Japan trip - where to go


New Member
well its really a better choice to go with tour on ur 1st trip. Even my husband who is from osaka, we went on a guided tour on our 1st trip to hokkaido. Most agency provide identical itinery.I am not sure but mostly fly to Osaka/ tokyo before gg to Hokkaido. Cos guided tour will bring you to places which u cant possibly go if its F & E.


New Member
I am planning a trip to Japan with my hubby. When is the best time to vist Japan? I am deciding between Hokkaido or Tokyo/Osaka. Which is better?

Is there any tour package which covers both?


New Member
Hi Gals,

Mi also intending to go Hokkaido in Jan nxt yr.
Which tour agency is gd for Japan tours?
Can share the tour packages so tat I have a rough idea wat to request for. Are meals usually provided? Or we have to pay extra for $?
Any idea how much $ to bring over? Heard things in Japan r expensive.
Also wat will be the temperature be like in Jan?

Sorry for so many questions :p

Many thanks!!


New Member
Hi all,
I am going to buy 7 days JR pass and take Shinkansen to hokkaido (Hakodate) fr tokyo, anybody took b4? is it frequent? nice scenery to see along the way? is the changing of train at end terminal confusing? going on 30 sep..
Hi gals

Wow muffin bear, u goin F & E ah.. it's quite confusing lor to take trains .. & the japs dun speak much english at all..

Hey smilez

SA Tour is the best if u r goin on package tour..

i went last july with SA Tour. Everyting was perfect. the food & accomodation was great...! i tink u need to change at least $800 fr here if u goin to Hokkaido. though all meals r provided for, but shopping is ex & u need to give tips also to the guide, driver etc..


Hi gals

Ive decided to go Japan for my HM in dec coz tt of experiencing winter in Jap (even though ve already did experience b4 in Europe)

Have any1 heard of this doreamon train? If yes, can kindly advise which city is this train in n where can i take it frm



New Member
n/c - glad to hear tat SA is good ...i juz booked my Hokkaido trip with them yst ....keke :p

Jennife - me too going during winter but i will be leaving in late Jan ...hope it wun be too cold ...u taking free n easy or package?


New Member
hi yuki,

did you book at the SA fair yesterday at suntec?
i didn't manage to go in the end =(
how much is your package? just to hokkaido only?


Hi Yuki

Ive nt bk my tour yet but mostly likely gg for Chan brothers based on a package trip due to the language barrier

If im gg, i will b gg in Dec n will b gg Tokyo n Osaka but might be extending my stay there juz to drop by Hokkaido



Hi powerpuffgal

I was told by the agency that depending on which hotel u r staying but basically per rm per nite extendsion is ard SGD $250-$300 (does nt include daily breakfast for extension and oso no transfer to airport)


New Member
mooniiie, yap i booked during the SA fair ...it was hokkaido only :p

happy, yap mine is 7D Hokkaido, i paid $1888 for the package.

Jennife, icic but u extending to drop by Hokkaido on ur own or u be taking another package from them? u intend to go for hw long r HM? i heard the extention dun include transfer to airport ...i din know tat it did not include daily breakfast


Hi Yuki

Ya guess i will take bullet train to Hokkaido frm Tokyo as in the package, they will drop by Osaka first then Tokyo

The package is 7D but hubby sd seem too short so tink will extend another 3 days

No breakfast was told by Chan brothers, nt sure if it is true but will chk out again this wkend during their show when i bk my tour


Btw, ur Hokkaido trip is cheap, guess mine will have to pay abt $2.5 each pax (include airport tax) for the 7D Japan trip


New Member
Jennife - the price $1888 is before airport tax ...still have to add $266 airport tax so come to abt $2154 per pax. but mine is purely Hokkaido wun got chance to stop at Tokyo n Osaka ..Chan Brother told us we got to give tips of 700yen per pax per day ...did they told u tat?

we oso feel tat 7D is kind of short but was told tat extension we will have to pay $120 admin fee per pax ...so seem not worth it


New Member
hi yuki,

SA tours need to give tips also?
how much per pax per day?
the $120 admin fee for extension is for changing the date of the return flight right?
any other charges for extension?
when will you be travelling?

hi jennife,

if you wish to extend your trip with Chan brothers, how much do you have to pay?

gals, is there fair by SA tours this weekend also?
i also wanna book, but dunno which to book with.. haha in dilemma


New Member
Jennife, hey, which time of Dec are you going for your Hokkaido? I am planning for my trip in hokkaido also for about 8 days but not sure when to go. my wedding is in Nov and thinking if I should postpone my trip to dec cos nov got nothing much to see right?

Yuki, urs direct flight? i thought if go hokkaido, usually stop at tokyo and take domestic flight to chitose airport?


New Member
Amenda, need professional help from u.. I am planning to go hokkaido in nov or dec. when is a good time to go there? will it be difficult to do FnE in winter time?


New Member
mooniiie , yes SA tours also have to give tips..they say $9 per day per pax...
$120 admin fee is for any extension from the package , i think is for return flights....no other changes but hotel room n airport transfer we got to manage lor. i be travelling on 21st Jan.

blur blur , nope mine will stop at tokyo then we board another flight to hokkaido ...so rch abt 7pm...


Hi Yuki

Nope, i wasnt told abt the tips. If reali got to give tips then i tink i will choose CTC liaoz

a bit siao if i pay for my trip liaoz n still got to pay tips, somemore everyday but i will defnitely chk that out b4 i finalise my trip

Hi mooniiie

I was told per rm per nite extension is abt SGD 280-300 but got to pay add $80 for my air tix admin charge (delay return date) coz their tour return date is usually fixed

Hi blur blur

If im gg, most prob will be early Dec their winter starts in Dec

The reason y i wanna go Hokkaido is to see snow (coz was told only Hokkaido can see snow) but 1 disadvantage is when i go Disneyland in Tokyo, usually they will close early due to the weather in winter



New Member
Jennife - they told u $80? i asked them last week n they told me $120 so i took SA coz SA say $50 only ...ya lor my FH say a bit unfair if we got to pay them tips daily n at tat amt lor ...


New Member
hmmm to hokkaido.. winter will be nice but to go in the mist of their cold weather may not be a gd choice.. its famous for too strong winds and too much snow.. so the best is the start of winter( if u are lucky the 1st few days of snow ) or actually the last few days when everything is beautifully clad in snow but not so thick... or foggy. i am not sure of the exact dates as it varies. so must check with websites which gives u exact month or week of the month of forecast weather.

7 days for a hokkaido trip is quite a rush, cos most prob its fly to osaka 1st day , only 2nd day will reach hokkaido, and back too. so meaning real days in hokkaido itself is only abt 4 days? but still the more days u add, the more exp it is... 2k for a trip which inc accomodation in jpn is worth it. but do bring more cash as u need to pay a lot more to try on local cuisines, buy gifts or little things... or try local snacks...


New Member
frankly i feel, the best is not to lump all 3 destinations together.... make hokkaido + osaka 1 trip , ard 12 days min... if not each state one trip.. cos it will be a rush and u wont be able to see everything..... Tokyo will be another trip together with Mt fuji( hokone which is famous for Onsens)cos for tokyo, 7 days will not be enough at all to even tour the city.

whereas in osaka 7 days may be sufficient to even venture out to other states like Kobe/ nagoya/ kyoto, etc......


New Member
hi yuki,

so you are confirmed extending your stay?
i've just called SA... she asked if i'm extending from hokkdaido or tokyo... and that return flights are not guaranteed if i'm gonna extend =(

hi jennife,

you mean travel with CTC doesn't have to give tips?


Hi mooniiie

Im nt too sure either but definitely will chk it out this wk during the fair coz nid to bk nw liaoz since NATAS fair fall on my wedding day



New Member
jennife, i wonder if i can see snow in early dec.. that's what I am worried leh..

Amanda, I am thinking of going to central hokkaido sapporo and those popular ones like hakodate,otaru etc... maybe extend to may 8-10 days... I do not wan to spend time in tokyo..

In fact, i had done FnE in central japan namely tokyo,hakone,kyoto,nara,osaka etc.. quite easy to nagivate.. but that was in autumn..

Now my worry is that if i go FnE in hokkaido, i am afraid in early dec when the snow has not start, we can't do any skiing.. still thinking.. do the website tell us when the snow will start??


New Member
Anyone booking CTC 7D5N Central Japan + Universal Studios (JOSU) package, departing on 21-Oct? Cos' we are interested and thought if there are interested parties, we can book together, hopefully can get more discount. Thanks! Pm me!



Ive already chk with CTC, they cfm that all tour agency in Sg will request for those gg to Japan to pay their tour guide in Jap a daily rate of Yen 550 (abt $7.50 per pax per day)

Any extension in Jap will have to pay an admin charges of $50 to the airline

Haiz, in a dilemma if i shld go Osaka &amp; Tokyo or shld i juz go Hokkaido


Hi mei

I tink im looking at their 7D Osaka/Tokyo cum Universal Studio package

I realise this package was offered by a lot of tour agency in Sg


New Member
Hi everyone,

I am planning a 8D7N trip to Japan, free and easy with my hubby.

Anyone can share with me their itinery for me to reference?


New Member
mooniile - i am not sure if i extending my stay yet ....so u planning to extend frm hokkaido or tokyo ...wat they mean by return flights not guarantee? they told me will be subjected to airline approval for extension but if approved then we pay for admin fee n room stay ...but airport transfer not included so if extend we are thinking of doing at toyko

Jennife Ng, u managed to book ur trip during the weekend fair?


New Member
hi yuki,

i'm planning to extend in tokyo.
tink they meant they can't confirm we'll definitely get the flight for the date that we wanna return, coz it's not up to them to arrange.


New Member
hi jennifer, same as me. but the date I wanted have no more discount when i checkout the roadshow.

i signed up with Hong Thai instead.


Hi Yuki

Nope, i didnt bk my package during the fair over the wkend coz i find that all the travel agency offered diff package n each n every 1 of them ve their own unique places of interest to intro in Jap

Me n my hubby ve no idea where to go n we decided to yan jiu somemore b4 we bk coz its for HM so we dun wan to ve any regrets after gg for something which we tink its nice but turns out it wasnt



New Member

Would like to have some advices from all you experts out there.

Me and my wife will be planning a 6days 5nights trip to Japan and we hope to visit Disneyland, Tokyo and Mt Fuji. Can anyone give us a detail itnerary plan for a trip like this?

Best if accomodations and foodplaces are included as we are thinking of going there F&amp;E.



New Member
Hi everyone in this thread,

I am going Japan 8D7N free and easy, and is thinking of purchasing the 7-Days JR rail pass.

1) Can anyone advice how much is the pass?

2) Is there anywhere I can purchase the pass in Singapore at a cheaper price?

3) Also, where can I reserve the seat for the rail?

2) Is it really very worth to buy the pass, as I have not plan where I want to visit in Tokyo, Kyoto, Osaka and Nara.

Your advice is greatly appreciated.


New Member
i just bot the pass fr creative tours, i tink is 23800 yen about $350.. it's standard price. can reserve seat at any JR station/counter in japan.. shd be quite worth it if u go to a few cities? actually u can buy area pass which is cheaper ie, kanto... anyway, check out www.japan-guide.com for more details, the forum there has got answers to any questions u might 1 2 ask... super detailed.


New Member
hi i'm planning to go hokkaido in dec...and want to extend a few days in tokyo... can anyone advise which agency offer a better deal? thanx


New Member
has anyone been to Club Med Sahoro btween feb-apr. wonder when is the best time to go for snowboarding..


New Member
anyone going to Tokyo in Dec?
any itinerary to share?

i'm planning a 10 day F&amp;E trip, and thinking of covering:

disneyland x1 day
disneysea x1 day
Mt Fuji &amp; Hakone 1 night at each place? (3 day 2 nites)
Yokohama? x 2 days 1 night?

Tsujiki Fish Market for Sashimi
Asakusa x 1 day

any advice on how to get to tsujiki fish mkt and yokohama, and best timing to go would be most welcomed!


New Member
Oh...this thread seems to cool down...

I had booked my trip from the recently NATAS fair, i wonder if there is anybody out there booked the 7 days Honshu Experience and depart on 13 May? I am really excited abt the trip as this is my first time to Japan. Wanted to extend 3 more days but subject to availability from the agency. Wat are the exciting plcs dat i muz not miss in Tokyo or Osaka?
