Jaw Surgery - Orthognathic surgery


lynne teo

Hello Kaitlynn/terline

I saw Dr Teh my surgeon fm NDC again just last Thursday. She told me my mouth is too small and my lips too tight. She would need to "punch" 2 hole on the side of my jaw to put in the screw. Now i'm really getting very worried.
Hv anyone of u or u know anyone who had gone thru that?
Dr said she will not stitch it up but just "cover" it so as not to leave a scar.
It sound very gross to me. Can't imagine how i wld end up looking like.
I dun expect alot in the look dept but at least dun make me look worse off.

P.S: Kaitlynn, thks for ur tips. Got the magic board but yet to get the syringe & medicine grinder.


New Member
Hi Lynne
^5 to a fellow "small-mouthed person"! Hope you are not offended. I have exactly the same problem as you! Both my surgeon & orthodontist were extremely worried as my mouth is very small. On top of that, I got very THICK cheeks muscles according to my surgeon. In other words, I had chubby cheeks that made it doubly difficult!
My surgeon told me she would have to "punch" 2 holes at the sides too just below my ears to accomodate the screws. I was sooo worried its gonna leave scars. As if i dun have enough pimple marks on my face :eek:( They assured me the holes will barely be visible. Having came so far, I had no choice but to go though it.
Imagine my surprise when i woke from surgery??? My surgeon managed to do EVERYTHING inside my mouth. It was extremely tough but she was great! Hence, I swelled much more than others due to the excessive stretching n the sides of my mouth were all rubbed raw. Anyhow, KUDOS to Dr Poon, my skilful surgeon from NDC!
I also think the magic board is good enough. As for the syringe, the hospital would be able to provide you with it. I need to highlight the syringes had little rubber hoses attached to it. I suggest u ask for more of such from the ICU where u will be staying the first nite. Coz the wards upstairs do not have rubber hose that were as small. i didn't get any medicine grinder as well. All hubby did was grind the tablets into powder with the flat of a spoon. Adding a little water whilst you try to grind would be more effective.

Hi Terline, you have not gone through your surgery right? Sent you the pics. Do not show to anyone else ok? Tks!


Sorry Kaitlynn.....pls send to [email protected]
Expecting your photo soon....

lynne teo

Hello Kaitlynn,

Tks for sharing ur experience.
I will be seeing my Dr again this Saturday.
Dr called me up again this morning and said that something abit abnormal with my blood test. Need me to go down this Sat to do another blood test.
U think i could tell my Surgeon to try not to "punch" the holes and try to work with my small mouth and equally chubby cheeks ( very tight she said)?
If u dun mind, could u sent me ur bef and after op photo. I wld show it to others.
Happy Holidays.


Hi, is there anyone got smaller/shorter lower jaw problem? My Dr for Alexander Hospital thinks I might have to go for jaw surgery. Btw, I have just got braces on abt 5 days ago. Did anyone got eating problems? I can't eat proper food like rice, noodles, bread etc. I can only only eat baby food like soups, porridge, mashed potatoes etc as I find it is painful for me to chew. Is it normal? Thanks.


New Member
Hi Tiramisu
Welcome! Whatever pain you are feeling is VERY normal. You will get used to it with time. Hang in there!
I do not have a smaller lower jaw. Mine is a smaller upper jaw. Your doc should be able to advise you on whether surgery is required. It will also depend on what you wish to achieve eventually. If you do not want surgery, you should check with your doc if there are alternatives to attaining what you want?
In my case, braces will correct my bite somehow but I will still be unable to smile n show teeth naturally, hence I opted for surgery to attain my main objective.

lynne teo

Halo Kaitlynn,

Tks for senting ur photos.
But i can't open it.
Mode not acceptable by the firewall i think.

i'm starting to hv mixed feeling now.
Looking forward to getting it over and done with.

Happy Holidays.



New Member
Hi Lynne
I did not send you my pics. Instead I sent you my link to access my pics. Sending across via mail is not quite possible since there are quite a few pics. Dun wan to jam up your mailbox.
Hope you try again? Lemme know if you still cannot. Cheers!


hello kaitlynn,
thanks for your photo. i think you really did the right choice.

Hello lynne,
what happen to your blood? and what is in your blood that actually hinder the op? I mean under what circumstances will this happen? I dunno how blood will actually affect the op......how are you feeling now?

lynne teo

Hello Kaitlynn,
Appreciate if you could sent me the link again.

Shalom Terline,
My surgery was postpone.
I have prolong bleeing problem, which they found out fm the blood test.
Prolong bleeding means my blood takes longer than normal to clog, which can be quite dangerous when do a major op.
I could bleed to death if i loss too much blood.
I did another 6 more type of blood test.
My surgery has arranged for me to see the haematologist tomorrow to review my test result.
Then they will decide to postpone the op or to cancell it altogether.
Pray they my result will turn out OK and i could postpone my op to a later date.


New Member
Hi Terline
Glad my pics didnt scare you. I took those pics myself when I was home recuperating. So kinda sinister. My swelling is not gone completely...so hopefully i have more pics to show in a couple of mths. Anyhow..tks for supporting my decision!

Hi Lynne
I have sent you the link another time. Gd luck!


Hi Kaitlynn,
Thank you for your advice and encouragement. Appreciated it! Thanks.

lynne teo

Hello Terline,

I managed to open the link.
I think i look somehow like u.
Hope u r not offended.
Especially the side view.
U look so completely different.
Think u make the right decision.
Looking forward to seeing the completely new u in a few more mths.
How does ur friends react to the change?

I'm going for my op comes friday.
Actually looking forward to it.


New Member
Hi Lynne

Why should I be offended? I got common face mah..heheh
As for the looks...my frens never say much diff...I think hard for them to tell me exactly also. Once I take my wedding pics..let u all see!

Good luck to you for op...think u resting now...Keep us updated!


New Member
Hi Lynne

Why should I be offended? I got common face mah..heheh
As for the looks...my frens never say much diff...I think hard for them to tell me exactly also. Once I take my wedding pics..let u all see!

Good luck to you for op...think u resting now...Keep us updated!

lynne teo

Halo Kaitlynn,

I got a common face too.
Pple always say i look familiar to them.

I finally made it.
Its 11 days after my op.

My Mum got c phis when she see me in the HD ward after my op.
She ask my hubby who suggested the op in the first place.

My first 48 hrs was the worst. I vomit blood thru my nose. Feel so terrible, i can't help but start to qns my choice to go for the op.

When i first came out fm the ward.
My face was round like balloons. I got sausage lip and gold fish eyes.

Now i still look round, like someone stuff cotton ball in my cheeks.
My families call me baby face now.
I look like the Japanese baby cartoon they said.

I feel funny when i look in the mirror and see someone somehow different. U know wat i mean...

Congrates. So do ur hubby like ur new looks?
When are u taking ur picture?

My hubby told me he feel like he got a new wife.

Got to go, luv to hear fm u soon.


New Member
If one smile and the lips are slanted on one side, meaning jaws problem?

Have to go for Jaw Surgery ( Orthognathic Surgery ) in this case?

Anyone got this problem?

lynne fua

Yours might not be a jaw problem...... might be just the way you trained your muscles to smile.

I have a crooked mouth. I went to NUH 10 years ago and can't remember which Dr I saw. Either a Dr Ho or a Dr Goh. Actually, I didn't feel too comfortable with him thus I didn't want to go back to him. I was 16 years old.

My crooked mouth is very obvious when I don't smile. In fact, not many pple notice me having crooked mouth until I mentioned it......

I just went for my 3rd appt with NDC. Saw Dr Woo MY (Orthodontist) and Dr Teh (Surgeon. Dunno if she's the one you all are taking about - wear glasses, mid 40s?) Was suppose to make a decision as to when to start so that Dr Woo can present the case to the Audit. I can't make up my mind.

I would really wish for a proper set of jaw... Reading those above made me understand the whole pre and post thing much much better....

I am comtemplating if I should go fw with it......


hi all,

jus wondering... i've got a jagged lower jaw which moves nearer to my right side. it's quite tiring to have it there. i always have to remember to "swing" it back to correct position.

wondering if an op is needed for such situation. any suggestions?


Hi all,

I wondering whether this surgery is classified cosmetic or fuctional. Can anyone tell me more?


hi kaitlynn.. i haf a proturuding jaw too. But i dunno whether nid to do for the operation anot coz is not beli obvious. My parents advise me not to do it. But still, certainly it looks great after the opt. I was still tniking of going thru the opt. It last me for 6yrs to decide the decision. From when i was sec 2 till now poly yr 3. i really scare for the result n the period while the niteZ after e opt. i really wish to noe how i look after the opt. coz i haf been luffed by my classmates (boys) to sae tat i looks like banana or monster. it certainly lower down my confidence..sorry for the request, could u mind to send me ur pics (b4 & aft) to c if there's much different? my appointment is coming on tis feb.. i nid to make the decision for having brace only or done both. haiz... hope to receive ur reply soon.. cheerZ~ ;)


hi wonderingGalZ,
me went thru this before and tho i did not have any specific before & after photo to show you, i would think its really worth it. For me, its really painless, YES, painless and the results is good.


But my parents do not tink so. She saes is risky. My case is only abit protruding. Some of my frens encourage me. While others saes is not worth it. Dr Teh is my surgeon doctor. Shes saes depends on my needs. I scare to extract my big teeths for bracing. Not to sae wisdom teeths. I heard my fren sae she having a fever after extract juz 1 of her wisdom teeth n it pains like hell. Haiz.. n my surgeon tok to my parents n they strongly disagree. My surgeon sae she cant do anyting. Now, my orthdontist can only brace my teeth wich she saes the effect not beli gd. How can i tok to my parents abt tat? I really hope tat my future will b better. More confident for wat i am. Without hiding anywhere taking photos. Haiz... Is tat wisdom teeth extraction is painful than the opt? so how u feel when u wait up? wif jaw being cut n not feeling pain? wat if after the days when u discharged from the hospital? the painkill medicine is tta enuff for the pain curing?


Hi there wonderingGalZ,
I thought it might be great to state the progress of my opt so you can better make a decision. I' ve just done this operation. Today is my 7th day post-operation. Still a bit big on the cheeks, but my doc say I'm recovering extremely well. The first few days of this operation will be almost a nightmare. When I woke up first from the op, everything was fuzzy and my face felt sore like anything, on top of that, I could taste the blood. It was terrible.
I was discharged on the 3rd day, and it was still sore, numb and really uncomfortable. Sleeping is a chore as i could not lean on either side of my face. For the pain part, other than numbness on the right lower lip, I don't feel any pain. Eating right now is troublesome and annoying as only liquid food can go through. In my own opinion, wisdom teeth extraction is considered painless compared to this opt. But things will start getting better after being discharged.
I hope my swell will subside real soon. Still have that fat face kind of look. Well, talk to your parents, I believe your parents want the best. It's not that risky in anyway. And I encourage you to go for it.

All the best mate!


hi donelt,
Do u mind sending me ur b4 n after pics? hmmm.. i can send u mind but only got b4 pics. u help me c if i worth to go? coz my case not beli critical kind. me 13th march goingg for the brace. n i nid to tell her abt my decision coz she nid to discuss the doc of extracting wich teeths..thanks..


is there anybody here tat could help me? i juz c the doctor few days ago.. n i decided not to do the opt coz my parents dun wan me to do tat. partly i oso quite scare of the operation. i haf nv broke an arm or even stitches b4.. i can sae im a beli timid person. i noe im making a fuss here. Im like a child so childish.. but i scare abt the opt.. I dunno how to overcome the fear. I've always admires u all to haf the brave to do so. How u all overcome the fear n pain? I read a book abt orthoganthic surgery n juz tta a patient pain to faint after post op. He wake n faint wake n faint. Is like so PAIN to me. Now my orthodontics sae if i dun take out the op there's 2 choices for me.
1st choise:
Non extraction - result they try to pull fwd all my teeths wich may lead to bao ya coz as u noe im case 3. kmayb will look ugly i dunno. But now i got a vampire teeth oso. Is ugly too!
2nd choice:
Extract 2 upper teeth - Result more natural but my 2 teeths acutally manage to meet my lower teeth as the 2 front teeth is like rabbit teeth. manage to touch the lower teeth. If i do tis bracing, my 2 front teeth will b abit push backward wich will lead to more obvious of protruded jaw.

Tis 2 methods can help to align my teeth but there's pros n cons. What i wanna do is go for the opt. But my fren saes not beli serious. But my doctor sae my case is sorta not serious n not minor. Haiz.. wat shld i do? i scare pain but u noe nobody wans a gf/bf who haf protruded jaw. Mayb there are ppl can accept, but how many ppl can really accept? I dun wan to fall in love n lost in love coz of tat. But Pain is killing me, I scare i cant tkae out the pain.

Can anybody reply me? =( sorry for troubling to explain to me..


Hi wonderGalz,

Seems like you are really in a dilemma. It's been 30 days post-op & I my doc finally took out the elastic bands, the biting plate and the wires insides. Teeth still feels soft and wobbly but my doc says it would soon strengthen and I'll get used to it.

About the 'pain' part about the op, yes it true it really a lot of 'fainting' to sleep. But most of the time you won't feel the pain due to the strong painkillers and you be so tired you just want to sleep. I must admit when I woke up from the op, it was the worst feeling in my life. To make matters worse, the nurse passed me a mirror and I looked almost like a balloon. I even vomited blood once. But this will pass really fast wonderGalz. This tough part about this op it the 'not being able to eat solid food' part. You be hungry all the time. And you can only drink milk, campbell soup and beef soup. That is if you are going for the op.

I hope this helps.
P.S sry, i'm a bit camera shy here.


who's ur doctor who help u do the opt? is the outcome gd? is ur condition quite worse or? my case is like my protrding not those beli serious type de.. unless u observe or else u cant c.. mayb i send u thru mail my pic u c my case if it's a nid to go? n u sae the faint part.. "About the 'pain' part about the op, yes it true it really a lot of 'fainting' to sleep." wat u mean? is tat too pain till u faint or u too tire n u sleep liao?


I have two doctors. Both of them work hand-in hand and one with concentrate on left the other concentrate on right. Hence, the op time is minimise.

Dr Tan Mint Seet and Dr Winston Tan

From what I see now, I rather satisfied with my outcome. I do feel I look slightly different although my family still think I look the same.

About the pain part, you won't feel much pain. Just extreme soreness and really really uncomfortable. And you'll be very tired too.


Hi Wondergalz,
I agreed with DOneit too....not pain but rather sore and uncomfortable buut absolutely bearable.


New Member
Hi Done It and terline,
I just did the operation last week and am 9 days after the surgery. Alot of questions:
1. How long later can you talk. My surgeon says i can actually talk now through my teeth. But i tried and still cant. Cos my lips and entire mouth area and chin is totally numb. I can only mumble. When did you start being able to talk through your teeth. So far nothing has been removed by the doctors from my mouth and its tied shut.
2. When are u really ready to meet people and can hold a conversation? Or presentable enough to meet people?
3. What are the variety of food you had? So far, i tried every thing that i can syringe through. Still cant drink through spoon or the cup properly. I had mutton soup, black chicken soup, banana milk shake, alphabet soup, chicken soup, minestrone soup, watermelon juice, yakult and all kinds of flavours of fresh milk one can buy from the super market. It has been super challenging for me for the past few days. I feel so hungry all the time. I really cant lose any more weight. This past 9 days have been a great ordeal as i have never dieted before in my life.
Just want to know what other types of food one can take.My mom was making curry and asked me if i wanted to syringe it? I was quite scared to try as it is quite spciy.
4. How to reduce the bloatedness / Swelling of the face?
5. When will things really start look better? Today i actually went out and had quite a few stares from pple so i am really not in shape to meet pple. When do you start going out?

I really appreciate your advise as i really would like to get back to work next friday. Do you guys think its possible?


wow stainedglass, u actually went OUT of hse after the 9th days of opt?? OMG! hmmm... u all r so brave.. I feel so sad.. heard they sae nid to stay in ICU the 1st day. Last few days a artist spotted me ask me to take commercial but my jaw abit protruded and abit unbalance. wat the..haiz. i so sad lo i doubt they will wan me. Stainedlass dun u feel pain after the opt? or juz like them, not pain at all? did u pain till pain? hmmm.. u sastified wif the look u haf now? heard my fren sae tat her fren do le looks kinda weird. is that true? hmmm... mind to share ur pics? i wun show it to any1 else. =) i juz wan to certian if it's worth for me to go for the opt.. sorry sorry... hope u dun mind. =)


i mean did u pain till *faint*? how can u describe the pain? doctor sae nid to extract 4 wisdom teeths. but all my wisdom teeths haf not been cuming out. doesnt it painful if we nid to extract when the teeths r not there? tat time u all extract using general or partial asthesthic? heard ppl sae is much more painful than the opt, is that true? but other saes tat opt is more pain. hmmm.. How cum everybody nids to go ICU? to ensure tat we out of danger?


New Member
hi wonderGalZ,
i can send pic but let me see how to upload and i let you know. cos i never really had a problem with jaw,actually all along i was contented with the way i look but everything seemed to go wonky as i started to grow older. it was slightly potruding but my teeth were all straight. The bottom and top teeth met each other. i did the surgery becos of a functional reason {too lengthy to explain (too technical)} more than aesthetic. i do not feel pain actually its ok just major discomfort. its just that my face is still so swollen and i can feel the fluid around my cheeks. Its so uncomfortable.I cant solid eat at all and its driving me nuts! I do not think the operation is worth it if its purely aesthetic. I kinda regretted first day after the surgery as i vomitted blood that was black 6-7 times. I was in high dependency ward and thats the worst, cant breath well through out and the nurses were worried for me and had called on a doctor. I rem fantasising how nice an iced vanilla coke will go down my throat the first thing i awoke. Today, i manage to syringe through the curry my mom made 3 times. Wow, i never really liked curry but it tasted amazing. My mom had to ask me to stop cos she was afraid the spiciness wld not be good for me. Everyday,i am thinking of what tasty soups to syringe i really cannot take it anymore! The only soup that will make me full is muttton soup. Yes i still look very weird !!


hmmm..tink mine is worse than u abit. Coz my upper teeth abit bao ya haha..so ugly! then the doctor sae if i brace teeth wihtout having the opt will be beli difficult. N as well i got abit slanted jaw shape. The doc advice me to go for the opt.. the doctor sae i got biting problem too but so far i tink im able to eat though.. Dunno wat she mean by biting problems. Hmmmm... u can send me ur pics at my email? my email is :[email protected]
Really thanks alot. We can b frens as well =) is great to make more frens ya =)


New Member
hi wondergalz, do not think i can send u any pics as i did not take alot of pics and my face is still swollen. i think family support is very impt, either your boyfriend or your husband if not your parents as this is a major surgery. i am fortunate becos my husband was supportive as it was functional rather than aesthetic. and i had good doctors that guided me throughout. you should seek your doctor's opinion and ask him/her all the questions. if u are still not sure, u can ask another doctor's opinion. i hope my advice helps you


Hi Staindglass,
How are you feeling now? Are you satisfied with your results?


Hi everyone,

I am also considering whether to go for the jaw surgery. Sounds a bit scary. May i ask how long is the recovery period?


hi ocl,
for me, i took abt a week or so for the swolleness to subside! After 2 weeks, i removed the bands and can eat soft food then.


isit pain after the opt? me tot of doing the opt oso, but sounds scary.


New Member
Hi,I wonder if those of you who had orthognathic surgery before had experiences any side effects?if there are, could you please share with me about your experience as well as the cost.
I am also thinking of going for this surgery but I know it costs lot so maybe when I have enough saving, I will go for it.thanks to all of you and hope those who had an operation before will have a better life



Hi terline,

Hope my case will turn out as good as yours. Where did you have your operation?
