Hainanese Brides, anyone???


Active Member
petrina, at least ur hb is young. This trishaw rider is already so old!! what more do they expect of this old man manz! So terrible. And the poor old man must be thinking "I need the $$ for my next meal. Just do it lah. Continue to cycle."


New Member
Hah, janf, I dun feel that I speak our dialect with any flavour la. Actually when the conversation gets too chim, I will also stumble on the words wan.


New Member
These 3 idiots shared 1 trishaw and expected the old uncle to cycle up the bridge to One Fullerton. Are they brainless or what? Cannot find better things to do? Play an old man is fun to them is it? They didn't even pay the old man!!! The more I think about it, the more anger I have.


New Member
tats y i think AMs r very rude by nature... unless u r their frens otherwise they treat all diff skin ppl same - rude w/o respect.

2wks back when hb n i was in taxi queue, i politely told tis AM taxi queue cannot smoke... then he n his fren super sacastic until we cannot tahan.. he saw i preg, then start to curse our bb this n tat... hb almost fight wif him... eventually we call taxi n left..

i think it's their stupid upbringing tat lead them become like tis... their parents nv teach them manners lor...

i saw the video.. the 3 men make the old man chase them 4 $$. then the taxi driver also nv help him... haiz...


New Member
the AM are really too much. i applaud what the STOMP reader has alerted some of the authorities to see that justice be done *hope*.

the poor man so ke lian. From pic, can see he panting and struggling.

huey... the administrator blocked your id?

petrina, ok, can. think that gummy thing can get from 7-11 too.. i think about $1.5-$2 each pack? i forgot exactly how much le..

loinky.. hehe.. i also forgot exactly how much le. i only know my hubby was telling me that the scallop ex ah.. like $30-$40 per pack.

cactus.. japan also got sell those dried scallop and cuttlefish for boiling soup. And they are really bigger and cheaper there too.


New Member
li ann - the scallops i mentioned is like snacks for beer ya.. tink u shd know which kind.. not for the cooking soup kind hor keke.. the small pack is S$10-15, the bigger pack is abt S$30. tell ur hub dun bother to specially hunt for it.. if he happens to see it then buy ya.. afterall hes on biz trip, dun wana mafanz him..

haha sherrie!, TH din wana carry the Fancl tat time so he put his dirty laundry into hand luggage n throw the Fancl into chk-in luggage!

huiz's posting got banned again? grr..


New Member
Huey: How come you got blocked again? Heh, the administrator don't like you? :p

Li Ann: Wow, your hubby is always travelling...very envious!

Petrina: The gummy sweets are available in SG. (If i think that's the particular brand you're looking for.) You can find them at all major supermarkets.

CSI: All set for baby's arrival? Should be soon right?

Nellie: My hubby met with some racism when he was in Canberra last weekend for a convention. I think many Caucasians think they're more superior than Asians, especially Chinese. I hate how they assume that all Chinese come from China. @$*(%@^


New Member
Yeah, I start a new account hoping to start things on a clean slate. We'll talk about this another time.

I went home last night and my mum told me she had a dream tt I have FIVE kids. 1st 2 are twins some more. And all of them were running around in the house. Alamak, heaven forbid man! I told my husband he better go earn more $$ if not how's he gonna bring up his FIVE kids and he said 'nevermind lor, everyday eat porridge can liao..." hahaha


New Member
Those ang mohs are really too much. They think its a joy ah.

Petrina, yeah, quite busy lately. And the tiredness is preventing me from engaging in more activities, just think of sleep only.

Pris, its like that lor. In fact, most ang mohs when you visit their country, they do not know where is Spore. They will presume its in China or Vietnam. So the impression that the Chinese are from China. Australians have a higher prejudice against immigrants, especially Chinese, due to their history. Just bear with it...

Li Ann, janf, yeah yeah, the dried scallops is very nice, best with beer. hee...


New Member
Alamak, but 5 man! Siao liao... haha, I think at most I will have only 2 ah ;-P

Yeah, these ang mohs just think they are superior to anyone else, especially to the Asians. Hey come on, at the end of the day, who's still the smarter, more hardworking and honest folks?


New Member
li ann: don worry..just tell your hubby to buy only when he happens to see fancl..else no need to hunt for the shop specially..janf: my sister also dumped it inside her suitcase..i think it's really heavy to hand carry lor...

ivied: it's been a long time since we saw you in the form. how's things on your side?

it's month end mood for me..cos i am in sales...i always feel i am totally exhausted by mth end..shall try to "rest" a bit today..cheong again from tomorrow


Active Member
Hey Ivied, how are you? Seldom see you in here...heehee...

Pris, yap, it's 5 more weeks...Hopefully she stays in there for 5 more weeks...and not less! hehs...

Sherrie, seldom see you too. Yah lah, tomorrow then cheong lah. Take a break sometimes too...

Happy Halloween!!


New Member
Pris: isit? i din purposely go n find the sweets... maybe jpn cheaper.. hehs..
Ur hb also kenna racism in canberra? aiyo... tats y i was telling my frens how i regret choosing aussie as my HM place. If i go asian country i more happy spending my $$ manz... So regret not gg jpn...

CSI: 5wks... i so excited for u... my detailed scan is on nov7. i also very gan jiong...

huiz: nvm... 5kids so rowdy... then u become homemaker... everyday chasing ur kids.. haha


New Member
my fren showed it to me juz now also...

they dun even think they were in the wrong... Isn't it a crime to take *ba wang che*??

Y the police nv jail them?


New Member
nellie - i oso saw the link u sent in ofc juz now.. grr..

its really true tat chinese are nothg to angmohs.. my guyfren went to US wif his then-wife yrs back.. he got a parking summon coz he rented a car to drive ard n anyhow park by roadside.. scurry the policeman when wana take down his particulars asked him "where are u frm?", fren replied "spore" then police asked "WTF? which part of china?!"



New Member
Janf: It has even happened to me!!! I went to Hawaii when i was 18 & met people from schools, even American states like Texas. Guess what? They also asked -- "Which part of China is that?" @_@ No wonder their geography is so lousy!!!

Huey: Do tell us the story during our next gathering ok?

CSI: Wow, 5 more weeks! All set & ready??

Petrina: Don't worry about the scan. By then, will you know whether it's a boy or a girl?

I'm not sure whether these gummmies are cheaper in Jpn or not. My fave is the peach flavour!

Sherrie: All the best for November month sales. Gambate!

Ivy: I find racism less prevalent in Perth & Melbourne. The people there just seem more tolerant of Asians compared to other parts of Aust.


New Member
huiz new nick reminds me of donald duck's 3 nephews... *Huey/Duey/Luey...

Pris: i'll noe by then.. cause is detailed scan. i'll c all the limbs n features in details... if by then still cannot c gender, means i'm not fated to noe the gender liaoz. Cause the next detailed scan will be @ 8th mth preggy...


Active Member
Pris, yah...more or less set lah. heehee...

Petrina, can lah. Mine, could only say "most likely" gal during the detailed scan. Coz she only showed us her side profile, and folded up her legs. Then at subsequent gynae visits (the normal scans), she probably found less space to move liaoz, so showed us her front more. Then could tell FOR SURE, it's a gal. hahahahaha.


New Member
morning all!, finally i can post here at 'normal' timing haha! bor-lao juz came back frm reservist duty.. let him zzz awhile, later go amk hub buy PSP.. yes yes, hes been yearning for the PSP for mths until i finally say ok lah buy lah..


New Member
Petrina, saw ur post with the gender prediction links.. mine not accurate.. My girl also shy shy..almost towards the end of the detailed scan dan show.. almost 45 mins.. nearly dose off..

CSI- excited? baby going to arrive anytime..


New Member
Hi hi sherrie and CSI, yeah, long time no logged in. Nice to see so many active ah mais still ard.
Me ah, busy with work and super tired. So can only pop by when I'm less lethargic. Sure look forward to see all of u again in Dec.

Talking abt ang mohs, I had those experiences years back. When u visit their countries, u will realise that their telecast news or even newspapers do not have many world news. In fact, they focus on their own interstates news more. This is even more true in US, so it is not surprising that many people in US may not know where is Spore. Hence I was so glad that our Straits Times are highly broadcast and able to deliver news all ard the world at our doorsteps. When the ang mohs ask me where is Spore, I just close one eye and shrug it off. Then point to them the tiny little dot on the map.

Pris, Perth and Melbourne are more cosmopolitian, they open up and trade more than the capital Canberra. Don't be upset, these are just the minority.

Petrina, don't take it to heart. There are also many other pleasant Australians ard.

Do keep us updated abt the gender of your baby. So far we have 3 girls liao. hmm....

So CSI will be the first to give birth? Follow by Crystalz, then Loinky then Petrina?

hee.. janf, your hubby not bad, can tolerate for so long, waiting for u to give the go ahead. He quite listens to you leh...


Active Member
Crystalz, yah...counting down liaoz...counting down in my baby blog. hahaha...So fast horh Crystalz? few more weeks and then our BBs will be out.

loinky, how are you?
I dunno whether to be excited or nervous. heehee...now when rest is the most impt, it's the most difficult period to rest. Coz always uncomfortable - lie down flat also cannot, sleep upright maciam like not proper rest (imagine sleeping on a flight kinda thing). Haiz...plus wake up so often to visit the loo, and breathless-ness...aiyoh.

Oh, the link horh...I think it's to do with the mother's Chinese birthday age...u know, our chinese age, we're 1 yr older (or something like that?). Not too sure lah. heehee...

Ivied, not necessarily. heehee...Sekali Crystalz's BB decides to come out early? (hope not...hope she stays all the way). Or my BB decide to come out later? hehs...coz our EDD only 2 days apart.

Yah lorh, janf, your hubby quite listen to u...hehs.


New Member
I finally can catch a breather!!!

to all mummys-to-be, remember to tell your hubbies to sms anyone of us the momment BBs arrive.

btw, just got to know that the trishaw uncle was born without a right ear.


Active Member
yah, I read that on The New Paper online. Also good that he doesn't understand what the tourists were saying. Sometimes, better to go about life with some ignorance...but he didn't get his $$. haiz.


New Member
Met up with Lance for lunch just now. Had sushi and so full now. How I wish I can have a good zzzz....

Poor old man. He may not be able to hear/understand them well, but I believe the ang moh's body language would be bad enough for him to feel awful.


Active Member
According to TNP's article, the uncle has actually forgotten about the incident. I think this is something I have to learn from the uncle. Just put unhappy things behind and get on with life. Ignore how others behave.


New Member
Fully agree. Put all unhappiness behind. I actually learnt this from a 8 yr old boy. He was upset after a day in school. When I asked him what's wrong, he said: ä¸å¼€å¿ƒçš„事就别æ了


New Member
Ignorance is really a bliss sometimes.

Here's something I learnt when I was in Hainan Island:


è€äººçˆ¬æ ‘比猴快
三个è€é¼ ä¸€éº»è¢‹


New Member
juz back.. hes smiling at his new toy now while charging.. TianAh haha..
aiyoh not he listen to me lah.. more like he juz got his promotion so he said wana reward himself blah blah, wat can i say haha..

wat nellie posted meaningful.. somethg to ponder abt..



haha i hope bb out during my 37 or 38 weeks...
i got bad water retention leh... and my weight is piling rapidly which i duno y.. haiz.. sleeping oso having pelvic pain.. but for the bb i still can 'ren'


New Member
Wah Crystalz.. Y ask baby to come out faster? carry to full term better.. i still have a long way to go..

CSI.. eveyday cannot sleep properly.. keep dreaming the whole night..end up very super tired the next day.. Finally friday

when r u girls taking ur maternity leave..


Active Member
loinky, hehs...u got lots of dreams. But yah, I also cannot sleep properly everyday. I had lots of dreams at one stage of the pregnancy too. But now, it's mostly coz of body aches, uncomfortable position, every now and then wake up to visit the loo, cannot breathe well...that makes me wake up. So everyday also very tired. Read somewhere that it's our body's way of making us get used to the night feeds (every 2-3 hours feed once - imagine, feed liao, still must burp. Whole process takes dunno how long)...

I haven't decided when to take ML yet. See how lah.

Eh...I dun quite understand what Nellie posted leh. My chinese not so cheem...heehee...


New Member
Hi folks,

I am wondering that for our coming Xmas gathering on 15th Dec at Sherrie's, could we make it a lunch gathering at say 12noon?


Hi mais, how are all of you doing? I am so busy studying these few days. No time to surf net. Haiz. You all busy making babies and preparing for babies ah? Ha ha.

Huiz: What happen to your nick again?


New Member
Crystalz is a lucky woman.. haha..

CSI- saw my friend feeding her 1 1/2mth old baby..ard 1 hr.. sleep less than 1 hr.. feed again.. so tedious..



haha bo bian leh... i rather work.. but because of my previous m/c, my hubby ask me to stop working loh.

your friend should be feeding breast milk rite? Cos easy to digest... so some children will feed more often...


New Member
Hello everybody,

I'll explain what the æµ·å—八怪 means during our Xmas gathering.

ok, let's talk abt the gift exchange for Xmas.

1. Gift budget abt $40 as it's meant for both husband and wife. Is that ok?

2. Each couple will be given a number. I'll do a 'lucky draw' to see which couple is buying their xmas gift for. I'll be the only person to know all. ok?

3. Please don't forget to buy presents for the young ones.

Ah mais & Ah kor, submit your names to me thru email, msn or sms me now. Numbers will be allocated based on 1st come 1st serve.
