts tonight. On behalf of the bride and groom, we would like to thank all of you for taking the time to share in their joy tonight.
Charles: 各位来宾,家人,亲戚朋友们,晚上好。谢谢你们从百忙之中抽空参加这喜乐的晚宴。我是Charles, 她是我今晚的搭档Jane,我们将是你们今晚的司仪。在此,我代表这对新人向各位献上万二分的谢意.
First March-In
Jane: Ladies and gentlemen, let us all put our hands together to welcome the newlyweds, Mr and Mrs Liam Darcy!
Charles: 让人激动的时刻到来了,请在座的贵宾们起立,让我们以最热烈的掌声欢迎这对新人入场!
Steph and Weilun’s Travel-Themed Capella Singapore Wedding by Bobby Kiran PhotographyCake Cutting Ceremony
Jane: Right now, we invite the lovely couple to cut their wedding cake together to celebrate their marriage. May it be full of sweet moments as they work hand in hand to create a beautiful future.
Charles: 我们邀请新人进行切蛋糕仪式。这个仪式象征新婚美满,新郎和新娘将携手创造美好未来。
Jane: Dinner will be served shortly. We hope that everyone will enjoy a wonderful evening.
Charles: 晚宴即将开始,请大家慢慢享用!
Childhood montage
Jane: Ladies and gentlemen, we hope that you are enjoying your dinner so far. Not all of us have had the privilege of knowing Liam and Liz through their childhood, so let us turn our attention to the screen to enjoy a short montage of the couple’s love story.
Charles: 希望大家都在慢慢享受晚餐。我们现在来看看一个小短片来回味回味新人的童年。
Morning Highlights
Jane:Hello everyone, we hope that you are enjoying the menu that has been specially selected this evening. On behalf of the bride and groom’s parents, we would like to sincerely thank you for gracing this joyous occasion with your presence.
Charles: 各位来宾,希望今晚的菜肴合你们的胃口。 在此,我代表双方家长由衷感谢各位的厚礼.
Jane: This morning, Liam faced a series of challenges in order to fetch his bride Liz, and the couple then exchanged their vows in a beautiful solemnisation ceremony. For those of us who were not present during the morning’s celebration, let us share in their joy with this short film of the morning highlights, before we welcome the couple back on stage.
Charles: 我们迎接这对新人之前, 让我们关注荧幕上的视频,你们即将看到的是今早新郎与弟兄们去迎娶新娘以及举行婚礼的一些精彩片段。 请大家慢慢欣赏。
Second March-In
Jane: Now, let us put our hands together to welcome back the newlyweds Liam and Liz!
Charles: 让我们再次站起来欢迎新人入场。
Daren Tan and Nadia Lum’s Wedding with a Secret Garden Theme at Grand Hyatt Singapore by John Lim PhotographyChampagne Toast
Jane: We would like to invite the couple on stage for their champagne toasts. Champagne is a symbol of celebration and happiness, and we wish Liam and Liz an everlasting flow of love and joy in their marriage.
Charles: 现在,我们以最热烈的掌声再次欢迎这对新人上台举行香槟仪式。我们都知道香槟是一种喜庆的象征. 但愿他们的生活美满幸福,有如这瓶香槟酒长长久久!
Jane: Let’s now invite the couple to offer each other a toast. We wish them an enduring lifetime of love.
Charles: 我们有请新人进行交杯酒仪式。我们祝他们相敬如宾,永浴爱河!
Yum Seng
Jane: We would like to invite the couple’s families and wedding party on stage, to join Liam and Liz in the traditional yum seng.
Charles: 我们现在邀请双方家长和亲戚朋友上台来敬各位一杯,当然,也请兄弟团和姐妹们一同上台来呐喊助兴。
Jane: Let us all rise and raise our glasses to give three toasts to celebrate this happy occasion.
Charles: 请大家站起来举起手中的杯子,以三声’饮胜’来祝贺这对新人。
Jane: The first toast wishes the lovely couple a blissful marriage full of mutual respect!
Charles: 祝福新人毅有个幸福美满的婚姻,福杯满溢!
Jane: The second toast wishes Liam and Liz eternal love for each other!
Charles: 祝他們永結同心﹐百年好合﹗
Jane: The third and final toast is a crowd favourite. It’s to wish that the lovely couple will start a family soon!
Charles: 第三杯,祝这对新人早生贵子,尽早开支散叶!
Jane: Thank you, everyone. Please be seated.
Charles: 谢谢各位。请就座。
Li Syn and Abel’s Floral-Filled Wedding at The Fullerton Hotel Singapore by Andri Tei PhotographySpeeches
Jane: We’d like to invite the best man on stage to say a few words.
Charles: 我们邀请新郎的伴郎说几句话。
Newlywed Speeches
Jane: We now offer the floor to the newlyweds for their speeches.
Charles: 现在我们邀请新人说几句话。
Table-to-Table Photos
Jane: Thank you, Liam and Liz, for your heart-warming words. The happy couple will now be going around to have their photos taken with each table. Please enjoy the rest of the dinner.
Charles: 谢谢Liam和Liz。 希望大家可以尽情享受今天的美食。在你们享受美食的当而,新郎新娘即将下台到大家各自的席位上跟您拍照留念。
End of the Banquet
Jane: Ladies and gentlemen, we have come to the end of our evening. On behalf of the couple and their parents, we thank you for taking the time to celebrate this joyful union, and we hope that you have enjoyed your time here tonight. Good night!
Charles: 各位,我们今晚的婚宴就此圆满结束。在此,我们代表新人谢谢大家的出席。 祝各位平安喜乐,晚安!
Personalise this wedding emcee script to suit your own celebration. If it’s your first time emceeing, it’s natural to be nervous! When you’re nervous, your heartbeat speeds up, and you start talking extra quickly. Prepare by running through the script aloud a few times, and practising speaking really slowly in a loud, clear voice. Make sure you do a sound check before the wedding too! Happy emceeing!
Credits: Feature image from Caiyun and Terence’s Gorgeous, Romantic Wedding at Montigo Resort Nongsa by SVK Studio
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