I have booked my AD with Sylvia for Nov 21 2009 at Temasek room. Initially was deciding between the Gallery & Temasek but both me & my HTB felt that the march in for Gallery is not nice plus the 2 huge pillars blocking that block 2 tables. Usually they will advise you to take up reserve for the 2 block tables.
We had viewed the hilton hotel too, Vista room is almost the same layout as Temasek just that it's slightly abit shorter and I don't understand where the actual stage it should be. What I viewed was it's either the far end or in the middle where you have a short march in. The grand ballroom, upon opening the door of the march in, I saw 4 huge pillars on my left.
Panaroma room is very nice especially the poolside recept but it's abit squeezey as per my friend who attended a wedding there in the room itself on Oct 2008. Well, guess it's actually how many tables you are taking.
I think that Hilton bridal suite is nicer than Trader BS. But, after attending a wedding at Amara yesterday, my HTB commented that Trader is defintely better than Amara.