blueangel: my banquet is on a wkend so it comes with 2 nights stay in the bridal suite. During my first inspection we asked if I can get an extra day use room for helpers, extra invitation cards and extra carpark coupons, all these were rejected. carpark they cant give extra is because they outsource to wilson parking but we can purchase extras at $3.50/coupon or something. but anyway per entry after 6pm or 7pm is already $3.50 so no point buying extra coupons. invitation cards, GWP can give me additional 10+ more cards on top of the 70%. But if you are taking up the wedding show perks by dreamweaver then it is strictly 70%.
Yes the 4 projectors at windsor ballroom is complimentary. Oh ya, in the contract I also made Anthony include an extra clause saying that there will be a complimentary use of basic sound system (eg microphones, speakers, cd player etc). I'm quite kiasu, so better state it properly black and white to avoid any misunderstandings JUST in case Anthony resigns. From this forum i realise their turn over rate for their wedding coordinator is quite high so better to be safe than sorry. Anthony told me he just join GWP 4 months ago and he was previously working for Suntec Convention centre as a wedding specialist. So I guess that explains why he might seem unprofessional in the way he express himself since he was not from a 5 star hotel.
Kass: promfret is fresh frozen because it is imported from another country. Seabass is a fillet fish (some elderly might not like it because no head no tail), garoupa and another fish in the menu i cant remember the name is fresh. Fresh as in it is from Singapore, the fish is slaughter in sg and send into the GWP kitchen. garoupa is salt water fish i think. The other fish in the list above sea bass is a fresh water fish. Sorry i dont have the menu with me right now but i can remember the sequence in the menu.
Kass, u change frm a 9 course to 8 course is it because urs is a wkday dinner? so you upgraded which dish?
I am not getting the DBS credit card promo because i dont find it very worth it as the wine consumption once the dinner commence is very low as most of your friends and relatives might be driving. Whereas during cocktail reception the wine and beer consumption is crazy. Unless your relatives and friends are big drinkers and you are afraid you might exceed the complimentary bottles then i suggest u take up the DBS promo.
Hubby will be using krisflyer card for the banquet and wedding expenses to earn miles for our honeymoon.