Yo Christie,
Ya loh.. saw that yesterday liao... actually is till 30th May... today becomes latest outbound is 20th May. Wrong timing for me also...
I will "lun" till May see how.
Yo Shan,
yeah... absolutely right. 1st timer is ok. I use to go to alot of Malaysia resorts, been to almost half of the resorts at the eastern part of West malaysia, Tioman, Redang, Pulau Aur, Pulau permangiln, Rawa etc.. I can even stay in a "resort" that uses super freezing mountain water for bathing, and got shrimps stuck in my hair after bath. "fought" over lunch with many others, queue 100m just for the buffet lunch, rowdy crowds etc...
After my 1st trip to Maldives, Conrad(though very cheap rates right after Tsunami 2004), my bar has raise to point of no return. Sad but truth, I cannot stand crowd, rowdiness and fullboard buffet meals etc... All I want now is quiet and ala carte meals, take it easy and relax... The cons, need to spent awful amount of money. I'm not rich, but wouldn't mind spending on such resort.
Actually not only luxury resort in Maldives can match that kind of feeling. I do go to Sentosa Siloso beach resort to have a moment to peace at a affordable price, and to a quiet no frills Mirihi Maldives(4 stars but affordable)....
Errrr..... maybe I'm getting old ba. Haaaaa..
It's not rude la, but its the chinese culture loh, and I believe they are super excited going to Maldives as well. Even expensive luxury resort in Maldives, there're "mass" market chinese tourist as well... as alot of them are getting really rich and with spending power that we cannot match. I remember getting on a SQ flight from Shanghai, and almost the entire plane is full of Chinese tourist heading for transfer, to Maldives. Irony is I'm back from Shanghai for work and they are going enjoy themselves in Maldives. Siax!!
You are getting there, becoming a Maldives lovers liao. It's difficult not to be hook by the beauty of Maldives.
You have a facebook? I did setup a group in FB regards to Maldives news and offer, and will occasionally updates info there, just for the fun of it, to remind me to save up for a trip to Maldives.