I didn't ask. Cuz I'm very happy that my jaw has become "normal". I mean if my asymetry could be corrected it would really make me happier, but normalizing my jaw is the most impt thing that had happened to me.
I moved 2 jaws; upper jaw moved out, lower jaw moved in.
There was no plans to move my upper jaw initially. But as time went along, the braces will alter the way you looked, which was worst than my pre-braces looks. And my lower jaw protruded way out....like when I close my mouth, my lips can't touch. And my facial features looked very flat.
So I told the doc my concerns as in if they are just going to move my lower jaw, won't my face looked even flatter lor.
1 of the docs suggested I put cheek implants to "puffed" up my cheekbones....keke
So clong, u have already done ur op? Are ur teeth still wired shut? Wait for bout 2 weeks bah....the swelling will go down by then.
For asymetry, the doc mentioned they would have to rotate ur lower jaw to achieve the symetrical look. Not sure how that will affect your nerves though. The cut already is a big risk to ur nerves. Till now, my lower left jaw still bit numb. It has a "weird" feeling. You can't expect things to go back to pre-op days.