Hi everyone,
My wedding at CVH was a complete fiasco. So many things went wrong that to tell the complete story would take several long paragraphs!!!!
Basically, this is (only) the WORST of what happened:
(To be fair to them, we had our dinner by the poolside. I don't know what the regular dinner in the ballroom is like.)
The worst of what went wrong:
1. Mo microphone the entire night. We had to shout all our speeches!
2. The sound system did NOT work. Music was either BLASTED or non-existent. At one point during dinner, the speakers were playing nothing but static, but not a single member of the staff at CVH bothered to switch the speakers off - until my GUEST went to tell them to do so.
3. No sound from the DVD player/speakers. We has 2 montages which we spent a bomb on. BOTH had to be screened SOUNDLESS.
4. CRAP service. As the bride seated at the bridal table, I had a PRC waitress ask me in mandarin, "Ni hui jiang hua yu mah?" (Can you speak mandarin) when I asked for a refill of wine. - I can't imagine the level of (lack-of) service the rest of my guests must have received.
Most of the wait-staff stood about like dummies throughout my dinner. We had to repeatedly request for basic service, like the refill of drinks etc. At one point, I actually had to stand up and walk to the waitress just to ASK FOR WATER. At my own wedding.
5. REALLY CRAP PLANNING. The champagne pouring ceremony: A waiter came up to ask if we wanted to do the champagne pouring. We said 'yes', shouted our speeches (no microphone) and turned around to pour the champage.
LO' AND BEHOLD!!!! The waiter had disappeared!! There was NO waiter - the champagne bottle was unopened and uncorked - how to pour???!!! My SO immediately took up his wine glass from the table and used that to toast our guests instead.
6. LOUSY FOOD. One of the worst wedding dinners I'd ever been to. And it was mine.
Honestly, I didn't post my experience here because I've avoided thinking too much about my wedding. The entire affair was such a complete and utter fiasco that I'm STILL deeply ashamed that it was my event.
I think I'm considered quite an easy-going bride by normal standards. I don't sweat the small stuff, and I was prepared myself for eventual screw-ups. (Esp. after reading some of the posts about CVH here).
But the crap we were put through by CVH is REALLY completely unacceptable. The hotel gave us a token discount at the end; but can they turn back time to allow us to redo our wedding???
We SO regret choosing CVH - that was the BIGGEST mistake we made in planning our wedding. The ambience by the pool was fabulous - but unless you're prepared to bring in your own planner, food, staff and logistics, forget it.
Brides, please beware if you're thinking of a poolside dinner. I hate to think of anyone else having to go through the same crap we did.