JP - Chan Kai Yau


hihi, when we called him for the very first time, we settled the date and time. after secured the venue, we informed him and arranged to meet up to sign the form and then we filed via internet.


New Member
Hi Happy Tea,

Do u have Mr Chan 's contact number other then his residence??? I cant reach him....
I wonder he will be free on a Monday morning. Hmmm....can he do vows in chinese??


New Member
Hi Serene: For your information, Mr Chan can do vows in chinese. For my case, he did the vows in english (upon our request), but before the ceremony, he will sort of do a bit of introduction to all the guests, about what he is about to do.. the introduction is in mandarin and english.. He's quite professional.. hehe


New Member

Mr Chan is not in Sg at the moment. I called him to arrange for a meet up and he told me that he is out of town till 17 Oct. You may try to contact him again then...


New Member
dear all,

i was solemnised by Mr Chan in apr this year. He is very pro and good. my guests loved him. n of course hubby n i love him too. rest assured ur solemnisation is in good hands. =)

haha. jus realised he meets all his couples outside borders. that's where we met him too. he is very reliable. din even call him up before the ROM. the meet up for signing the consent form was the last time we contacted him, and that was it. he arrived on the dot for the solemnisation.


his telephone no is 62564298, he dun hv a hp, so leave him a message if he is not ard.

We did our vows, everything in chinese
he prof one, no worries, not those EEahah tone one. haha


New Member
happytea!!! hello. long time din see u here liao. how was everything at ur ROM? sounds like u had a pretty good time.


hi popie, thks for your advice those days! hahaha
everything was great on our day! i kinda missing that day until now. haha

At first, when Mr Chan asked our guests if they could hear us, the guests answered YES!!, i guess that dampened Mr Chan's effort to create the chance to sabo us! haha.. but after that, at exhanging rings part, he had made our guests laughed heartily.

its only at certain parts of the procedures that such laughing scene exist, at the beginning he is quite serious, thats why at his first joke, the guests just cannot react "correctly" and answered YES! when asked if they can hear us.

Although i think you got a great feel of Mr Chan than i do, i do feel that he is a nice elderly.
He wait for me patiently (i was a bit late), he got another session in an hrs time right after ours.

and the fact that he meet up every couples at borders to sign the form instead of sign via fax, and his initiative to call us up before the ROM day, shows that he is a responsible person, unlike some bad experiences of other JPs that we read elsewhere from this website.

I cant said that he is the best, but he is definitely a good one that you can entrust your big day with.


New Member
happy to noe that everything went smoothly. maybe cos i hvnt been to many ROMs. hehehe. but i really like him so much. duno y. maybe fate? hehe. n partly cos all my guests had very good comments about him. i guess it depends on individuals. cos there are some ppl who commented that they found mr chan hostile.

btw, was ur AD the same day as ur ROM?

keep in touch gal!


i did not ask my guests abt Mr chan, but one good fren also said he look a bit serious but at least he had created joking moments.

my AD ah? not yet, now sourcing for flat first before decide on the wedding.

so your AD over??


New Member
icic. my ROM date was on the WIS open. argh. haha. long story. anyway, my AD is in july 2006. so i kinda started the preps liao. hehehe. excited.


New Member
Hi all, tho Mr Chan was late or maybe I shld say he wrote our solemnisation time wrongly n mis-slotted someone between my timing n the one b4 me. I was quite happy with the way he handled the ceremony.

He kinda funny tho he look serious which is good cos my hubby has a really notti cousin who walk up n down the whole plc! Made us kiss twice cos he said it was too fast for the cameras kekkeke!


New Member

that was wat happened at my ROM too. we kissed twice. n the second time he told us to kiss longer some more.... so notti. hahha.


hihi, just want to compliment Mr Chan again, we met up our frens last wkend and they commented that Mr Chan is a great and fun one, say want to get him to solemnise for hers when her day comes.


New Member
hi gals,

wanna ask for your views: if conduct the solemniation at 5pm around poolside area vs 8pm in the ballroom on a Sat, which is preferred?


New Member
Hi sogo,

I guess it all depends on whether you prefer outdoor or indoor. I personally prefer indoor so you wun be affected by the heat and all that may melt your make up.


New Member
Hi shan shan,

Dun have JP Chan's photo but had met up with him after engaging him. He's a very nice old man... dun worry. Very knowledgeable and he shared alot about marriage commitments and all with me and my FH. And another thing i liked is he's also wearing his wedding ring! Realised that alot of old couples actually dun wear their rings anymore after marriage for a long time and the fact that he does, means he really values his family and marriage ALOT. And he keeps talking about his wife and grand children. Very family oriented. I feel very honoured to have my marriage solemnized by him. Dun worry... you wun regret choosing him. And he makes an effort to meet up with couples before efile and all.. this also goes to show he's very sincere about helping us young couples.
Better book him fast... he's very popular too!


New Member
Hi Hi
I attended a friend's wedding solemnised by Mr Chan. Wow he was impressive.... conducting the session in fluent English and Mandarin for benefits of relatives and friends.



New Member
thanx gelaine & popie...

after hearing wat u guys say, im looking forward to asking him to b my solemnizer...

but i keep calling him n even left my no...but couldnt find him and he oso nvr return my call lehz...sigh


New Member
Hey gals.. I was just solemnised by Mr Chan. He was great. Sincere & solemn.

He asked us whether we want him to speak in mandarin (i thot this has to be requested earlier, i didnt know he can speak in both languages). We were so grateful of him suggesting it becoz both our mothers cant really understand english. The chinese version was so romantic..., I sit there like i'm going to cry any moment.. And yes I did cry while saying the vow....(actually we both did, hubby was affected by me
) Whoever thinking of solemnise by Mr Chan. Do not hestitate longer. Call him NOW!
May all of u have a blissful wedding


Hi Silentelf,
Mr Chan is also my solemnizer in my upcoming ROM in March. Was thinking of chinese vows as parents do not really understand English also. Do you have the vows to share? Thanks in advance! May you have a blissful marriage!

Hi shan shan,
I think it is a little more difficult to contact him as he does not have a handphone number for us to call. Don't worry just wait patiently for him to return your call. I think he did take some time to return my call when i was trying to engage him as my solemnizer. After meeting up with him to sign the consent form, realised he is a very nice and fatherly person.


New Member
Hi Juliana.. I do not have the vow.. whatever he said, I just follow after him.., I also cant remember what I said...:p I only remember the part when I need to say "...with this ring.. i marry u..".. and then my tears were all around my eyes already..

Hi shan,.. dun worry.. he will return your call. He never fail in returning our calls.


New Member
Hi silentelf,

Great to hear your solemnization went well.
Agree that JP Chan will be a great solemnizer to work with.

Hi shan shan,
Dun worry... JP Chan will find time to call you back. Maybe can try calling him around 4pm... my FH usually calls him at that time and he's always around. LOL...
Good luck!

Hi zjun!
hahah... stop reading forum and do your work man!


Hi gals

My solemnise also with Mr Chan. He was great.just like what silentelf said i just follow what MR chan instruction. When we are staring into each other eye tat part i also almost cried. maybe gal are tend to be more emotional.


New Member
Hi gals,

Mr Chan finally returned my call...but he is not able to be my solemnizer as he needs to go church on sun at 6 plus....sigh...
sad.gif i need to find another solemnizer...hv asked david Loh but he is oredi booked for my wedding day....sad sad...u gals hv any other recommendations?


New Member
Hi gals,

Mr Chan finally returned my call...but he is not able to be solemnizer as he usually needs to go church on sun at 6 plus....sigh...
...reali envy u i hv to look for another one...hv asked david loh but he is oredi booked for my wedding day...sad sad...u gals hv any other recommendations?


New Member
Hi All,
HELP!!! Any intro for JP? Both Mr David Loh And Mr Chan are fully booked in June le! Anyone has JP-Prof Yu Shi Ming's contact???


New Member
hi shan shan,
does mr chan goes to church every sunday? cos i am thinking of getting him too and my solemnisation will also be around 6 plus in the evening.


New Member
Hi gals,

intend to invite Mr Chan to be my JPfor my solemnisation. My AD is in Oct 06. is it too early to call him now??

btw, can i confirm his telno. 62356143. which i got from ROM.




New Member
Hi iz_leng,
Yeah... you can start booking him now before he gets fully booked up.
And yeah.. that's the number to call. Sometimes you can't get him, maybe can leave a msg with his secretary. Hee..


New Member
hi iz-leng

my rom also during oct 06. was trying to contact him via the phone, but he was not around. =)

spoke to his wife instead. pretty helpful lady.

when's ur day for solemnization?


Anyone has the contact number for Mr Chan besides the one for the church...? We have been leaving him messages to confirm that he'll be coming for our ROM this SUNDAY ... and no news from him .... i'm on the verge of a panic attack!


New Member
Hey all...

I've just had my solemnization by Mr Chan on 18th March. He's wonderful. I seriously have no regrets choosing him over other JPs. He's humourous in his own way and have the charm of a respected man. Heh... all my guests were impressed by his professionlism and humour. Heh...

trazz... go ahead and confirm Mr Chan if you're considering and better do it earlier as he's really busy with all the weddings. On my day, he had 8 weddings to solemnize. heh he din even have time to stay to eat. Was practically rushing off after our photo taking.


New Member
Hi All,
I managed to get David for my ROM on 26th May but is early morning 8am. He is really a popular man.
He seem to have another HP number 91875005


New Member
hey, gelaine, i almost had my ROM on 18th March but i cancelled it due to some reasons. i did called My Chan then, but he was not free in the noon, duno isit booked by u? kekek
anyway, i got him for for June ROM liao.. was so upset when i read abt he was fully booked for June, posted above.
