Hi hi sherrie and CSI, yeah, long time no logged in. Nice to see so many active ah mais still ard.
Me ah, busy with work and super tired. So can only pop by when I'm less lethargic. Sure look forward to see all of u again in Dec.
Talking abt ang mohs, I had those experiences years back. When u visit their countries, u will realise that their telecast news or even newspapers do not have many world news. In fact, they focus on their own interstates news more. This is even more true in US, so it is not surprising that many people in US may not know where is Spore. Hence I was so glad that our Straits Times are highly broadcast and able to deliver news all ard the world at our doorsteps. When the ang mohs ask me where is Spore, I just close one eye and shrug it off. Then point to them the tiny little dot on the map.
Pris, Perth and Melbourne are more cosmopolitian, they open up and trade more than the capital Canberra. Don't be upset, these are just the minority.
Petrina, don't take it to heart. There are also many other pleasant Australians ard.
Do keep us updated abt the gender of your baby. So far we have 3 girls liao. hmm....
So CSI will be the first to give birth? Follow by Crystalz, then Loinky then Petrina?
hee.. janf, your hubby not bad, can tolerate for so long, waiting for u to give the go ahead. He quite listens to you leh...